Infidelity Games, Part 4steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story6 years ago

“Play with yourself. Entertain me while I prepare us a light lunch.”

For varied reasons,
I cannot include
an audio track
with this post.

“But —” Then she noticed a thick rubber dildo sitting on the kitchen counter. He was going to give that to her. She wanted him inside her, not a toy.

He simple walked away and pulled out some ingredients from the fridge. As he did, he glanced her way, waiting for her to start.

“But —” Then she noticed a thick rubber dildo sitting on the kitchen counter. He was going to give that to her. She wanted him inside her, not a toy.

He simple walked away and pulled out some ingredients from the fridge. As he did, he glanced her way, waiting for her to start.

She did. Slowly. First her hands caressed her breasts, bringing on the first electric waves of pleasure through her body, then she roamed down to her midriff, her belly, then her loins. A finger slid between her legs. How wet and hot she was. She hadn’t even noticed. But that first touch sent more, intense electric waves of pleasure cascading through her whole body. She let out a moan again of pure pleasure.

First reluctant, now she couldn’t stop. Not even if he order her.

Two fingers slid along her clit, then curled inside of her.

She looked up. Yes, he was watching from the corner of his eye.

“Sir,” she said before the intensity would render her speechless. “That toy? That dildo? May I have it? Please?”

“What, this old thing?” he asked pointing at the enticing toy. “I was going to stir the soup with that. But, if you want it...”

image credit:Roger Woods (1957, English)
To Catch a Princess
“Yes, yes I do.”


“Please, sir. May I have that dildo?”

He picked up the long rubbery object. It had a slight wavy giggle and he stepped over to her.

“What do you want this for?” he asked.

What does he think I want it for? “To use it.”

“Go on.”

“On myself. To, to insert it.”

“I see. Insert it where, your ear?”

“No, sir. Into, into, you know, my, um, down there.”

“Be specific.”

“My pussy!”

“So you want to fuck yourself in pussy with this dildo? Then ask me that.”

“I want to fuck myself with your dildo. Please. Sir.”

“Where? Say it.”

“I want to fuck myself in the pussy with your dildo!”

“Very well.” He held it out for her. Then snapped his arm back when she reached for it. “Don’t disappoint.” He held it out and let her grab it.

Once she had the toy, she all of a sudden became reluctant to use it. She felt her face flush as he watched her up on the table. He could see everything of her from below, leaving her exposed, so exposed. But, she did use that dildo. First she slid it up and down her clit wet with her own juices. Doing that send shivers up her spine. With that, she lost those inhibitions trying to creep back. She pushed the dildo up, up inside her. Hot, quivering, and wet, the phallus encountered no resistance on its way.

Sandra shuddered in ecstasy as waves of pleasure encircled her. Her knees could have buckled but she dared not let herself go like that for fear of falling off the small table. He was so cruel. Yet she was coming. And, yes, she was coming for him. This was as much his pleasure as hers. He chopped cucumbers for their salad as she moaned. He stirred the soup as it simmered by the time she started to come. That got his attention. The soup was hot and he turned off the burner. The salad was ready and divided in two, so he turned his attention to her. He watched her in her dance of orgasm: legs quivering, head turned up with lips pursed as she let out one moan of pleasure after another. Her nipples hard as rock-candy and breasts tight against her body with back arched. One hand driving the dildo in and out, the other with a finger furiously circling her clit.

Her orgasm was epic. Something for her diary. When the pleasure ebbed, Sandra returned to a sense of self that had flown off for a vacation. She saw his outstretched hand offering a step down off the table. For all the difference it would have made, this could have been in an underground sex club and she on the center stage. She was the performer and he, the audience of hundreds.

“Wash your face in the bath,” he told her. “Then we’ll have some downtime over lunch.”

image credit: Roger Woods (1957, English)
Sarah Gets Ready

Lunch was light. He’d once made the mistake of feeding a submissive a full dinner before play. When they’d finished, both realized they were too bloated to play. Lesson learned, butternut squash soup for a rain day. A salad with a touch of grilled chicken to round it out. Both in modest portions. To finish the meal off, there was her mango nectar with a splash of red wine.

“Into the bedroom,” he commanded when they’d finished. “Lie face down. Arms above you. Legs spread apart. I’ll be in shortly.”

She obeyed and went off. As she took her position as ordered, she heard him clearing the table and putting the dishes into the washer.

When joined her, duffel full of sex toys in tow, she was on the newly made bed with crisp white sheets. Obediently, she lay in the middle, legs apart, arms above her head, touching the posts of the headboard. Ready to be tied. She was beginning to doze off.

After all, it was a cold and rainy Saturday; and, it was warm and cozy indoors. The morning was intense and the lunch was pleasing.

image credit:Roger Woods (1957, English)
Back To Relaxing

He cupped her butt cheek on the way past then sat by the headboard. He stroked her hair. A moment later, he buckled leather restrains on both her wrists, tight enough so she couldn’t squirm out. He tied each one a headboard post. And likewise with her ankles to the footboards.

Chris reached under her belly and lifted her to add a pillow, propping her bottom up just so.

“You know what’s coming, don’t you?” he asked.

She nodded lazily. “Uh huh.”

“You won’t be falling asleep.”

“Yes, master.”

“We played with a stingy riding crop this morning. For the afternoon, I shall wail upon you with a big, heavy flogger.” He laid the toy upon the bed next to her for her to see and contemplate.

Although he Promised the atomic weapon of his toy bag, he started with a light buckskin flogger. Out of kindness, he supposed. This time there was a warm up for her. The flogger he chose was all sound and very little bite. The acoustics of the room with clean, sparse walls sent the sound waves of each smack dancing around the corners. The gentle caress of buckskin falls danced on her skin and she fell into a sleepy trance.

“You’re enjoying this too much, my dear,” he said, switching the next heavier flogger from his war chest. Actually, this one was two: a matching pair. He used them two-handed, making figure eight circles with the fall of each flogger meshing with the other.

This got the reaction he wanted. He watched her move her body, slightly undulating under many-angled touches of his ministration. He flogged her not only on her bottom, well propped by the pillow. But all the way up her body along her curved back to her shoulders. He enjoyed watching her hair dance as the floggers traveled too close to her head.

Soon, her skin was red and rosy up and down her backside. Her breathing was deep and slow. When he peeked there was a blissful smile on her face. He put the pair of floggers aside and took the thick one laying beside her head.

“This will wake you up and make you pay attention,” he said as he delivered the first whack.

… to be continued …

image credit: Roger Woods (1957, English)
Pandora’s Break

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    She wanted him inside her, not a toy.

    This just made me picture that GIF saying 'Why not both?' :)

    What does he think I want it for? “To use it.”

    Oooh! I LOVE the little bite of sass showing through, even if its just in her thoughts!

    The flogger he chose was all sound and very little bite.

    Mmmmmm my favorite is the sound of the flogger when He gets into His groove and finds a rhythm. It's like being a musical instrument and it is so amazing.

    Niiiiiiice chapter. I'm going to use the um, slightly stimulated feelings to go write some more. Thanks for sharing.

    TY you just make my day. I was afraid I was getting too "technical".

    I'm formatting the next section now.

    Not at all! At least not for me. I think you hit that fine line between technical and setting it up. There is a big difference between floggers and it really set the vibe up for me so I could picture it better!

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