The Stranger… (orig short story)

in #story7 years ago

(Big Jim and Baby Jesse)

The Stranger

They met in a flurry of excited fans.., all gearing for one of the greatest rivalries in all of baseball -- the New York Yankees vs the Boston Red Sox… It was a beautiful sunny day, not too hot -- perfect weather for a ballgame. He was there to remember better days, all the times he walked up those stairs to bleachers, side by side with his Dad -- whenever the Sox came to town, his Dad made sure to score two tickets for him and his son. As his Dad got older, making sure they had tickets in hand fell on his shoulders.., and he wouldn't have it any other way…

Only this series vs the Sox, he was alone.., his Dad had been killed a few years earlier coming to the aide of a woman and her young child.., and even with a bullet lodged in his chest, he was able to subdue a much younger, much larger man, who had been smacking around a very pretty woman and trying to pull her child into the back of a van, as she screamed, in vain, for help -- but nobody did a thing, until Big Jim, that's what everyone called him, not only put a stop to this horrific scene, he threw the much younger, much bigger guy to the ground and placed his knee on the guys face until the cops pulled up, just minutes later.

Unfortunately, it would be the last act of heroism he would ever perform… It was a big story, splashed across all the local papers -- "Ex Hero Marine Saves The Day Again!" He bled out before he even made it to the hospital, before his son could say goodbye… And that would be the end to all those amazing times spent watching their heroes, the Bronx Bombers.., together from the bleachers.

Jameson, his son (Yes, he was named after a whisky) -- had not been to a Yankee game since… But after all these years, on the 7th anniversary of his Dads death.., he decided it was time to go relive some of those amazing memories, only he had no idea all the emotions that would almost overwhelm him… And just as the Yankees stepped up to the plate in the bottom of the first, he couldn't take it.., and got up to leave… When all of a sudden, you hear the crack of the bat and the ball is heading directly for the first row of the bleachers -- on a line… I mean, this ball was blistering it was hit so hard.., and not only was it heading for the bleachers, it was on target to hit a young boy right in the head, who had arrived late for his first ever Yankee game with his Mom… And just as this boy is about to be beaned with this blistering shot, a hand comes out of nowhere and snatches the ball right out of the air, surely saving this kid from serious injury or worse…

The whole crowd goes crazy!

Not only are they cheering the homer by one of their favorite players, they are chanting Jameson's name -- JAMESON -- JAMESON -- JAMESON… Even the announcers can't help but go on and on about this amazing bare-handed catch… The mother of the young boy is beside herself, her son still in a bit of shock -- as Jameson nods to the woman, he tosses the ball to young boy.., and heads for the exit.

WAIT, WAIT.., the woman yells -- "are you leaving, the game just started, at least let me buy you a hotdog and beer -- you just saved my son from being the lead story on tonights news." As Jameson stops to respond to this rather pretty young mother, he points to the Jumbotron, as they replay the whole almost gruesome scene -- "Well, you might not be the lead story on the new, but you certainly made the Sports Center highlight reel." And then he looks down at the young boy -- "Are you okay, you gotta stay on your toes out here in the bleachers, they don't call 'em the Bronx Bombers for nothing" and gives him a big smile.

The three of them wind-up watching the whole game, having the time of their lives. It's the boys first major league game.., and Jameson's first game since his Dad died… They devour hotdogs, peanuts, nachos.., just about everything you can get at a baseball game -- and really enjoy a day at the ballpark like you are supposed too… And as they are saying goodbye to each in the parking lot, Jameson has the feeling he knows this woman, but can't quite put his finger on from where… But before they go there separate ways, the woman still extremely grateful, asks Jameson if he might want to join them for dinner -- a good home cooked meal.

"Sure, I'd love to.., that sounds great…" By the tiny little smile on her face, you can tell she's pleased by his answer -- and the boy is ecstatic, that his new hero is coming over for dinner! It's obvious there is an attraction between Jameson and this young mother, Sara.., and it's definitely no secret the young boy is his biggest fan… After an amazing dinner, something Jameson is not really used too, he usually just grabs some to-go food from somewhere and eats it out of the bag, they head into the living room for some coffee.

The young boy, Jesse, is zonked out from all the excitement of his first major league baseball game and Sara carries him to bed.., and as she heads back to the living room, Jameson is looking through a big photo album on the coffee table. And just as Sara comes back with a bottle of wine and two glasses, Jameson is stunned at what he sees in the middle of this photo album.., it's a newspaper cover --

Ex Hero Marine Saves The Day Again!

She's the woman Jameson's Dad helped out that day.., and Jesse is the boy he saved… His face turns white as a sheet.., and she can immediately tell something is up -- "You're the woman.., and Jesse is --" Sara is a little freaked out.., and then Jameson says -- "Big Jim was my Dad." Sara almost faints as the words are coming out of his mouth.., and tears start to form in her eyes…

"Big Jim -- your Dad.., saved our lives that day -- I couldn't believe.., a complete stranger, stepped up to help us. My ex would have killed me that day and kidnapped Jesse and sold him to a couple in another country for drug money -- that piece of shit." The tears are now flowing down her face -- "I never got a chance to thank him.., Im so sorry he had to die --IM SO SORRY!" She is a complete mess, as if she is reliving the extremely frightening moments of that day… "Nobody would help us, they all just walked by.., and just as my ex took out his gun, your Dad came out of nowhere and knocked him on his ass.., and then we heard the shot, but still, he held him down on the ground, making sure he couldn't get at us until the cops pulled up.., and the he just slumped over and we saw the blood coming from his chest. He really did save Jesse, just like you did earlier today."

Neither one of them can believe how crazy this whole situation is.., and Sara finishes by saying -- "today is the second time my son, the most important thing in my life was saved by a complete stranger…" Jameson finally, for the first time since his Dad passed away.., feels some closure, that he didn't die for nothing… He looks at Sara, wipes the tears from her face -- "I guess you can safely say.., we are no longer strangers."

Image Source: 1


History repeats itself In this story .Excellent script and good correlation events

this was a great story thanks for sharing this

That's an amazing story with a twist I didn't see coming, and a nice happy ending! Thanks, I needed this!

Thanks @kenny-crane... Glad I could help... :))

Cheers Bro!

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