New Story – With new ideas and directions to hand. I’m writing this and posting it straight onto Steemit – You can’t get more exclusive than that! Episode 8

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Ash ran down streets and gardens, leaping over fences and running down paths in her efforts to lose any pursuit. The fact was, no one had had chance to chase her and her efforts were unnecessary.

She leaped into Justin’s garden and went towards the open back door. An angry woman came rushing out and startled Ash.

“Clear off, you little bastard!” the woman shouted, waving an arm as if to ‘shoo’ Ash from the garden.

“Oh, you must be Brenda,” Ash said, but she stopped in her tracks, she didn’t want to risk Brenda’s wrath any more than she had already.

“Why aren’t you at school and do I know you?”

“No, you don’t know me. I empty Justin’s piss bucket for him,” Ash said and began walking toward the house.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Brenda said.


“Why aren’t you at school? You didn’t answer me when I asked.”

“No and I’m not going to answer you now, either. It’s none of your business. Just get back to doing what you were doing, I’ll get back to doing what I’m supposed to be doing.”

“You cheeky little bastard.”

Ash ignored her and went indoors.

“Hey, lad,” Justin said, barely looking up from the television. “Why aren’t you at school?”

Ash caught the grin on Justin’s face and realised he was mocking Brenda.

“Oh you know,” Ash said. “I got caught trying to burn the place down and I had to leg it.”

Justin had to look at Ash to make sure that was a joke and he grinned.

“Make me a cuppa, will you, lad? This one’s not quite up to par.”

Ash took the mug and went into the kitchen. Brenda glared at her but kept out of Ash’s way as she made a fresh cup of tea.

“Do you want one, Brenda?” Ash said in a saccharine-sweet voice.

“No, I don’t want a cup of tea,” she snarled at Ash.

“OK, but if you change your mind…”

Brenda didn’t see the mischief in Ash’s eyes as she made two cups of tea.

Ash dropped the spoon into the washing-up water, making Brenda jump a little with the splash.

Brenda didn’t stay long after washing the dishes.

“See you tomorrow, I suppose you’ll do the bathroom then, will you?” Justin called to her as he watched her pass the back window beyond the television.

Ash couldn’t be sure, but she thought the ‘wave’ Brenda gave was more of a two-fingered one.

“So are you going to tell me why you’re not at school?” Justin said.


“Well what about telling me how you got a hand-sized bruise on your face?”

Ash looked at Justin but tried to hide the emotion.

“Coincidence,” Ash said.

“Don’t give me that, kid,” Justin said. “But if you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to. It’s not like I can force it out of you, is it. You’re ok to come here though. I suppose you’ve not told anyone about working for me?”

Ash studied Justin’s profile. He wasn’t showing anything of what he thought about any of it.

“No, nobody knows I’m working here, except Robin and now Brenda, but she doesn’t know me.”


Ash stayed at the house all afternoon but knew she’d have to go home to face the music at some point.

“What about this teacher? Is she going to be any help?” Justin said perhaps an hour before school was due to finish for the day.

“Yeah, I suppose I’d better go and let her know I’m ok…”

“Look, you could stay here, but I don’t think that would do either of us any good,” Justin said.

“No. I’ll go and sort it. Thank Justin, see you in a bit.”

“Yeah, and don’t worry about me telling Robin, I won’t. I’ll let you fill him in if you want to.”

“See you later then.”

Ash went back to school, clambered over the gate and found a way inside. The way back in was a harder task than escaping. The advantage of adrenaline doesn’t half help when clambering over gates and fences.

Mrs Dunlop didn’t seem surprised to see Ash when she knocked on the office door.

“Come in, Ashleigh. I think we have a lot to discuss.”

Ash nodded and stood in front of the desk.

“There’s not much I can tell you, Mrs Dunlop,” Ash said. “I got gobby and me dad clouted me a bit harder than he should. He didn’t use his fist, it was a slap.”

Mrs Dunlop pursed her lips and looked at Ash with a stern expression on her face.

“I don’t hold with hitting children to get a point across,” she said.

“Yeah, but I don’t play you up like I do mum and dad,” Ash said with a cheeky grin.

Mrs Dunlop shook her head. “Can I ask where you’ve been today?”

“You can ask, but I’m not gonna tell you,” Ash said.

“Fair enough, but is it safe?”

“Yeah, it’s safe and the best part is, mum and dad don’t know where it is. I’ve got a job. I help out this bloke and it’s an easy job, but I have to go first thing and straight after school. I’m not giving it up, I need the money.”

“You’re not even ten yet, Ashleigh, what on earth do you need money for?”

“Have you met me mum and dad, Mrs Dunlop?”

Mrs Dunlop had to concede that point.

“I’ll give your parents a ring and let them know you turned up. I’ll tell them you’re staying behind a little while after school to catch up on your studies and that arrangement will be for the foreseeable future. At least I can help a little with regards to making sure you don’t get a beating for being late home.”

“Thanks Mrs Dunlop, that’ll help no end.” Ash grinned, one problem solved. “Now, if you could just get me a bed so I don’t have to sleep with bed-wetter-Stacey, that’d be awesome.”

Mrs Dunlop laughed despite herself and said, “One problem at a time, if you don’t mind, Ashleigh. Off you go. Tell Mr Cooper to let you out of the gate so you don’t have to clamber over this time.

Images from google


Well, it's about time Ash got a bit of a break! Looking forward to tomorrow's (or the next) episode!

Yeah... it's a bit up-and-down for her right now

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