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RE: An Attitude of Gratitude

in #story7 years ago

Oy you there, toss me the rope. I seem to have stumbled upon a deep deep chasm. Don't bother with a gaslight because I have seen the light. Our Lord Boom has doused me with tank full of knowledge bombs. And, I am happy.


Wayhay, looking back at what I wrote I have no idea what I wrote!

It must be one of those moments when you're possessed by Boom Almighty. I get it. That totally happens.

I do believe those happen!!

Stranger things have happened so why can't that!

I can't think why and experience has taught me that if I can't think it then it can't happen.


Woah woah woah! You're rewriting a lot of philosophy books here! Let's not get too hasty or else we risk tearing a hole in the fabric of Space-Time-Bacon!!

Don't you mean we might pork a hole in the space time bacon!!

PORK A HOLE!!!! Hahaha! Once again you have proven yourself to be punnier, dude! HAHAHA! You have me oinking here with your masterful stroke!

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