INHERITING THE FARM… (Orig. Short Story)

in #story7 years ago


Inheriting The Farm...

Inheriting the farm -- more like a refuge for the preyed… "Where the hunted could live and not fear the day.., bask in the sun, run and play. In the middle of nowhere, but stretched as far as you could see.., a "sort-of" exotic zoo, a sanctuary to be free… Where these formally stalked souls, could just rightfully be." These were the words read from his Grandfathers will, the words emphasized in the final paragraph.., and quite possibly the last words his very eccentric grandfather ever wrote.

He had been to this "farm" before, as a boy -- many times… And although it feels like the middle of nowhere, it was actually just a couple of hours outside of town. It had been years since he had last been there.., and almost as long since he had spoken with.., the man who had just left him, what he cherished most -- his animals.

And being a complete city boy -- he had no idea what to expect… Even though his memories of his visits were vague and foggy, the overall feeling they invoked were those of happy days spent with a man he genuinely loved -- instinctually. More than the typical relationship, their spirits connected… Before they even met, the boy always dreamed of and could not wait, for his first visit to his "grandfathers farm."

And now it was all his!

It was one of those times in life.., where you have no idea how things will turn out -- "Shit or get off the pot…" And being from a very proper, status and wealth driven family -- where your every move is planned and plotted by the generation before… A place he never fit in, but played by the rules.

But those trips to the farm.., were ruled by nature -- by lions and tigers, that huge freakin' bear… A place to just be.., run and be free. More like he thought life was supposed to be -- and couldn't be more opposite from the life he led -- the life of existence.., but not really living.

Everything his grandfather had learned to reject.., through the hard-knocks of experience, he chose to remove himself from all the blatant ignorance, for the sake of convenience… Considered a Titan, but always knew there was more -- a better way of living. So he sold it all -- cashed out.., and bought a farm. Traveled the world rescuing the hunted, the stalked.., the preyed upon.

And even though he became the "crazy, eccentric" old guy, that lived in the woods.., I will never forget the wild childhood stories he recalled -- of facing down poachers in some far-off land, saving a lioness that had removed herself from the group to give birth to her cubs.., the rest of the pride was not so lucky… Maybe it was the fact that he didn't pull any punches -- he told it, like he saw it. And even though I was still kinda young, he treated me with the respect of an equal.., and not a child.

"Live your own life, never someone else's…"

But taking up the reins for all these lost souls.., was never in doubt. From the second the words were read from the will -- and the slight case of shock, that comes along with inheriting a farm filled such animals.., he knew he had to go -- embrace the solution, to a life unfulfilled. Acknowledge the reality of the emptiness that he felt and could not shake. And just like the man, he would spend some of his fondest childhood memories -- knew there had to be a better way…

Still life on a farm, surrounded by the wild -- but what couldn't have been further from his lifestyle.., was now his present truth. He had met many of these animals, when they arrived sometimes wounded and scared… A child of instinct, they could sniff him right out -- but none more than Stella, when she was just a small cub, they bonded like siblings, it was a wonder to watch… Many years had passed since they rolled in the hay, but the instincts of these creatures was so superior to our own.., the grief that hung in the air at the old mans passing, was apparent to them all -- and they mourned, just like us.., at the loss of their best friend.

But when she recalled, the scent in the air.., of the boy she once knew, hope replaced despair. The presence of a friend, from a long time ago -- she knew he was family, she could smell it in his blood. The animals future (lives) had been sort of up in the air, without a proper owner and potential lack of care… She knew that all changed -- just by the scent in the air!

Relocating his residence, redefining his world… Just saying "Fuck It" -- I want more out of life.., may seem (and is) an unlikely change, was more than welcomed from a life that had grown stale… Now he travels the world, rescuing the hunted and lives on a farm. While some say -- You never get a second chance.., never could a statement have been less true, where it concerned this newly formed unconventional family. They completely understood, they had saved each others lives -- and were okay with it!

Image Source: 1


Excellent story! I like lions and tigers, and admire anyone who saves any animals. There are a few on here who help animals and I up vote them a lot. Your story reminds me of the special bond we can have with animals, and the ones I have known. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks @kenny-crane!
We do have amazing connections to certain animals...

Excellent work dear friend @ macksby a very interesting story, I really like the legends and the stories. Tines reason you say you never sel forget the stories or wanderings of our children. Many thanks for this beautiful material
have a good weekend

Thanks @jlufer... CHEERS!

Nice Ending! Saved each others lives!!! 👍

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