Love To Death : Chapter Three--> The Deal

in #story6 years ago


This chapter may have contents rated 18+
Keep reading if you understand this

The young gangster got out of his car and was welcomed by the view of the skyscraper. Although he lived in a tall house, he still couldn't help but wonder how close to the sky the building was.

'If only he could be that high' James thought.

Without further ado, James mounted the claustrophobic elevator after checking in with the receptionist. Soon after, the elevator bell rang indicating it had reached it's stop. Mr Roland's office was on the 8th floor so it didn't take him long to get there.

Stepping out of the elevator, James could see Mr Roland shouting instructions to his workers. Besides being a good dealer to James, Roland was also a very good costume artiste. How a person like that met James? Here's the brief story.....


Roland got back home as usual after the day's work. He stepped out of his car locking it and turned to go grab his briefcase from the trunk. Getting his briefcase, he turned again to make his way into his house, and there he was lying on the floor all covered in blood and bruises.

Being a sucker for people in need, Roland quickly rushed over to the young man. He had his belly to the floor so Roland had to turn him over. Holding the wounded man in his arms, Roland could see that he was unconscious and had a deep cut on his side. Roland quickly felt for a pulse and found it was still there.

Not knowing what else to do, Roland rushed the young man inside. He set him down on his couch and quickly took off his shirt. Looking at the exposed man, he could see clearly the big gash below the man's ribcage along with lots of other bruises.
Being a good observer, two conclusions came to mind about the man : He was either a gangster or someone who always got into trouble. The former sounded more convincing to him considering the number of scars the young man had.

Roland proceeded in cleaning the man's wounds to stop the loss of blood. The young man, still not waking up, winced and groaned on every dab Roland made on his wounds.

After a while, Roland had succeeded in tending to his wounds and putting some bandages on it. Roland sat looking at the young man lay on the couch. He looked broken and deeply wounded even though his physical wounds had been tended to.
Roland kept watch over the man all night. At some point, he had considered calling the cops but hesitated when he heard the man crying and saying things about his mom in his dreams. Roland felt pity on him. He knew something must've happened to his mom.

"I could let him stay comfortable for the night" Roland said to himself and slumped back into the couch shutting his eyes. One thought kept nibbling on his mind all night; 'what if this man really is a gangster? What if he wakes up tomorrow morning and decides to kill you?'

By morning, Roland woke up only to find the couch empty. He attempted to get up in search of the man he had helped but was held back.

"Who are you?" the man asked without hesitation. His hands were tightly on Roland's neck threatening to strangle him.

Choking, Roland tried to free himself from the strangers grip but without success.

"I..... I found ... y-you..... b-bleeding.... in.. ." Roland coughed. His captor released his grip a bit enough to let him speak.

"I found y-you bleeding in... my... garage and brought.. you in" Roland said breathlessly.
The man sighed and took a step back from him.

Taking a deep breath, "I'm Roland" Roland introduced. He felt the urge to extend his hands but thought against it.

The young man, still shirtless and in his shorts, sat back on the couch letting out a wince when he felt the pain below his ribs.

"James" he said.

Roland sat some distances away from him. "Well Mr James, you looked pretty injured last night but not to worry I tended to your wounds"Roland said trying to sound reassuring. He really wanted to ask James how he got to his garage but somehow couldn't bring himself to.

"I'm sorry for.... attacking you like that" James apologised not looking at Roland.

"Oh not to worry" Roland replied though he still felt a bit apprehensive.

James nodded and got up. He grabbed his shirt and groaned as he tried to slip it on.
"Thank you for your hospitality. I'll repay you somehow"

Roland still felt unsatisfied with James walking out of his house in a blood stained shirt. He also wanted to help the young man.

"I know a way you can repay me" Roland said running his hands through his hair.

"How much?" James asked expecting Roland to name his price. He could afford any amount.

From the action James had displayed, Roland had no doubt now about what he was so without hesitation he said "work for me"

------->End of Flashback<--------

A smile crept unto James' face when he saw Roland shouting at his workers. He ventured further into the room making his presence known.

"You're just in time son" Roland said motioning for James to follow him into his office "Get to work Annabel!" he ordered one of his workers who seemed to be distracted by James.

James smirked and followed Roland into his office.

"Still as adventurous as ever Mr Roland" James said in a questioning tone as his eyes scanned around the office like that of an eagle. There were some small sculptures or carvings of masks on Roland's shelf in line with some small female sculptures. The walls were lined with paintings of different kinds hanging around the room, one of which included a portrait of Roland hanging behind his desk. Standing by the side of Roland's desk was a mannequin of a lady in a red strapless dress.
Of all these, the one thing that seemed to catch James' attention was a carving of two intertwined snakes sitting on Roland's desk.

"Oh you know me boy" Roland replied as he shut the door and made his way to his seat behind his desk.

Averting his gaze from the sculpture, James made his way to a seat in front of Roland's desk. He leaned back into the chair and took off his hat and sunglasses placing them on his lap.

"So why'd you yell into my phone this morning?" James asked

Roland leaned forward placing both hands on his desk in a praying position.
"First off, how was the Tiger deal?"

James grabbed a cigarette from Roland's stash box and lit it with the other end on his lips. He took a drag of the cigarette and blew out a puff. He sighed and threw it unto the plate deciding he didn't like it. Roland waited patiently for James to speak.

"Well it earned me some more scars and bullet wounds but Tiger's a goner" James said smiling.

Roland nodded though he wasn't too impressed. He knew he had bought him the deal but he didn't like to have James get hurt. He had tried countless number of times to talk the young man into leaving that line of business all to no avail.

Roland knew James was very good at what he does so he could always trust him to clean up without drawing the attention of the cops.

"Sparrow wants you to make some delivery"

James frowned upon hearing this
"I'm not one of his errand boys"

Roland nodded "yeah but this deal is of great importance. He has to do this right and you're the only one he trusts enough to pull it off"

James picked up the cigarette he tossed aside and took a drag, sending out puffs through his mouth and nostrils. Throwing it aside again, James stood to his feet
"Tell him he can shove it far up his ass" he snorted and headed for the door.

Sparrow was not one of his favorite persons. The guy had set him up once to get him killed and he wasn't ready to go down that drill again.

"There's money in for it" Roland said smiling, causing James to stop in his tracks. Roland knew James would never turn down a money deal.

James turned to Roland "what's the deal?"

Thanks for reading. Follow me for more updates on the story. You can also get chapters One and Two of this story on my profile page.

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