The Butterfly and the Hurricane

in #story7 years ago

In chaos theory there is the notion that little actions can lead to big outcomes because every little thing effects what happens in the world through a long series of random probabilities. For example, a butterfly beating its wings could be the root cause of a hurricane that manifests months later as one thing leads to another.

Dew Drops on Douglas Fir

Our story begins…

A sad little butterfly sat on a flower in the misty morning. Dew drops were everywhere like sparking jewels.

“Oh, Flower I am so sad. I have done something really wrong,” said Butterfly.

“What’s wrong Butterfly?” asked Flower.

“I was so angry one day. So angry and fearful. I did not know what to do. The winds were all blowing the wrong way and there were so few flowers around to feed on and it was so hot, so very hot,” said Butterfly and paused in thought.

“I flew around in a circle three times very confused. I beat my wings angrily at the west wind, then the north, east and south wind. Each time with anger yelling, ‘So be it!’ at them. Flying ever higher into the sky with each circle. A little vortex of wind seemed to form and fly off into the sky.”

“How very interesting,” said Flower.

“But it got bigger and bigger Flower,” said Butterfly.

“And now, out in the ocean I have seen the mother of all storms. I dare not fly very close and in its wake I have seen a tremendous path of destruction. Whole trees ripped from their roots, the stink of death and water everywhere,” said Butterfly.

Little teardrops formed in a thousand butterfly eyes and a flower gently swayed in the breeze.

“Don’t be sad,” said Flower. “Things just happen the way they happen. Your just a little butterfly and butterflies are meant to be free.”

“Thank you Flower I love you,” said Butterfly and drank deeply of Flower.

“Your welcome,” said Flower. “No butterflies, no flowers, and no flowers no butterflies. I love you too.”

With that Butterfly felt better and flew away. But there was no coming or going. With each day came a new butterfly, and with each day, a new flower.

The Gods chased the Goddesses around the cosmos and claimed victory at each battle won and the Goddesses cast their spell of life upon the ground building new life in each birth. They danced together round and round, first one leading then the other. Demons were cast down from the heavens only to be welcomed back later with their tails tucked, for nothing could stay in hell forever.

The frog sat on a lily pad watching the lotus bloom. It was all the same energy like some divine comedy. The great belly laugh. Starting deep in the frogs belly and rippling out through waves in the pond into a chorus of laughter in the universe: “Ribbit… ribbit… ribbit...”

Thanks for reading! I always value your support! The pictures was taken with my Galaxy S7.


Interesting story. I like how the flower helped the butterfly to out of sadness. Similarly we can help each other to come out of sadness just by saying nice words of love and respect.

Interesting. The last two weeks have been rather turbulent for me...lots of ups and downs. Some frustrations. May we all find some new flowers...

If faith can move mountains, a butterfly can make a hurricanes, and prayers can create miracles.

Such is the way of things. My prayers are there for you. Thank you.

Thank you Sir.
You are doing more than a prayer.

Hmm. Did the recent hurricanes inspire your story? I knew there is a butterfly somewhere to blame. Well done. Starting like a children's story and getting deep.
My friend has a podcast with short stories. Maybe you want to submit yours? let me know and I get you the info.

Thank you! Yes, the recent hurricanes and some other things that I was listening too got me up this morning and in a writing mood. I was thinking about the story for some time and I just felt like writing it out - it seems like it was a way for me to deal with some of the emotions that I was feeling.

Sure, if you think you friend might be interested, it would be fun to submit it.

This is her website

You can check out the podcast and see if you like it. The site should tell you how to submit your work. Btw. You can record it yourself as well if you like to be the reader. I always appreciate a story more when the author reads it.

Need I say it was so nice? Yes, I do. I cannot keep myself from expressing my joy when I actually like something so yes, I really liked this post too. For me, it reiterated the fact that life is full of ups and downs, joyful and upsetting events, challenges and smooth paths, setbacks and victories. Life is like that and we gotta move on. The following lines from this post were my favorite:

With that Butterfly felt better and flew away. But there was no coming or going. With each day came a new butterfly, and with each day, a new flower.

I translated it as 'With comfort you feel better but with each passing day comes a new obstacle, a new challenge, a new worry but if you stay put, all of that goes away too.' Thank you for this post :)

Thank you much for the comment! There are many ways to find meaning in things. I kind of wrote it with a few different ideas and emotions in my head. It is really fun for me to hear your understanding. It is very difficult to explain more fully what the passage means to me. It has to do with impermanence, interrelationships and the nature of time and suffering.

Wow, quite interesting. I really need to chat in detail with you to understand your perception on things. It will help me gain perspective too.

cold dew
good post

Thanks, I took that photo the morning I wrote the post. I had a few butterfly photos I thought about using too but the dew drop looked cool.

I liked the story,,its a wonderful story..!i like it..

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks!

Hey @lightsplashe
No more words.....
My dear friend....
Wel done and perfect work...

Hey, thank you! :)

Solutions to problems are like sunshine.
great article..

Good post my friends

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