Horror real stories .. Say goodbye to sleep and enjoy the sleep of nightmares

in #story7 years ago

Every night, sit there in the warmth and safety of your home reassuring, do not disturb your night anything, feel comfortable under the cover of your warm bed and sleep a comfortable sleep reassuring .. But no idea what you get outside your home, not far away from you .. In the depths of darkness. Those wild and empty places.

Have you ever thought of living your nightmares on the ground? What if those dreadful moments, from which a cryptic awakening turns into reality? It is not impossible to get .. Those nightmares that constantly terrorize people have already lived on the ground.

Web sites are full of experiences and real-life stories, some of which are healthy and others are not, but these stories that you will now know are very different from the previous ones.

But if you are one of those who are so affected by these things or are sitting in a dark place or late at night, I strongly advise you to light the place or to postpone reading these stories for the next morning. .. If you are one of those who claim to have iron hearts give me the opportunity to make you reconsider it.

Need a connection

Nathan and Heather, newly married brides on their way to their honeymoon in northern California, have a beautiful stay on the sea. They rode their car from the first evening and hoped to reach before the darkness caught them, but a wave of fog blocking the highway slowed their progress, An hour and a half away from their destination when the night fell and he was camping on the beautiful jungle road. Those who tried to drive along that road would see how narrow and narrow the road was, but Nathan was driving slowly and cautiously.

In one of the narrow corridors, the bride and groom showed a young woman standing by the road on her own, wearing white clothes and raising her thumb in reference to her need for a coupling.

  • Good luck to you in trying to get a link on a night like this .. Nathan mutters in a low voice.
  • Stop the car and turn .. (His wife said Heather) .. Please, it is lonely in the dark We must help and deliver.
    "We're two hours late," Nathan said with indignation.
  • I beg you.

Nathan surrendered to the insistence of his wife and withdrew to the side of the road and returned to the back, as they approached the girl left the window of the car noticed her weary white dress and pale pale face ..

  • Do you need a connection? The wife spoke to her.
    "Oh, thank you. I have to go home. I have been late and my parents may be very worried about me." The girl who appeared in her early twenties replied.
  • where is your home ? .. Nathan asked her.
    "At the bottom of the road, about 10 miles away," she said, riding the car. "There's a crossroads and a deserted gas station. On the other side you can see a white house with a big garden. My family is waiting for me there."

When the car started again and resumed its way north, Nathan tried to make a conversation with the girl, but the young girl was silent and sat quietly in the back seat of the car .. So the two men thought she was asleep. After about 15 minutes, the couple noticed a service station, Completely deserted of any light or movement.

  • Is this the station? .. Nathan asked the girl.

No answer .. Nathan repeated the question and did not receive any answer, turned to awaken the girl thinking that she slept but found in front of him the face of his wife scared, which said a sentence made Nathan shakes from the shock:

  • Nathan .. I've gone!
  • what do you mean ? How can she go! "Nathan replied in confusion as he entered his car on the way to the White House.

Lighted on their way, two people remained, an elderly couple asked Nathan and Heather if they could help them with anything.

  • I do not know .. We were driving our car and intercepted a young girl installed with us ..

But the old man interrupted Nathan as if he knew the answer in advance:

  • I asked you to come to her house .. and gave you this address.
  • Yeah !
  • And then disappeared .. True?

Nathan nodded approvingly in astonishment.

You are not crazy and you do not imagine, as you are not the first people to be exposed to such a situation .. That girl was our daughter and her name was Diane, died 7 years ago killed on the road run by a car driver fled after it did not recognize the actor until today .. I do not know what to say to you, but I think that the ghost will not rest until they find the killer.

Nathan and Heather were unable to speak. They were silent until the elderly wife offered them some tea to get rid of the shock, but Nathan thanked her and refused to excuse the delay in reaching the hostel. After an uncomfortable farewell exchange, Silent silence.

Do not light the room
Jolie and Mighie, two students in the high school science class and two in the bedroom. The professor had asked them to prepare for a midterm test, but Julie was not much interested in the matter and was neglecting her lessons at the expense of hanging out with one of the school's youth and attending the evening, Who was not interested in going anywhere other than her room in which to study. A day before the tests began, Magee was studying all day while Jolie was preparing to attend a party with her friends. She asked Meghi to accompany her to watch until the atmosphere changed and boredom, On her insistence and in the latter surrendered I decided to go out alone and leave Meghi in the room for tickets.

She went into the room and found her dark. She decided not to disturb Meghi and went to sleep nervous about the test, but decided to wake up early to ask for help from Meghi.

After hours of sleep, Jolie woke up and rose from her bed in the dark and headed to Meggie's bed to wake her. Meggie was stretched out on her stomach and did not move. Jolie turned to find signs of severe panic on her face, stretched out her hand and lit the small desk lamp. She fell down on the floor, unable to speak, raised her head and read a sentence written on the wall with Magee's blood: Are you not happy because you did not light the room?


Freedom ! So Austin shouted, the boy whose parents went on a rainy winter evening to finish important work in a nearby town and told him that they would return the next morning .. Austin began celebrating his happy Ames and ate all he wanted and did not stop playing video games until sunset, His black cat was sitting on the floor, covered in deep sleep. 4 hours after the departure of parents and the clock refers to seven pm, once Austin felt bored of the video games are closing the device until the phone rang home .. Thought that contact from his parents, raising the boy the earpiece .. And this was what he heard: "Hello Austin How I'll be here in a few minutes. That's all, see you later. " It is the voice of Uncle Anthony, the boy that his parents asked Uncle Anthony their relative who lives alone to come and spend the night with Austin.

The boy was upset and felt angry, he was upset with his mother, who thought she did not trust him, especially that she did not tell him about it .. His happiness evaporated on the night of freedom and sat quietly waiting for Uncle Anthony, but his cat was climbing his feet and courting .. Fifteen minutes passed and Uncle Anthony, It seems to be disrupted by rain and snow, the phone rang again, Austin turned to him and raised the speaker: Hi Austin How are you, I'll be here in a few minutes .. That's it, see you later.

Austin tried to speak but the line closed again. He was very surprised and contacted Anthony by cell phone but he did not answer. The boy did not think much about it and went to the kitchen to have the dinner his mother left him. He finished his food and looked for the hour to find a sign for the evening. Uncle Anthony was thinking of contacting his parents to tell them.

He opened the television with a low voice and sat down with some candy and fondled the fur of his cat. A few minutes later the bell rang, certainly he was Uncle Anthony! He walked towards the door but Uncle Anthony rang the bell again and again, which surprised the boy. Here the phone rang in the corridor leading to the door. Austin raised the receiver and heard the following: Hi Austin, how are you? I'll be here in a few minutes. Later .

The same voice and the same speech .. Astonished dumb .. It felt as if his heart will emerge from his place, looked at the door of the house with his eyes open at the top and the roads strengthened and strengthened .. Did not feel himself only climb the stairs faltering and being towards his room and cat follow him .. Hold his cell phone and contact But he did not receive any answer. His parents were busy and their phones were closed. The roads on the door did not stop, but he could not find another solution. They asked him to hide and tried to keep him on the line but he was the first Paranoid ended the call and hid behind the bed and his cat with him.

The silence was everywhere, the house was dark except for the sitting room and there was no sound but the sound of low television with Austin quick breaths, his black cat in his bosom quivering and expanding unconsciously about the gravity of the situation. Suddenly, the cat was caught in a suspicious manner by Austin and its doors widened In the dark, she looked at his face steadily and wagged in a weak, thin voice that made him try to silence her in all possible ways until she returned to her natural position in seconds.

Thirty minutes passed as if for a long time, Austin heard the sound of police cars as they approached the place and felt very comfortable .. After a few minutes four policemen broke into the house and went up to all the rooms until they reached the room of Austin, the policeman spoke loudly as if something serious had happened, The policeman asked him if he was okay and then ordered him out of the house until they searched the place and asked for reinforcements. One of the officers gave him a protective coat from the cold and then took him outside.

An hour later, an ambulance arrived at the house and a man was taken out and found among the bushes in the garden. He was Uncle Anthony, his head was stained with blood and moving with difficulty.

Stunned, Austin entered the house to find the policeman smiling and saying to him, "Austin you're lucky."

Then he told him the truth that made him refuse to stay alone in the house for the rest of his life. Someone broke into the house and ate food and stole some things as he wandered through most of the rooms. He also attacked Uncle Anthony to use his phone to trick Austin.

The unknown intruder knew of Uncle Anthony's visit to the house, and he asked if he had hidden under his bed or in the closet because the footprints extended to the bed. The boy looked at him in astonishment. He saw his cat lying on the opposite couch. She looked at him innocently and licked her hand, hoping for her eyes, and remembering that moment when he was hiding behind his bed and his cat was looking in his eyes. I realized the truth .. his black cat did not look at his eyes .. not at all .. but was contemplating the face behind him!

The Ghost Car
The Ghost Car

On December 11, 2002, two police officers called to see a car deviate by night in the English city of Port-au-Prince. After a police search and search of the place, a car was found hidden in the trees. The driver died a long time ago. The incident took place five months ago when the deceased driver was reported missing by his brother.


A story published by an American woman at a site claiming to be true, the least that can be said about this story is that it is fantastic. The woman who lives with her husband in a suburb of the big cities has gone through an unbelievable shocking situation .. This story that he -

My husband and I live in a rather isolated place on the outskirts of our city, although we are 50 years old, but we are one of the youngest inhabitants of the neighborhood and thirty or forty years younger than any neighbor, most of whom have grandchildren who regularly visit and care for them but not for men Which I always call his "professor".

What is in the basement?

A scary story recounted by a young man saying that he had signed up with his brother in their old family home, which dates back to the early 1990s. He was reunited at home with his brother, who was recently joined to a band with his friends in the band before they went for mass exercise. They were all outside the house but some equipment had to be brought from the basement.

When he reached the door of the cellar to find it dirty and full of dust, he went down the stairs and then took the equipment and they are on the rise, but as he was stepping up he remembered that he forgot the bag of pancakes there and returned to take the bag, bowed and then carried it and raised his head until he saw something terrible in the corner The interview is seen ... a mysterious shape like a blind eye with two eyes, was directly opposite him.

The young man felt awe and disquiet and stood in his place for a while. His parents had always learned to recite some prayers or say some sacred phrases when faced with such creatures, but in his confusion and desire to convince himself that it was normal, he looked at the spectrum and said, I have time for this nonsense. "

Then he turned quickly. He felt a quick, cold air behind him. He was tense and sweating, but he climbed up the stairs and closed the cellar door quickly after turning off the light. Then he walked to the front door. But the last light button had to be in the opposite direction of the front door, he went towards him and pressed him and when the house became dark until he felt strongly material behind his back and a slight shudder in his body, did not dare to pay attention and stop in his place, but fortunately The street light leaked to the house and shone the sitting room. He moved steadily toward the front door and quietly went out. Then he closed the door and walked toward the front gate. He came out and pulled him behind him, grinning, forced and angry with himself for his unnecessary fear.

He walked towards the truck where his friends were waiting and put the equipment he had brought in the load. Then he went up to the driver's seat and they ran the car, but he was surprised by one of his friends asking him in astonishment: "Wait a minute, what about your brother? "My brother, what do you mean? He went to work early in the night. Did you see his car nearby?"

His friend looked at him admiringly, and the next question was shocking: Who was walking behind you when I was leaving the house?

Annie writes ..
An anonymous conversation in social networking sites is said to be real and it took place between two anonymous people talking about "Wattsab" late at night and getting a suspicious order that makes both trembling, I give you my translation for this conversation.

Annie (1:31): Are you asleep?
David (1:31): No, I hope you will not be so
Annie (1:32): I can not sleep, it's the wind. Its annoying voice is like a cat's fight.
David: I'll remember
Annie (1:34): Enough .. I know you are messing with Haha
David (1:36): I still can not understand what Johnny did today ..
Annie (1:36): I also, this boy suffers from disturbances .. The wind is very strong and the weather is turned over .. This does not seem normal
David (1:36): No wind here, just rain.
Annie (1:37): You're lucky .. I need to enjoy my nice quiet sleep
David (1:37): Of course it is
Annie (1:38): I think I heard footsteps on gravel outside.
David (1:39): Bring your crazy father to check him out
Annie (1:39): I'm alone at home! Family on vacation Do you remember? I told you..
David (1:40): Really? till when ? We have to hang out together
Annie (1:40): She really looks like a footstep but there's something strange about her .. I need to get up and make sure but I can not leave my warm bed
David (1:41): Are you sure you want to look out the window while you're alone? What if someone in the park is looking for you?
Annie (1:42): David this is not funny
David (1:42): I'm sure it's ridiculous.
Annie (1:42): I'm going to make sure I'm back ..
David (1:43): Could it be one of your neighbors?
Annie (1:45): David there's someone in the park !!
David (1:45): What really?
Annie (1:45): Yes! I can see the back of a man ..
David (1:46): And what does he do?
Annie (1:46): Looks like he's looking for something. On his hands and knees between the shrubs ..
David (1:46): hahaha it looks like in another world .. probably be looking for his drugs haha
Annie (1:48): David is serious what should I do ??
David (1:49): Nothing! He will certainly leave himself
Annie (1:49): My God, he digs his bare hands in the dust. He destroys the garden!
David (1:50): How is his form?
Annie (1:51): David, that's not funny
David (1:51): What?
Annie (1:51): How can you do it?
David (1:52): What are you talking about?
Annie (1:54): I can see you, this is you in the garden! How do you write without touching your phone? Look up I'm in the window Can not hear me click on it?
David (1:54): Now you are also scaring me. Absolutely. I am not in your garden.
Annie (1:54): Stop playing around! I can see your face. You also wear the ridiculous football jacket that you are proud of.
David (1:55): Someone should be like me .. Honestly, I'm at home. I'm not messing around like that.
Annie (1:55): It should be one of your friends trying to do a sick heart .. than others can wear your jacket !!
David (1:55): There are many batches of similar jackets. None of my friends are like me. I'm in control of your thinking
Annie (1:55): He's digging again.
David (1:56): Annie, do you have a gun in your house?
Annie (1:56): Do not be silly David .. I can not shoot anyone.
David (1:57): You do not have to use it. Just show that you're carrying it.
Annie (1:57): Is not your jacket bearing your name on the back?
David (1:58): Yes, every element in the team has his name on his back.
Annie (2:00): I can see your damn name !!
David (2:00): What
Annie (2:01) What this David is what this is
David (2:04): Annie the sweater in the closet ..
Annie (2:04): Why did he see me? Why does he smile like that? He's coming
David (2:04): Call the police !!!
David (2:07): Annie?! Annie Ajibi ..
David (2:12): I called the police and told them that there was an attempt to storm your house. They said they would arrive, but within half an hour. Are you here?
Annie writes ..
Annie (2:17): It is at home. I can not talk. I have to be quiet. The lights are off. I'm in the closet carrying a knife. It's hard to write I'm trembling ..
David (2:17): Damn, listen, Annie, I need your place. The police will be with you in 20 minutes. Do you know where he is now?
Annie (2:17): Do not say it. The look on his face when he saw me .. There is no human being who can look like this ..
David (2:17): My God, do you know where you are?
Annie (2:17): No, I took the knife when I saw him running towards the door and hid in the closet when I heard him breaking into the house
David (2:18): Well well you'll be fine .. Drug abusers do not have enough awareness to find someone hiding in a closet .. Police will arrive soon!
Annie (2:18): My God he calls me .. His voice does not look like your voice David .. His voice deep .. Filling the house .. Filling my head
David (2:18): What to say
Annie (2:19): "Take out Annie ... I just want to look at you." Repeats this time after time .. Did I get mad at David? Does it look like this?
David (2:21): Only 10 more minutes Annie! We'll spend it together! You strong will surpass this!
Annie (2:21): He goes up the stairs but ... very slowly .. with irregular steps. Why does David look like you? Why do you look like you?
David (2:21): I do not know Annie !! Please believe me
Annie (2:21): Can you stop it? I beg you to stop it
David (2:22): If I could have done I swear to you
Annie (2:22): It is at the end of the gallery. David I did not say anything to my parents while they were leaving. I was listening to music. Was this the last time I saw them?
David (2:23): Annie ..
Annie: (2:23): It's something to do with David. You're the only one who can stop him. Think quickly
David (2:25): I do not know where I am, O Lord, help us
Annie (2:25): I beg you ...
David (2:27): May be so, because I think of you so much .. I think of you all the time
Annie (2:28): Stop the permission.
David (2:28): I do not know how
Annie (2:29): There's something about walls and getting closer. Please David.
David (2:29): I'm trying. I try my best
Annie (2:31): He's lacking .. Try harder ..
Annie (2:32): Where was what you do, it succeeds.
Annie (2:34): It's stopped. I can not hear anything.
David (2:34): Really ?? You do not have to go out yet! I stay there until the police arrive!
Annie (2:34): What should I tell them if he has gone?
David (2:34): Everything is Annie everything you told me
Annie (2:34): I did not know you felt that way toward me David
David (2:35): I'm very happy that it's over
Annie (2:35): Can you come here in the morning, David? I really want to see you
David (2:36): Of course Annie will be there ..
Annie (2:38): Awesome! I can not wait !
David (2:40): Annie ...
David (2:42): Annie How can I make sure you're the one who's talking to me?

  • Annie Not Connected -

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