Deadlier Than The Male - excerpt exclusive for Steemit

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Hazel’s recovery was not quite complete by the time of the full moon. In order to prevent a wounded and weakened Wolf prowling under the influence of instinct alone, and therefore the possibility of falling prey to vengeful villagers, she was again imprisoned in the dungeons as she came towards her turning.

This time, though, she would have company.

Hazel was helped into the dungeon just after lunch. A bed had been made up in the largest cell and she was assured that she would not be left alone. Sure enough, later in the day, a young girl brought down a tray of food for Hazel as she lay talking to Luke.

When the girl did not leave after setting down the tray, Hazel asked: “Do you want something?”

The girl curtseyed, almost tripped over her own feet and replied: “Please miss, I am to sit with you while the master dines with Mistress Victoria in the dining room.”

“Ah yes of course.” Luke said and got up to leave.

“Luke? Don’t go; I am frightened.” Hazel took hold of his arm.

“I shall be back very soon Hazel. I promise.” Luke said, but didn’t move until Hazel removed her hand.

Luke smiled at the serving girl as he turned away from Hazel. Before he was out of the cell, the girl had sat herself on the bed, quite close to Hazel. Luke realised at once why this girl had been sent to Hazel.

After locking the main door to the subterranean chambers, Luke made his way to the dining room, expecting to find Victoria there. The table was set with food already, but Victoria was nowhere to be seen. Polly was at the table, finishing laying cutlery.

“Where is Lady Victoria?” He asked.

“I don’t know sir.” Polly replied. “I don’t think she’s gone out yet. She may be dressing for dinner?”

“Yes, she must be thank you… Polly?”

“That’s right sir.” Polly giggled as she bobbed a curtsey. “You’re getting used to the differences between us.”

Luke smiled back at her and went over to the cabinet where there sat a decanter and glasses on a pewter tray. He was watching the moon rise through the windows and wondering how long he could wait before starting without Victoria, when she arrived, resplendent in a black velvet gown. She swept into the dining room on the arm of a man Luke had never seen before.

“Luke, this is Emilio the youngest son of my favourite uncle. He is to stay with us for the time-being.” Victoria said.

Emilio walked over to Luke with his right hand extended. Luke shook his hand and as he did, he turned Emilio’s hand over in order to examine the back of it - or rather, the ring on the middle finger. It was a pentagram the size of a sovereign. It appeared to be silver, but that could not be possible, Luke had felt no pain as he touched it and he was almost certain this guest was wolf too. How could he be wearing a silver ring then?
Emilio looked at the back of his own hand when Luke let go of it and laughed. “It is pewter, but it looks just like silver doesn’t it?” He said.

“Yes it does, very much so. It is a magnificent design.” Luke said.

“Emilio had that ring and this pendant made especially for his visit.” Victoria held up her throat ornament in order for Luke and Emilio to see it better, as well as to give Emilio an opportunity to glance at her ample bosom.

“It is but a token, lady.” Emilio bowed with a flamboyance that made Luke smile.

Luke rolled his eyes upwards at the flirting that was going on between them.

“Victoria, the girl you sent to Hazel, who is she?” Luke asked.

“Ah, that is my token to Hazel.” Emilio said. “She was a waif brought home by my sentimental sister. She has proven to be clumsy, forward and unaware of her place in my father’s household. She talks to us for heaven’s sake! She asked me how I was feeling on the morning after a particularly lively party. I am afraid she is surplus to requirements, but who wants a clot for a servant? We cannot hand her to another household – what would they think of our standards if that is the level of manners emerging from our house? Moreover, we cannot send her back to her family; she has none. So when we heard of the newly whelped prophesy and Victoria’s dilemma in healing her, we were only too delighted to help. It is, of course, the least we could do.”

“What exactly do you mean, Emilio?” Luke hid the fact that he seethed at the thought of Hazel being the subject of gossip.

“Well, she is of course, very valuable to us all, and she cannot very well go hunting in her weakened state. Although, from what I hear of her, she may well be worth escorting out one night. I may volunteer for that task myself once she has healed.” Emilio said with a conspiratorial wink and a leering gleam in his eye.

Emilio either did not know that Hazel was married to Luke or he assumed that Luke would not mind Emilio talking about her in such a manner. Victoria knew what Luke’s reaction would be and stepped between them before Luke could take hold of Emilio.

“Luke is Hazel’s husband, Emilio.” She said trying to diffuse the situation.

“Ah, I see. I do beg your pardon sir. Had I realised, I most certainly would not have been so coarse in referring to your wife.” Emilio said.

“Apology accepted, but you have certainly told me how our society regards my wife and I am not best pleased.” Luke replied.

“Luke, don’t be so sensitive! Oscar and I do not regard Hanna that way and everyone who has ever met her loves her dearly. She is naturally charming, intelligent and most attractive, especially in her unusual pelt colour. Emilio, she is testa rossa – a redhead! When she Wolfs, she is the colour of a fox. It is most striking. You will adore her.” Victoria gushed.

“I know I will. When can we see her?” Emilio said.

“Right after dinner I think. The moon should just be visible through the lower windows by then.” Victoria turned to Luke “If you think she will not mind of course Luke?”

“I do not think she will mind this evening, but tomorrow, when she learns that you brought an audience, she may.” Luke said.

“There will be no audience, Luke. You will be with her as she turns, in order to help should she require it. I am a dear friend and I think Hazel would not mind too much if Emilio were to watch his gift being received?” Victoria said.

“It shall be just as you wish, my lady.” Luke bowed, mocking Emilio’s manner. “If you will give me leave, I will go to Hazel now, time is drawing on. I do not want Hazel to be alone when she Wolfs.”

“Of course, we can dine later.” Victoria said, forgiving him his perceived slight against her guest. “We will follow in a few moments. Leave the upper door to the chambers unlocked please.”

Again Luke bowed and then turned on his heel and exited the room. Once outside the dining room, he almost ran down the hall to the steps leading to the lower floor.

Images from Pixabay


A very quick read. I much enjoyed this and look forward to more of the story :)

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