Purgatory - Vestas, Chapter 1.3

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Written for Steemit: Purgatory - Life is an adventure and no one is ever certain what it is about or what will be faced, or in this case learned ©Jeff Kubitz 2017 - All Rights Reserved.

Vestas, Chapter 1.3 of Purgatory


Previous Sections:
Chapter 1 - Table of Contents

"Oh my! That was delicious, wonderful, it has been so very long for me." Carol purred as she crawled out of the water, still naked, holding Vestas' left hand and then lay face down on the rocks, "So warm, dreamy." She dozed immediately curled around Vestas as he sat.

"This going to much more difficult than I thought," Vestas thought to himself. I should have never taken her until she accepted what I had to teach her because now she is asleep and who knows how long that could last. But he noticed Carol stir and sit up next to him, really look at him.

"Where are my clothes, Vestas?"

"Wherever you left them...I do not see them, you must have forgot about them and they vanished."

"My purse and shoes too, oh I see you have hid them while I slept." Carol laughed and said chided, "You are a naughty boy, Vestas."

"Carol, although, I think I would like it if you were naked all the time, you are very lovely, it is time for your first lesson so you can see this is real, not a dream."

"I thought I had my first lesson?" Carol smiled coquettishly.

"Well, yes, you are right but here is another lesson - think what you would like to be wearing and see yourself wearing that."

"Really, you can't be serious, where are my clothes?"

"You forgot about your clothes and so they are gone, now, humor me, think what you would like to be wearing right now, for me."

"I am wearing what I want to wear for you," Carol laughed, "Silly." She turned onto her stomach lay on her elbows, raised her right foot in the air, pointing her toes up. She looked up at Vestas and smiled.

"You mean this is how you want to look, then why did you ask where your clothes were at?"

"I know you have them somewhere, like the way this place disappeared and reappeared."

"Carol, I do not have your clothes. I am being truthful but here, I will put some clothes on you just so you can see and then I want you to do what I do but to yourself. Now stand up please." Vestas stood up and helped Carol to her feet. He moved her over to the grass. "Here, something from when I lived on earth, many women wore these." Vestas dropped Carol's hands and,

"This looks like it is Egyptian, maybe. I like it but where is the top."

"Women rarely wore tops in the summer in Sumurya, how do you like the sandals?"

"They are nice and I like the calf wraps. They are sturdy, yet delicate, I think."

Vestas stripped Carol bare, "Now you try it, whatever comes to your mind."

"Very well, if you insist," Carol concentrated and she appeared in a strapless evening gown, with netting up the middle between her breasts, light blue, with a dark blue sash. Slit on the sides wearing light blue sandals with stiletto 5 inch heels. "How do you like this? You are not from Texas, where is Sumurya?"

"I like that very much, yes very much. Sumurya is near Mesopatamya."

"I have never heard of that place either. How did you get into Texas, or is this Mexico?"

"We are not in Texas or Mexico and both Sumurya and Mesopatamya is long, long gone. We are here. Do you need help in those shoes?" Carol nodded. "Yes? Here take my hand and see your lovely reflection." Carol offered and Vestas took her hand, helped her move on the rocks, and then step down to the edge of the pool.

"Oh I do look so lovely, don't I? But look my dress is changing color or it looks blurry."

"Yes, you look lovely but now you see why we need to practice. Carol, concentrate a little more on what you are wearing...yes that is the way to do it."

"I feel tired Vestas."

"Carol your clothing is much lovelier and stable as for tired, that will pass in time but we need to do two more things and then we will lay down and rest, all right?"

"Yes, very well."

"Watch me Carol." Vestas moved a hundred yards away in an instant. Carol gasped. Vestas waited a moment, looked all around and moved back and kissed Carol, "Now you try move to where I went."

"How do I do that?"

"Just think about being there and then think about coming back." Carol did and moved to the edge of the green area but she was on the wasted desert.

"Not as far as you," she observed and then she returned. "Oh, it was easy."

"But very good for your first try. Very good, I have seen worse, and now take your clothes off and jump in the pool or leave them on if you like."

"Oh you are so naughty," Carol waved her finger at Vestas but she jumped in the pool with her clothes on and stood up.

"First I must warn you, this is a tough lesson, are you ready?" Vestas asked and tilted his head waiting for her answer.

"I am ready, what next?"

"Grab one of the fish, please."

"Grab a fish? I don't want to touch a fish."

"Please concentrate and grab a fish, please."

"Oh, alright." Carol saw a fish and reached in and grabbed it lifting it from the water to show Vestas, "See, I caught it."

Oh I remember what I wanted to pass along, unless someone has some sort of curse, there is no longer a language barrier between any being or spirit in the spirit world. "Watch out!" Vestas said and the fish, a bass, instantly grew to three times the size of Carol and swallowed her head first. She didn't have time to scream. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth and then the fish just swallowed her and dove back into the water with Carol inside of it.

Vestas concentrated and the fish was gone and there sat Carol nude in the pool spitting water while Vestas laughed. He reached out to take her hand.

"You did that, didn't you. Don't you touch me!" Carol screamed angrily as she sat in the pool.

"Please don't be angry with me Carol, it is something you had to learn." Vestas continued to hold his hand out for Carol.

"Why did I have to learn that?"

"Things can be a lot different here than what they seem like a fish dreaming it is small or laying a trap by pretending it is small and, well that happened to me twice when I first came here and it was not an illusion. It took me a long time to get out both times. Feels horrible doesn't it?"

"That happened to you twice, for real?" Carol looked at him askew, suspiciously.

"Oh, that and so much more, many more horrible things. Finally, I ran into someone who helped me to learn, well some things at least and life was a little bit better here. So I am helping you as I was helped."

"Oh," Carol took his hand and then pulled him next to her.

"I thought you needed to rest?"

"Please check all of me to see if there is any goo from the inside of the fish first."

"That will take awhile."

"Take all the time you want." Carol smiled.

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz Some of my other books are here: https://www.amazon.com/Jeffery-Kubitz/e/B01MXY9YHR


This is getting very intense can't wait to read more hopeful she learns fast

Thanks for reading and hopefully she will

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