Doghouse - A short animated film about love & family & stuff

in #story8 years ago (edited)

"So ... here we go ..."

That's the phrase I start every morning with. A sort-of Monday mantra that helps me open my peepers and helps me to peel my body from the bed.

It's also how I feel about publishing content that is really kinda personal. Like this film I'm sharing with you today. A film told from the perspective of a young boy as his family collapses around him. That definitely is not about me.

Not completely anyway.

This is another of those films I made out of my own pocket because I couldn't find any funding. I wanted it to be big with movie-star voiceover actors but I couldn't afford any of that. So instead it's a scrappy little doodle with my own voice. I kind of feel like it works all the better for it.

Enough of all that.

Watch the film here:


"Another fantastic use of talking over a film," Luke Kondor
"A cinematic odyssey from the mind of a man, evidently in need of psychiatric help," Luke Kondor
"Emma Reading, will you please animate my film?" Luke Kondor.
"Incredible really, that Luke won't shut up during his own film," Luke Kondor

A short animated film about love & family & stuff.

Rhuben’s parents have had a falling out, and it looks like his dad is going to be in the doghouse for a while… literally.

I was interviewed by Director's Notes about the project HERE. And here's a little snippet:

DN:Doghouse unfolds within a haze of reminiscence. Did events playing out through memory inform the film’s tonal choices?

LK: I grew up in a house full of dogs. We had 10 at one point. Big ones. Sloppy kisses and furry school trousers and all that. I always tell my mum that I was raised by the dogs just as much as her just because I feel like I learned a lot from them. Not maths and pot-washing, but lessons about how to live a life and be happy in the moment. And so when I initially sat down to write the story, I was very much reminiscing about my own life. I liked the idea that my memories might have warped over time and the facts may have become distorted. I like the idea that the story is told from the perspective of a person, trying to recall a pivotal moment in their childhood, and getting a little confused along the way. When we talk about our past we often exaggerate the reality to emphasise the lessons we learned. I was trying to capture the magic that lies in that confusion.


Well I'd love to but I'm skint.

Go YouTube it or something.

Luke Kondor is a filmmaker and writer. He started writing on his computer in his early teens and never looked back, and now he’s got really sore eyes.

He’s part of the digital story studio — Hawk & Cleaver where he helps to create the best new stories for you to watch, read, sniff, and absorb. Go grab a free book here


Wonderful. The feelings of a child are irresisitble and doubly so when you share yor own.

Great story, of course upvoted!

Heartwarming! Loved every morsel of this...even the buffet food on the floor!

They're the tastiest bits :)

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