
Yes the cold days will be here soon

Luckily Bahbahra has a warm coat of her own and some scarves and such made for her by my wife

She is lucky!! I hope your wife had a little bit of wool left to make you a scarf too :)

Indeed she is so lucky

And no, well yes there was enough wool left to make one for me but the colors we got for Bahbahra just wouldn’t suit me

hahaha - I used to have a red scarf I made - when I was a teen, we used to knit all the time. I wanted a long scarf and ended up making it so long that twice wrapped around my neck, both ends still reached the ground LOL

I remember I guess in my morning d teens one holiday my mum and aunt try’s Ng to teach all the kids to knit and I made a scarf
It wasn’t that long and wasn’t that Even it got wider and thinner it all kinds of ways

Knitting was clearly not my thing lol

That is what happens in the beginning :)

Yes but not as varied as mine was
Now cross stitch I had a knack for 👍

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