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RE: The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 17 (2 of 2) (My Original Novel)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

I'm finally certain why I find myself always rooting for Marv's character -- it's because I am him. I am Marv. Well, at least in most cases. He surely has some ups and downs, but his pragmatism is what I relate to the most. While his choices aren't popular most of the time, he still stands as the only one who has a solid plan. It may lead him to come to blows with his group, but no one's really offering up a better solution to their problem. That's why you've been hitting all my feels with every chapter concerning the synthetics, my brother. My heartstrings have been tugged to the point of breaking, which is something that I seldomly experience while reading. The way you write is a gift that simply keeps on giving. "Marv" is definitely on my name queue of my robotic creations, I'll make sure I name it to a heavy-lifting variant.

While I've had my theories (several, in fact) how this story would end, I've thrown them out the window (adios muchachos) and learned to trust your better judgement. Introducing a pivotal character this late in the story is very risky, but I'm just trusting your process. I have no doubt that you'll fit Orson in splendidly. You've really shown a great command over your story the entire time, and you've proven that you're the best captain for this journey. The tension throughout this chapter was so palpable, you can cut it with a knife, and your strength in scripting conversations really shown from the first word to the last.

You just keep on impressing with every new installment, and, suffice to say, I'm firmly cemented as a fan of your for life. Bring it home, captain! :D


Hey, my brother! Literally checked my post first thing this morning to see if you were there. Happy to see that I was right!

Yeh, Marv has in some ways become the leader of the group (maybe he always was) as Dee is taking some time out from the trauma of that kid. He's a no messing around synthetic who believes in logic before emotions. So saying you see yourself in that character is a big compliment, that I think fits you perfectly! Logic, analytical and thoughtful. That's you all over, brother! :)

The stand off between Dee and himself was in some ways a suicide attempt on the part of Dee. Even with this new powered up form of Dee, Marv could literally rip her to shreds (in theory, anyways, lol) so it was her way of taking the easy way out when tempers got out of control, seeing as the whole plan and her lifes mission was going out the window. Her connection with Sy is strong and she does love him in her own way, but his weak personality and indecisive have whittled away any respect she once carried for him. Sad, but that's usually how life works. Even for the synth's, lol...

Orson is another character coming into this world late in the game. Believe me, I want to say something about him but really can't say any more for now, lol. Watch this space, buddy! :)

Just want to add again what I've mentioned a few comments ago. This is the final stretch and massive revelations are coming up in the next two chapters that will turn the story on it's head. However, I've thought long and hard (maybe too long) about several different possible paths to take, but the one I'm going with is the one a personally liked the best. But can elaborate on this more only when the book is done, lol! All I can say is it's the riskier of choices but I'm well up for the challenge. Fingers crossed, lol!

You're like a superhero in my book, a real part of me in my life on Steemit. Without you, it would be ten times harder to get this book done so as always, words cannot express my gratitude to you!

The one and only, @jedau! :)

That's so thoughtful of you to say, brother. I feel the same way about you, that's why I'm so grateful I stumbled upon you when I did! I have full trust that you're going to make the best decision for the story, and I'm on board to wherever your tale takes us. A lot of readers are missing out when they don't converse with the author. The exposition you just did really answered a lot of lingering questions. I really wish other people participated in the conversation more. There's so much potential being wasted.

It's been a long journey (which I realized when I listened to @verbal-d's audiobook rendition of the earlier chapters) and I'm happy that I was able to contribute! Trust me when I say that I cannot wait for those huge revelations! :D

So right, he's extraordinary :) I've never known anyone who could analyze a story, especially break it down, in such a way that it adds a dimension to it and doesn't take anything away from it. A beautiful mind is our friend @jedau. You great to know you, so glad I came to steemit :)

I told you that my husband has been reading your comments, right? He thinks they're beautiful, that they enhance my stories for anyone who reads them :) I feel the same way, just as @ezzy expressed, I look forward to your input so much now, starting to rely on it! It was your comments to ezzy that caused me to notice you for the same reason, extra insight into the story from your perspective, it's really cool!

That's so nice for him to say! :) It's a pleasure and a privilege for me, I just try to do the same things I want done for me. It really means a lot to me that my efforts aren't going unnoticed. I mean, I really take some time to write them, so I appreciate the, well, appreciation haha!

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