New Story – With new ideas and directions to hand. I’m writing this and posting it straight onto Steemit – You can’t get more exclusive than that! Episode 6

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Episode 6

Ash went into the living room and was more than relieved that the incident of the day before wasn’t repeated. Justin had managed to get himself up and into his chair. All Robin had to do was dress him. His t-shirt and shorts were baggy and wrinkled from sleeping in them, but Robin was already on his way up the stairs to fetch clean clothes.

Ash went around the back of Justin’s chair to fetch the piss bucket. Rather than being a little over half-full like it had been every other time, it was brimming right to the lip of the bucket.

How he’d managed to piss so much in an evening was beyond Ash. It also looked suspiciously cloudy and Ash looked from the piss bucket to Justin and caught him looking to see Ash’s reaction.

“You’re taking the piss, aren’t you?” Ash said with a rueful smile.

“No, that’s what I pay you for,” Justin said.

Ash knew that whatever happened next, how she reacted, would determine how the relationship would go from then on.

Ash sighed and went towards the kitchen. “I’ll make a deal with you,” she said.

“You’re not quitting, are you?” Justin’s voice had a touch of panic, a tiny bit of disappointment.

“No, I’m dealing with this,” Ash said, returning with another, smaller bucket.

When she got back to the piss bucket, she made sure Justin couldn’t see what she was doing. He could hear her pouring piss from one bucket to the other, but he couldn’t see how she was doing it.

The smaller bucket was half-full before she allowed him a glimpse at her method of decanting piss.

“You little fucker!” That’s my best glass!” Justin yelled.

It was indeed, his favourite glass. A half-pint mug with a handle on it which made it easier for him to drink from.

“No wonder it’s your favourite glass,” Ash said with a grin. “It’s just right for ladling piss.”

Ash stood upright to face Justin. She held a glass-full of piss.

“Here’s the deal, Justin,” she said though he’d not yet given her permission to use his first name. “You don’t take the piss, and I won’t use your best glass when I DO take it.”

She watched his face. He wasn’t angry, but he was curious.

“No more tea-dregs in the piss bucket. No more testing me. I’ve not let you down and I won’t if I can help it. This isn’t my ideal job but I like the idea of that tenner on Friday and I don’t want to quit, but putting extra onto my job really is taking the piss. Next time, I’ll not only use your best glass, I’ll not wash it before I give you a drink in it.”

She glared at him as he weighed up his response.

“Yeah, OK Kid,” he said. “And you can call me Justin.”

Ash grinned. “Good decision. If you’d said anything different, you’d be wearing this and I’d have thought ‘fuck the tenner!’.”

Justin blinked and then he laughed.

“Don’t start coughing!” Ash said. “This is the only glass clean enough for you to drink from!”

Justin spluttered at that remark and was close to a coughing fit again.

“Stop it!” Robin yelled from the living room door. “Stop making the daft twat laugh!”

Ash went off to school that morning, more cheerful than she’d been in a long time.

Even having to empty two buckets of piss was better than waking up in a piss-wet bed.

Images from google


I don't know how you think of some things but that looks very much like my pint pot!

No... I'm sure I didn't use yours... ;)

Almost sure...

good post. follow me @goga

You follow me too? @youranarse

Such a good read. Revenge huh!!

Not yet... almost...

I am votes and resteem

Sent a cold chill down my spine!! Dramatic...and Hats earned an instant Follower! Dont let your beautiful mind ever stop processing!! Will be waiting for the next episode.

Thank you! I'm pleased you enjoyed it :)

I can see a big finish. I can't wait:)

Ohh! What happens next?

Wait... that's your line... isn't it? :D

Got me! Hahaha

Full of piss and vinegar, isn't she? Good for her!

Hahaha! Trying not to be, I think!

Hahaha! Really enjoyed this episode - looking forward to the next. :)

Thank you - so am I ;)

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