Gunnar In The Carrels- Part 3

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Gunnar In The Carrels


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

As Gunnar crouched on the library floor with his back against a shelf of biographies and waited for the adrenaline spiked blood to stop battering his brain, a cooler part of his mind that he privately called Sigmund started a discourse about good instincts.

How, Sigmund asked him, did one acquire good instincts under pressure? Instincts that would prevent one from bolting into the library, say, when one is trying to keep a low profile. Is grace under fire something to be learned? Or are you born with it?

Briefly, Gunnar rested his face on his knees, removing the sunglasses when he realized he still wore them, albeit only from one ear.

I know, he thought. I’m an idiot. There’s something wrong with me.

The only thing wrong with you is that you think too much. Was that his father’s voice? You gotta get out in the sun, son. Be around other people. Join a team. Sitting around inside doing - what - what are you doing? Reading? For what, son? You’re done school. It’s time to join the adults and we’re not here in the basement.

The audiofile of disappointed voice tracks in Gunnar’s head was gathering steam and would soon become overwhelming if he didn’t interrupt. Quickly, he flipped over onto his knees and crawled along the shelf’s length, peeking through the books to see where Mimi had gone.

She was by the librarians’ desk, her tanned skin and precision cut bob looking garishly healthy as she handed an envelope to a pale, skinny girl - woman, Gunnar automatically corrected himself, and then again to librarian as it became evident that that is what she was.

Gunnar was momentarily distracted by this person with short red hair and a long blue dress. He had not seen her during his other fugitive forrays to the library. Her skin glowed as if lit from beneath and she held herself with seemingly effortless good posture.

She must work out, said Sigmund. You should work out if you want a girl like that.

Woman, Gunnar corrected. And then, Librarian. Besides, I’m already engaged.

Whatever. You want a lady like that you gotta do some work on yourself. Join that sailing club your dad goes on about. Get some muscle.

Gunnar peered out at Mimi and the attractive librarian again but Mimi was already on her way out the door. Too late, Gunnar realized that the library could be crawling with his parents’ circle of acquaintances right now as the elite citizens of Anneville prepared for the Mayor’s Spring Gala. Tickets for the gala were available for purchase through city hall or, of course, the library.

Idiot, Gunnar told himself again as he sat back on his haunches and relief flooded his limbs. Look at you here on this filthy carpet, crouching and hiding. This is no way to live. Dad is right. You finished grad school years ago. Jenny has already been elected to city council. It’s time to step up, Gunnar. Time to marry Jenny and let Mom and Dad flip the switch on the political machine they’ve been building since you were born.

This is the last time I do this, Gunnar promised.

Yeah right, Sigmund said in the background.

I mean it. Gunnar stood up with a new sense of resolution. Time to get my shit together.

But his eyes were scanning for the girl in the blue dress.

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