PLAYING FOR KEEPS… (orig story) Part 4

in #story7 years ago




Those are the first words Charlie sees as he opens the second letter… Needless to say, he downs what's left of the whisky in his glass and immediately fills it back as he continues to read --

"Okay Charlie.., Im going to get right to the point, just like your grandfather -- I know, at the moment, you can't comprehend who or what I am… And all I can say is.., Im just like you -- or I was just like you, many times.., but after so many lifetimes on your planet, my soul stopped reincarnating into a human form… We.., there are a lot of us -- A LOT.., are what you will be someday -- some like to think of it as "enlightened..," I just think of it as part of the journey.

But enough about me -- this is all about you, Im afraid… Look, I know it sucks to be -- THE ONE… But the sooner you come to grips with it, the better -- because this is it, Charlie, when they send me -- it's the last resort. We have watched from afar (not as far as you think) in horror, at the atrocities you have committed against one another.., always believing there would come a point, you would turn it around -- the world as a whole, would wake up to all the unnecessary suffering.., and put an end to it.

We can't watch anymore, Charlie..
Not only are you fucking up your planet.., the energy that is emanating from here and vibrating through the universe, is so negative, it is having repercussions we could have never imagined… All the fear and hatred has interfered with the creation of any new souls -- THEY'RE AFRAID.., and just like that survival instinct all you humans have, they have one, too (where do you think you get it from).., and theirs has ceased the creation of any new souls -- they just stopped.

And that's where you come in -- you are the last new soul that had the balls to be born to this life -- YOU CHOOSE IT CHARLIE.., you choose to be the one! But you're not alone, your grandfather was right -- there's a symbol on that weird shaped stone that's in the envelope, that stone is your connection to me, so don't lose it. And so much of what you need to do right now is -- pay attention. There are others here that have been granted some form of the symbol, it might come in many different forms, so you must -- pay attention.., these people are being drawn to you, as we speak, they have at one time or another during this lifetime tried to kill themselves.., but something stopped them…

It was you, Charlie -- you stopped all these people from committing suicide.., just the thought of, that there was someone here on this planet.., that had the power to save it -- the thought of YOU has already saved countless lives.., and we haven't even started, yet!

Sorry to lay all this on you.., especially right after you found your grandfather dead, but -- it is what it is… There are things I will be able to help you with.., and if I have to bend a few universal laws, so be it… Because if we fail, Charlie -- IF YOU FAIL.., we all cease to exist. Well, that's all for now -- you've got one night to grief for your grandfather, that symbol will start to reveal itself to you, quickly.., so PAY ATTENTION, you're going to have to feel your way…

P.S., BTW -- you own a piece of the New York Yankees.., That pretty bartender can fill you in on the details -- I'll see you soon, Charlie -- very soon.*

The whole time Charlie has been reading.., he has consumed what was left of that bottle of whisky… Half in the bag (kinda drunk), he heads out to the living room and sitting on the table next to his grandfather is a bottle of 1926 Macallan whisky -- he pours a bit in his grandfathers glass, kisses him on the forehead.., grabs the bottle and heads for the roof.

He used to come up here all the time with his grandfather.., and listen to him go on and on, about how beautiful this skyline used to be -- how people came from all over the world just to see it -- it's skyscrapers mingling with the clouds and shining from high above… For the first time he could see it -- he could actually see the skyline his grandfather described to him a million times.., he could see it in his minds eye.

And he thought, as a tear rolled down his face -- "Man, it really was amazing!"

All of a sudden he hears someone singing (badly) --

"Oh Charlie Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the roses falling
It's you, It's you, must go, and I must bide"

It's Sin.., and she is pretty drunk herself… Once Charlie realizes it's Sin, he starts singing along, as they walk toward each other...

"But come ye back when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow
I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Charlie Boy, oh Charlie Boy, I love you so."

There is a long awkward pause, as they are now face to face -- and Sin leans in a gives him the sexiest, hottest kiss you can imagine… "Im gonna miss him"-- she says staring into his eyes. "Me too," responds Charlie… As Sin walks toward the edge of the roof, she says in a rather loud voice, basically screaming it to the universe -- "I KNOW WHO YOU ARE CHARLIE." Her back is facing him, as she stands at the very, very edge of the roof. Charlie is extremely uncomfortable at how close to the edge, she actually is.., and as he walks up behind her -- she tilts her head down, staring straight down at the street below, she gently moves her hair from the back of her neck revealing a tattoo.., and it's the same symbol as on the rock.


Charlie is floored.., but before he can say anything Sin just starts talking -- "Your grandfather found me sleeping up here, one night when I first started tending bar here, he knew right away I didn't have a real place to stay -- I was basically couch-surfing… We stayed up here for hours, as the sun came up right over those buildings, right there. The next day when I opened up, in the cash register were a set of keys to apartment right above the bar with a note that said -- WELCOME TO THE FAMILY."

"I loved him like he was my own, Charlie -- and he loved you more than you will ever know… So tonight lets drink to a man, that was so much more than just an integral part of the plan.., he was a beautiful soul." She fills both their glasses.., "but tonight we should, we deserve.., to get stinking drunk. And tomorrow.., I'll fill you in on what I know about saving the world -- CHEERS!"

Stay Tuned For Part 5

Charlie is in somewhat of a state of shock -- he found his grandfather dead, it's been confirmed he is some kind of "special" soul born to this world, for the sheer purpose of saving it.., and the woman he has had a crush on, has something to do with it all… It's a lot to swallow -- so tonight, he just gonna get drunk!

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It's exciting. Thank you very much for your work dear @macksby. Waiting for part 5! )

Keep up your story, I'm enjoying it completely!

Thanks @natureofbeing... Glad you're enjoying!

a good story, and shows some real writing chops. Good work.

Cheers @blazing... Thanks for the comment!

good story,Waiting for the next part

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