PLAYING FOR KEEPS… (orig story) Part 2

in #story7 years ago



Charlie pops up to check in on his grandfather.., and he sees the deed to the building that was sold to him years earlier, by the owner of the Yankees.., and some other paperwork… Thinking this is kind of strange, he immediately looks toward the bed, the bed his grandfather has been confined for the years -- it was either that bed or the wheel chair that now sat empty, just like the bed… A look of panic comes over Charlie's face when he realizes his grandfather is missing -- but before he freaks out completely.., he hears the water running in the kitchen…

As he heads for the kitchen, he sort of slows up before entering.., not really sure what he is going to find and he takes a minute to mentally prepare himself for the worst… But to his amazement.., he sees his grandfather STANDING in front of the kitchen sink -- SMOKING a cigarette!

"Hey kiddo, Im glad you're here, we've got a lot to talk about -- have a seat, Im just making a fresh pot of coffee." The look on Charlie's face is priceless.., he hasn't seen his grandfather standing up in years, never mind walking around, drinking coffee and smoking… It's so hard for him tho comprehend, as he tries to speak, he has a hard time even forming a complete sentence -- "What the -- Why aren't you -- How is this possible!" he finally spits out, as his face is now as white as a ghost.

Making his way to the kitchen table before he passes out.., he is joined by his grandfather, who glides through the kitchen like a man in perfect health -- not one over 100 years of age who has been been lying around waiting to die… "Here you go my boy…" as he hands Charlie a cup of coffee, he slams a bottle of Jameson Irish whisky on the table -- "you look like you need something to go with that coffee…"

And before Charlie can get his mind around what is going on.., his grandfather lifts the shot glass to the ceiling -- "Salute -- to your health!" and downs the whisky. "Drink up, Charlie -- it's a good day, look at me, moving like a young man.., AND IM DYING." Charlie shoots down the whisky and quickly pours himself another, as his grandfather proceeds to fill him in on this very surreal scene he has walked into to…

As they sit and drink their coffee.., and more and more whisky -- he tells Charlie, a year months ago an angel, but not some nice saintly angel, woke him up in the middle of the night… I was sure he had come to take me -- that I was dying.., but he just sat there with a grin on his face and an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips…

I just stared back at him,.. waiting for him to say something...

And then he spoke -- I almost fell right outta the damn bed when I heard the words that came out of his mouth… he looked deep in my eyes, the silence was deafening -- I was ready to die, I was ready to hear, Im hear to take you.., but you know what this cocky son of a bitch said.., YOU KNOW WHAT HE FREAKIN' SAID, CHARLIE --

"You got a light?"

I haven't laughed so hard in 40 years -- before I knew it, I was walking around the apartment, smoking and drinking.., I could hardly believe it myself. Even though this is sounding completely unbelievable, Charlie cannot deny what is happening right before his eyes.., but before he can say anything, his grandfather continues…

This "being..," that had come to me, that had rejuvenated my body and mind.., tried to explain who or what he was… And when he was done talking, the best way I understood it was that.., he was sort of like an archangel, some sort of high-ranking "being" that was only called upon when all else had failed -- he was the last resort. That the world could not go on much longer, in its present state.., it was actually so far out of balance, it's negative vibration was effecting the rest of the universe -- and that was becoming unacceptable. And that there were two ways this could go.., this world could change -- massively.., or he would have to make it go away…

You see Charlie, before you born the world was a much different place.., where it's people lived relatively happy lives. They raised families, took vacations, paid off their mortgages.., and watched their children go on to raise families of their own. They lived lives with meaning, they thrived to reach goals, be better people.., we had our challenges but we faced them together -- families, communities, friends.., and when really desperate, a little help from the government could be found. We were at a precipice.., people could feel it in the air -- a world that served us all, that we respected and revered, for all the gifts it supplied us…

But when all our innovation, the mind boggling technology that was supposed to make our lives easier -- all of our lives.., had been commandeered by the same super wealthy people that had taken over everything else… Im not kidding, either -- these people not only controlled what was left of the government, dominated, and to a certain degree controlled the internet.., they also owned just about all the real estate in the country… The rest of us, just stood by and let it happen.., sure there were protests and campaigns by the masses, only to be quickly squashed by the overwhelming wealth they would run up against, time after time…

Eventually, I guess they just got tired of losing.., and stopped trying…


I can remember that night down in the bar.., when the owner of the New York Yankees sold me this whole damn place for a measly $700… The place was packed, everyone there to see their hometown team win the world series, with one swing of the bat, in the bottom of the 9th -- it was insane, the whole place was overflowing with joy.., but right underneath all that excitement, was an overwhelming sense of sadness… Things were starting to get bad.., that balance I mentioned was completely out of whack -- for some people, watching the Yankees was the only thing that bought them any joy.., it was all they had left…

The first night I spent in this apartment, all those years ago -- I felt a shift.., I could see and feel all that was wrong with the world like never before -- so much so, it affected my perceptions.., my reality. I couldn't stop thinking about the words he said when he sold me this place -- "You're a very integral part of the plan, it won't happen overnight, but one day you will understand, what an important man you are…" I sure didn't feel important -- but my recent unannounced visitor, has explained what these words mean…

He explained that when the human race put chasing the almighty dollar, before anything else.., we started to become less empathetic and compassionate… We became more isolated and conniving -- with a more money, higher profits, anything for a buck mentality, the energy we were creating had started to effect the universe negatively… A "being" would need to be born to shift this energy.., or eventually it would be the demise of the whole universe.

But it would have to a "being..," born to the world of the present, having never experienced the ways people used to live and be happy… No, he would have to be born to the new world, the world where honor and honesty, were replaced by greed and our lust for more "things." He would have to inspire such great change, based only on the experiences of his time and not those of his ancestors -- or this world will cease to exist.

Charlie is dumbfounded -- but again, before he can open his mouth to say anything.., his grandfather finishes by saying -- "You are the change.., you are that being Charlie!"

Stay Tuned For Part 3

How will Charlie react to the fact that he has just been informed, by the only family he has left.., that he is the potential savior of the human race -- and will he succeed!!!

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nicely written very good to read waiting for the third part :)

Thanks for reading... :))

Great post!

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