Purgatory - The Spirit World - Prologue

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Written for Steemit: Purgatory - Life is an adventure and no one is ever certain what it is about or what will be faced, or in this case learned ©Jeff Kubitz 2017 - All Rights Reserved.

I never intended to make my life a study of the paranormal. It is just the way things happened literally by accident. Literally, many accidents made this possible. I am not sure it is the only way as I have read what others have done to enter the spirit world consciously. Again, mine was an accident.

It was October 19th, 1979, 1:00pm and 4 seconds. At one pm, the whistle blew and the ball was kicked in Autzen Stadium, Eugene Oregon. I was a no offensive tackle on the Ducks, football team.

I was on the kickoff receiving team, in the right center of the wedge and I ran back with my fellow players to form the wedge. I think it was Reggie Williams that caught the ball but maybe it was Dwight, yes it was Dwight, “Go! We all shouted and ran forward against Cal-Berkley, the Golden Bears.

At full speed, a player came running at me full speed and I went to block him. He dove into the wedge and an accident occurred as I positioned myself to hit him. My right foot slipped and I dropped just a bit too low and we hit head to head.

“WHAM!” Fans said they could hear the hit on the top row and Autzen Stadium is one of the loudest places to play. I ran the guy over but it was instinct.

The pain was so great; it was like I was hit by lightening, like a great electric shock ripped my entire body. I was out.

How do I know what happened then? The game was filmed and luckily or not, I watched the film over and over again. Yes, I watched what happened on Sunday, the next day with the rest of the team and then with the offensive line. I bet I have seen it a hundred times. I was hurt too.

It is a long story and I will not go into it in depth but after eight seconds I got back off and ran off the field. It hurt. I iced it.

I played the second half and I was hurt.

To make a long story short, years later, I found out that my neck was actually broke in three places. And, I remembered those eight seconds. I remembered the spirit world as I ran off the field and what happened.

The next accident was especially weird. I tried to use a voice recording machine in Stockton, California to write and all sorts of things typed on the screen, the “Ghost in the Machine”, copyright 1993, 20th Century Fox, actually there were many over the months and wrote all sorts of things.

I have had that experience with several different machines. I guess it is me; the spirits can talk to me since I left my body and so they do, especially with a voice recognition enabled computer.
It was at that time, that I very much became a spirit world adept. Oh, I was aware of it before, could move around in it, explore it, and stay in the spirit world, gather information from it, but it wasn’t until the experience in Stockton, California that I had control, or the ability to enter it by will.

So, that is what this book is about. My experiences in purgatory, because purgatory is what the spirit world is, compared to heaven.

It is my belief it is one of the places where dreams come from and from where writers get many an idea. It is a really strange place where what one thinks becomes reality. Meanwhile, in the reality one can create for oneself the true spirit world exists where all the spirits that ever lived, now live and reside.

Some of those spirits are downright nasty, evil, and many a spirit is not human. Many a spirit is animal or demon or whatever and nothing really dies.

It can be a paradise of sorts but only if one remains free of illusion, aware of what is real.

One of the most interesting things of the spirit world is that it is almost exactly like this world, a copy, but it is one hundred and eighty degrees opposite. Because it is opposite, if one is facing north and wants to travel north, then upon entering, one will face south and that will be the direction of north.

It is disorienting to enter the spirit world and often, what is in there, there is no way to escape. While we are alive, when attacked, unless we die or are killed by what is faced, we are knocked back to the world of the living.

My opinion, since it will happen to most everyone, they will spend some time in purgatory, is getting used to it is a good thing, an interaction in the eternal world to come. Besides, I did not have a choice to find and be in the spirit world and once we all die, there will be no choice.

Again, it can be a sort of paradise but it is not paradise as it is fraught with dangers beyond comprehension. The good part about it is, it is not Hell.

I will not suggest anyone attempt to kill themselves for a short period of time in order to learn more about what will happen anyway. No, a step in purgatory will make one truly appreciate the gift life really is, a gift to the physical living person.

Oh, I know life on Earth can be bad, really tough, and full of pain. But it ends. Life as a spirit in the spirit world does not. So, I hope you find this informative and entertaining.

A note: I will move back and forth from what really happened to pure fiction just like I do in the Song of Angels. After all, the spirit world is exciting and once one knows how very real it is, the spirit world, sometimes it is hard to tell the difference of what is real and what is not.

Why call the book 'Purgatory'? One day, one of my friends who I have known for years said, "You can't seem to get away from where you live, it's like purgatory." Maybe someday we will get away. We have already, after ten years been victorious against some most evil things, so there is hope.

Enjoy yourself - enjoy life.

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This was a good prologue. Interesting premise. I'm looking forward to reading what you have in store for this story.

Thank you very much. It should be interesting there is a lot in there.

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