THE MEDIUM -- Psychics Are People Too… (Part 2)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

At the end of Part 1.., our endearing psychic -- Sophie, has just been smacked right in the face, with the love of her life -- or should I say lifetimes… Her real world, psychic world.., and past worlds are all colliding -- while standing in the middle of a room surrounded by the most powerful people on the planet!



Sophie is frozen like a deer in headlights.., as the sound of his voice vibrates through her, gently brushing past her heart and caressing her soul, like it had so many times before… And as if she is giving a reading to one of her past lives clients.., people from her past lives -- dead people, are flooding her mind… People she hadn't thought of in hundreds of years, but all of whom, experienced their love… Like some kind of surreal slideshow flashing through her mind, all with the same message -- YOU MUST TELL HIM WHO YOU ARE!

Now, Sophie was used to talking to dead people -- she was really good at it, actually… But it was always with people she didn't know -- sure they were dead, but she never new them, had no connection to them, they were just random dead people to her… So seeing all these friends from her past lives that she and this man, had spent such special times -- was freaking her out!

She grabbed the glass of champagne out of his hand.., and downed it. There was absolutely no-way she was capable of dealing with such a massive "little" surprise.., so she immediately excused herself -- and locked herself in the restroom. Her head still spinning from the shock of what is going on, she needs a moment alone -- but as soon as she slams the bathroom door closed -- those dead people show up… Only this time, Sophie talks back to them, like they were right there, in the room -- "Sophie, get out there and tell him of your love, immediately" "That's your Man out there" What's the problem, why are you hiding in the damn john?!"

They are relentless...

Finally.., Sophie lets out in a wild burst -- "Why doesn't he know me, I know him…" How can he not remember me..?" She is on the floor in ball, a complete mess… When all of these images from her mind -- the dead people, start to actually materialize in the bathroom to comfort her -- My dear, don't you know, he is unable, on his own -- to remember you… The moment of your last death, as he rushed to your side, to protect the most important thing in the world to him -- you were mortally struck, just a split second before his arrival.., and died in his arms… As he felt the life drain from your being, all the love drained from his heart.., and as soon as the last drop was gone -- he was killed, too."

Just moments after your own death, in as much time as it takes, for all the love in your heart to evaporate.., his life was just as viciously cut short -- and he died with no love at all in his heart… He never had time to release the hate, he felt in that moment --

"He has not felt or experienced true love, ever since…"

Sophie is FLOORED! All the dead people, these ghosts from her past, just assumed she knew… "How come nobody ever told me this," she responds, rather indignantly. The ghosts just look at her, like she must be kidding them -- with all of her psychic abilities, how could she not know… Having all these friends, these old souls huddled around her, has inadvertently reminded her what it feels like to be loved -- there has been an absence of it in Sophie's life, too.

As a matter of fact, it has never been more obvious to her, that ever since that fateful day -- she has not had ANY relationships to speak of… Besides a casual boyfriend, if you could call it that -- her love life had been seriously lacking, to say the least... To be completely transparent.., it was NON-EXISTENT. It wasn't something she dwelled on, or put much energy into.., she busied herself with other things, in its place.

The one thing she knows for sure is -- she has got to get the hell out of the toilet! But she also knows this is no place to deal with such delicate matters… After all, she still had to give a bunch of "dead people" readings for a bunch of really rich folk… She touched up her make-up, pulled herself together and headed out, still having no idea what she was going to do -- but whatever it was, it wouldn't be tonight.

As she returned to the party, to be honest -- most people hadn't noticed a thing… She grabbed another champagne and was immediately approached by an elderly man, dressed and groomed impeccably, reeking of really old money… And the first thing he says to her is -- "I'd give every cent I have, if I could just have one more day with her… Is there any way we can talk with my wife --"

The look of loss and love that this man displays, is humanity at its finest… And she takes his hand -- "Hi, Im Sophie and your lovely wife has been waiting for you get up the nerve to approach me, she can't wait to talk to you…" Instantaneously, the tears well-up in his eyes and his whole body starts to shake, slightly.., as he tries to speak through the cracking of his voice -- "I miss you so much" -- Sophie lets him finish, but immediately responds -- "She knows, she feels your love everyday… She wants you to know, you will be together again.., that your love was for real -- and you will spend many lifetimes loving each other, so don't be so sad, all the time."

Although, the tears are now flowing freely down the mans face.., they seem to be tears of sadness -- and joy. Laughing and crying, he can feel her love -- for the first time since she passed. Sophie can feel it, too -- it is filling the whole room… And she suddenly has the feeling, that everything will work out -- for this lovely couple.., and her.

Whatever the exuberant cost to attend this evening.., it was worth every penny to this man… And it goes a lot like that, with the steady stream of people waiting to get her alone for a reading. The rest of the evening seems to have taken a turn for the better.., and an ever increasing sense of love pulses through this crowd, who had no idea they would be experiencing something so.., real. With an overwhelming message for the night being -- LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

Stay Tunes For Part 3.., when Sophie comes face to face with the man she has spent so many lifetimes. Not knowing if it is even possible to jar this mans memory, to reignite that spark of love, that part of the heart that retains, all that lost love that once existed...

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Enjoying this. Looking forward to the next post!

Thanks... CHEERS!

I love seeing this kind of stuff on Steemit :D

Thanks for posting!


Thanks, Bro!

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