The Black Mirror...The Gateway to Horror 3

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Welcome my Steemit friends. We will continue on our journey where I find out that an innocuous friend and tool is actually a...
Image Source @jeff-kubitz:

Crystal Ball 3

Last night I had nightmares. Paul said to himself. And I know from experience or hope that I know that the reason I have these dreams is to instantly wake me up from a deep sleep so that I have adrenalin and am instantly alert, ready to take on whatever is there or I am about to go to the bathroom while asleep in the bed.

But then, there are the other nightmares, the ones that don't really frighten so much but can be very, very strange and are a foresight.

Science says we dream a few seconds when in the deepest sleep. That is the amount of measured brain activity but experience has taught that it is a little bit different than that because when our body gives us dreams it is in the process of healing or repair. This is what science also says. I suspect that in order to keep us asleep while we heal, there is a burst of processing by the brain of the entire dream. That is the dream is made but then stored during this period of high brain activity and then the dream is played using very little electricity or energy freeing up a vast amount of the body's resources for healing and repair.

Now I use my phone for the internet and it usually sits behind me and off to the right for reception. When I sleep, there is a television in the room and it too is a black mirror when it is off just like the phone.

Is my mind aware of the mirrors and can I see into them while I was or am concentrating, working, relaxing, or sleeping? And what can be seen in the reflection? Obviously, not that much can be seen because the mirrors are off to the side or in a darkened room.

Many of these devices now have cameras. In those cameras, even in the dark can you be seen? Can whoever is with you be seen? Why would someone watch to watch whatever goes on in the rooms of the houses of most people, especially people watching television? How boring? Watch people who watch television is like watching people watching Andy Warhol's Movie, "Sleep." People get paid to watch these cameras but really what could they be looking for?

Oh sure, we all know the obvious reasons: drug dealers, crime syndicate, you know gangsters, sex enslavers, and the ever present terrorist threat. But there could be other reasons that are very odd as to why someone would want to watch everything and it would not be legal or valid like revenge, looking for anything on a potential candidate. Someone could be looking for ways to make money or steal intellectual property. Someone could have someone watched because they know that one of the people has very real information on the person doing or ordering the watch and they need to know when to flee the country if the observed starts to talk, or kill them.

What if whatever the observer has done is so illegal, so immoral that were the observed ever to realize who the observer is and what they had done could get the observer locked up or even executed, silently by a professional who closes all loose ends.

Paul was a truck driver at the moment, nothing special. Sure he had the capabilities and intelligence to do just about anything at any time. He had done just about anything already. High tech, high clearance but life was for living and he was on sabbatical when the thoughts started to nag him as to why he wasn't a success.

If there is one thing truck drivers have while driving alone it is a lot of time to think about how they got to drive a truck when they really should be doing something else. Paul knew he could be should be doing something else and after two years he began to get the itch.

Yes, Paul with his huge frame was deceiving. There were a lot of jokes about dumb blondes and genius Asians but with Paul it was the other way around. One day the boss of the company said he was stupid and Paul responded before he walked out, "I could program and automatically monitor your entire company by myself if that is what I wanted to do. SEE YA ASSHOLE!"

Paul had an idea of events that had transpired in his past, and who was behind it. He was the key to lock of Paul's future.

Written for Steemit: Copyright © 2017 Jeff Kubitz - The Black Mirror...The Gateway to Horror - et al. All Rights Reserved.

Posts in Series:

The Black Mirror...The Gateway to Horror 1
The Black Mirror...The Gateway to Horror 2

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I really like your style. It's a great job. Thank you.

Excellent work dear friend / @ jeff-kubitz / I feel real pleasure to visit your work, have a great day

the human mind is pattern seeking. We see patterns in clouds, in the stars, in the sand, and in chicken entrails. We can't help it...we look for patterns.

The human mind also has two types of storage. Short term and long term...much like a computer has ram and a drive.

Oddly enough the human mind must be 'offline' (asleep) in order to transfer short term memory to long term. The surest way to drive someone insane is to deny sleep for too long....long enough will kill them...buffer overload?

That said..when short term memory is dumped into long term storage...there is 'static'. or noise, during the transfer.....The minds looks at the static and creates patterns from it...we call those patterns 'dreams'.

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