HARRY'S BAR… (orig. story)

in #story7 years ago



Now this was a bar.., not some facade of what someone thinks a bar should be, should look like… Regardless of the lascivious types that were prone to frequent places that housed so much liquor.., regardless of there place in history.., good or bad -- prohibition, speakeasy's.., regardless of what you thought of them, any preconceived ideas you might have held from past experience or how they are portrayed in films and other media --

This place had dignity…

It was in the brick, wood and stone -- the walls that held all the aging pictures of Harry's family, from one generation to the next… The tin ceilings that hung in the air, graced you with their beauty and wisdom from high above.., and had a way of making you -- anybody, feel special. Once you walked through those noble wooden.., weathered doors, the same doors passed through by presidents and their future wives, gangsters and celebrities -- all the dignitaries of the day strolled right through those same doors on the way in.., and staggered through on the way out…

From JFK to Marilyn Monroe, Elvis to Capone -- you were just a guest, like any other… Instinctively you changed as you made your way through its dimly lit interior -- majestic in its character, welcoming by nature… Your body even changed -- you stood up slightly straighter, your shoulders loosened up.., as all the stress and bullshit of the day could not breach those mighty doors.

And in its grace.., it was your better-self, that made an appearance.

Every Sunday was Family Dinner… And if you knew about it or just happen to stumble-in by accident, you were family. More politicians were implicated, in what seemed like a scandalous rendezvous with some visiting mob boss, or some less than honorable tie to the underworld -- only to have turned up for Sunday gravy…

Although Harry's was considered the mecca, the pearl of Irish bars, Harry the original owner -- was married to a beautiful Italian woman.., and just like their Dad, all of Harry's sons and grandsons married the same way -- an amazing Italian female had always been apart of this establishment since it's origin, some even say Harry built this bar for the woman that not only stole his heart, but filled it love through the toughest times of his life -- plus, she made a gravy to die for!

Lauded worldwide, but not some hoity-toity drinking establishment -- it was a bar.., it was also not uncommon to be in some other country and hear its leaders and elite, locals, workers and thugs.., utter the same phrase -- "HARRY'S… I FUCKING LOVE HARRY'S." It was a local bar for people across the globe.., once it cast its spell on you -- you were a regular for life...

As the story goes.., Harry, the original Harry -- the bar has been passed down through generations, to sons and grandsons, all named Harry… But the first one, the one who built the place, for the love of his life -- created the vibe, that the most powerful and creative people of the day, were drawn to, like bees to honey… The bar was already loved by so many.., and just the mention of Harry's would get you a knowing smile, in certain parts of town -- those "tony" parts…

Harry was closing up, on a typical Sunday night, after their famous Sunday dinner -- yes, this was the early days of that infamous gravy.., and all the lured rumors that would be started over it. The bar already a staple of the community and beyond.., it had been going strong and pouring drinks to the most unique among us for almost 10 years -- 10 years of Sunday Family Dinner --

And with the single flash, from the muzzle of a cheap gun -- Harry, the proprietor of such a magical place.., and the light in her eyes (Sophia his wife), was gunned down by a masked assailant, who panicked after the gun went off accidentally and ran off without the money.., while going about his nightly routine…

The community was shocked.., and people saddened across the globe as news of Harry's death spread -- and Sunday Dinner was no more… Sophia, Harry's wife completely stopped that unlikely gathering of lost souls that turned up Sunday after Sunday.., her heart was no longer in it -- and the Italian in her wanted vengeance… Many nights after his death you might hear Sophia yelling, drunk, with a definite pain in the tone of her voice, how she would not rest unit the son-of-a-bitch that stole all the love out of her life was dead -- "Even in my death, I'll haunt this fuckin' place until he's dead!" was one of her favorite…

It was sad... Everyone that knew Harry's, knew that part of the reason it was -- HARRY'S.., was because of the love they shared… It filled that room night after night.., and now part of it was gone. Sophia spent every waking moment in the bar, it was the only place she could still feel Harry's presence.., and when alone in the place, would have full-on conversations with him, as if he was still alive -- she was not coping well with his loss.., many thought she was getting worse...

About a year after that fateful night, a rumor starts circulating through the community.., that Sunday Dinners are back on! Exactly one year after they had been so needlessly taken from everyone by the actions of one desperate man… People far and wide immediately make plans to be there.., and even though it's that famous gravy, they can already taste, a lot of the patrons are holding trays of food they made -- like a pot luck, as they start to gather out front, waiting for the doors to open…

Only the doors don't open… And after a standing out there for a bit, everyone gets a bad feeling -- something is wrong… Finally, they can no longer wait.., and two of them make there way into the bar through an open cellar window… After making there way upstairs they are surprised to see a ladder lying on the floor, only to look up and see -- Sophia hanging by her neck.., from that majestic tin ceiling.

Decades had gone by.., and Harry's Bar remained the place to be, from one generation of Harry to the next… Through good times and bad Harry's Bar was there to sooth your soul -- but never again was Sunday Dinner every served… Fantastic stories of the ghosts of Harry and Sophia haunting the bar, entertain and even comfort the new comers for years to come -- How Sophia could no longer live without her love.., and one year to the day her suffering ended.., and she hung herself from the ceiling -- RIGHT THERE (as they would point to the specific spot where her lifeless body hung).

But as in life, all things change… And the whole block, where Harry's Bar is located, has been scheduled to be demolished, in just a few months… People are sad wondering.., what will happen to the ghosts of the original Harry and Sophia -- You see, legend was -- the killer was never caught and that's why their ghosts are inhabit the bar…

And then on a typical Sunday night.., the closing of the bar for good, soon approaching -- after generations of Harry's lived and died.., Sophia (yep, believe it or not, the present day Harry was married to a beautiful Italian woman, named Sophia), the end of the night getting near and the place emptying out, notices a very well groomed woman, who has been in every night that week -- and definitively has something on her mind…

When you're in the bar business for as long as this family, you can tell when someone has something they want to say -- it's just part of the job… So Sophia approaches this woman and tops off her glass of red wine -- "Hi, Im Sophia one of the owners, are you new to the neighborhood…" "No, Im not" the woman replies -- "but I have something very important I have to tell you…"

This woman proceeds to tell Sophia -- that her one of her ancestors was shot dead by a barkeep.., back around the same time the original Harry was gunned down… Immediately, she has Sophie's full attention, as the tone has suddenly become slightly more serious… She continues -- "for some reason the story of of this loser, wanna-be gangster ancestor of mine is told at all the big family get togethers.., and all people focus on is the big gory ending to the story -- where the bartender pulls out a saw-offed shot gun and blows a hole in his chest.., like it's some big part of our family history, something to be proud of -- but the part of the story that always caught my attention was.., a week before his gruesome demise -- he shot and killed a bar owner by accident in a botched robbery attempt…" This woman is getting very emotional as she speaks the next line --


The woman has no idea what to expect, how will Sophia react to this… But what comes next, she was definitely was not expecting -- Sophia practically jumps over the bar hugging and kissing this stunned woman on the cheek.., tears start to well-up in her eyes… "You did it, I can't believe it -- YOU JUST SET THEM FREE!" Sophia is ecstatic.., but the woman isn't quite sure, what the hell is going on… Sophia goes on with exuberance, to say the least -- "Harry and Sophia's ghosts have lived within these walls since the day she hung herself, having never known who was the killer… And with the place being demolished in a few weeks, people weren't exactly sure what would happen to the ghosts -- BUT YOU HAVE JUST FREE'D THEM FROM THESE WALLS, MY GOD YOU'RE LIKE AN ANGEL!" Sophia can't wait to tell Harry, but before she runs off, she takes the lady by the hand -- "Please come to the bar this Sunday night for family dinner.., it's been too long."

For generations patrons of Harry's Bar reveled in the stories of Sunday Family Dinner at Harry's.., but never had the chance to be a part of it. And there could be no better way yo say goodbye to a place that was always there for them… And as expected -- the dinner is a huge success… And even though the bar is closing, people are thrilled they got a chance to experience a Sunday Family Dinner at Harry's Bar.., and that the ghosts of Harry and Sophia are finally free to move on -- and everyone has an opportunity to say their good-bye's properly… The following day Harry can't help but walk by the now shuttered bar.., and hanging in the window from the inside is a message to the community, that simply said -

"Thank you all, for everything… You were our whole life. CHEERS, HARRY!"

He smiles as he reads it.., but then realizes -- he didn't write it…

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Interesting topic :P @macksby

I miss bars.... Moved to a dry county two years ago, so now we have to make all our alcohol everything ourselves!

WOW.., That's rough!

I am finding an appreciation for the craft of making it, it just seems to taste better that way..... But it would be nice to have a corner bar to stop at every once and a while.

Knowing how to make your own --the whole craft.., sounds great!

Very nice story. Right untill the suicide I felt like everyone should have such a bar as his go to hometown bar.

Nice happy ending without being corny as well.

Thanks @walkerlv -- CHEERS!

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