in #story7 years ago

☝Because theres nothing wrong with being single , its only fitting that Singles Awareness Day falls on February ,15 , 2017 Which comes right after Valentines Day on the 14th ! And there are bennifits to being single !! Obviously you can come and go as you please , eat what you want when ever you want ! , Freedom to travel where and when you want , free to select career oppertunities , its also easier to stay on track with healthier habits or work out routines !! Singles are also more self reliant on themselves and dont need to rely on or count on others to get things done !!!

☝Heres a link to to the National Singles Awareness Day Calendar! http://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/singles-awareness-day-february-15/

☝ I would like to include a link to some Quick and Easy Dinners for One from all recipes !! specially for you !!!

And if you want the recipe , heres the link !! Mmmmm delicous !

☝ So kick back , relax and enjoy being single while you can ! Your awesome and deserve the best of all that life has to offer you ! Enjoy a nice chicken stir fry wirh perhaps a bottle of wine , stay in tonight and do a bunch of STEEMING ON STEEMIT , ALL NIGHT LONG !! BECAUSE YOU CAN!!!

☝ Dont forget Karens Angels reward an Angel Wing of 1.00 SD or 5 to 10 steem for the best comment made on my post !! Its my small way of giving back as upvotes are not worth much ! Resteems and upvotes are much appreciated

⤴🆙⤴ This post is 100% steem powered up into my retirement fund wallet !! ⤴🆙⤴

😇 Thanks for Badges @elyaque ! My Signature @merej99 ! My Banner @son-of-satire !💙

Thank you for following my blog

All comments are greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance for your upvotes.


But who's going to buy me roses and chocolates for Single Awareness Day? I don't get it. What's the point of this day?

Thats why this day comes after Valentines day ! Where theres a lot of singles dances etc. So singles are not feeling left out ! If couples have a day , why not singles !?☝

OK, I'll spend the whole day being "aware" that I am single :-)

Lol! If thats what you want to do , hope you enjoy it ! I Stayed home in PJs all night blogging on steemit ! Lol ! 👍😉😂

This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the first half of Feb 16. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $3.01 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Feb 16 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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Thanks so much for putting me in your tribune !! Its much appreciated !😉☝👍

...do not worry ...everything will work out...believe in your strength...It's basic rules.

Yes for sure ! Thanks for replying , steem on !👍☝😇

Im doing fine ! No worries at all ! Thanks so much for the resteem ! 👍😉😇

Extraordinary post @karenmckersie!

You are awarded the 10 Whale Award.


Oooh ! 10 whales ! That would be the Whale jackpot !! Awesome 👍😉🐳🐋

Being single allows us to pizza more often.

Mmmm! Personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut ! Theres also alot of yummy ones at the grocery you can stock up the freezer with ! Lol ! Love pizza !🍕🍕🍕

I know, I love my pizza.

I camped out in a tent 3 yrs ago in front of a store, so I could win free pizza for a year and my plan was (and I did) give about 80% away to needy people in my community personally.

Thats a cool story ! So glad you won ! Thanks for shareing 🍕🍕🍕🍕

You have recieved a Angel Wing ! Please check your wallet !

Nesting/replying here --- It shows up now and another transfer from someone else too, funny it did not show up before when I refreshed my wallet.

#BigBrother LOL

I did not expect that!!! -- so thanks a lot Kmac - that is nice of you

Thanks for letting me know it worked ok ! Glad to hear it ! Steem on👍

I checked my wallet on Steemit, I don't see anything sister.

It should be there ! I sent 1.00 SD it shows on my side that it was sent ok , 5 hours ago ! Theres a note that says " for the support and kind replys"

Nesting/replying here --- It shows up now and another transfer from someone else too, funny it did not show up before when I refreshed my wallet.

#BigBrother LOL

I did not expect that!!! -- so thanks a lot Kmac - that is nice of you

Thank you @karenmckersie. There was a time when it was difficult for me to be alone. However, I learned to be comfortable by myself, it was a process. This is a very undervalued commodity.

Your welcome and your right ! Im actually likeing staying in town in my apartment for work while my boyfriend lives in the country for now ! Untill my small house gets built out there i enjoy the freedom , i can blog on steemit all i want without interuptions ! Lol ! ☝😂

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