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RE: Bitbaby - Part 1 (My Original Short Stories)

in #story7 years ago

OH YEAH!! My bro returned to form! I have to say, you haven't missed a beat. It's your distinct style that really sets your writing apart. I like how you set this up. The conversation flowed smoothly and the characterization was built like an onion. Layers and layers full of mystery being unfolded with every line. In a brief time, you've already set up such a rich and engrossing world. Does this belong in the same universe as The Symbiotic Protocol?

That hook at the end.. man. Novel or short story, you really put on a master class every time you post. I knew that your time away was just a ruse to get these gems aged to perfection. Welcome back, my bro! :D


Aww, man. I'm pretty much embarrassed right now. The amount of time I've spent away and to return to an awesome comment like that from you. I feel I don't deserve it in the least, but am truly honoured to see it. Thanks, my friend... Really.

This story is just a setup (prologue, maybe?) for an upcoming sci-fi novella I've got planned. Thought I'd throw the idea out there and see the reaction. All will be explained in the next and final part. Then it's back to finish up on the long overdue "The Symbiotic Protocol".

Bless, my brother... Thanks for literally making my day.

Brother, never feel embarrassed about that. You were a huge part in acclimating me back, so I am forever grateful for what you did. The least I could do is to return the favor. Will all your friends on here, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll welcome you back with arms wide open.

Looking at the earnings this post already has, I'm correct when I said that you haven't missed a beat! :D I like how you're crossing the two stories over, even if they're not connected. You're setting it up in a way that you will never run out of things to post. It's funny how my story has almost caught up with The Symbiotic Protocol in terms of chapters. Although... it's way way behind in terms of earnings haha!

Thanks for the warm welcome, man. You're a true gem on Steemit. Believe me when I say I'm lucky and feel privileged that the people who voted for me did so, especially after being away for so long.

But I've always thought you deserved way more in terms of payout, just my personal opinion. Your writing style and effort to create the awesome work you do speaks volumes and I commend you for that. Please keep pushing, you WILL get the earnings due to you. It may be taking a little longer than we'd all like, but it will happen. Keep the faith, man. Your fan base needs you.

Really though, I think the people who missed you just pressed pause. That's why when you came back it's like nothing has changed :)

Yeah, that's okay. We get what we get, no use in me fretting over what I can't control :) I did try reaching out to more people, it's just that not a lot took the effort to read my posts. They were busy with their own posts, I guess :) I'm just so happy to stumble upon all the people that returned the support though! :D I wouldn't trade you guys for anyone else in the world!

And that there is what makes you so integral to the Steemit community. It's hard to come by such an inspiring and commited person as yourself. Man, why the hell was I away so long? Keep pushing, man. You're too talented to be anywhere else. Steemit needs you! :)

Haha! If only more people felt that way. In any case, I've all but given up trying to convince people, and just decided to keep doing what I'm doing. Admittedly, as it is, I'm about as loyal to the community as it is to me, which is not a lot hahaha! Even if this whole Steemit thing doesn't work out for me, I'm just glad that I've made a few friends that would easily outlive my time on this platform.

I pray that it does work out for you and you go on from strength to strength. I view you as a valuable asset to the platform so please stick around. You will be sorely missed if you leave and from what I can see, you've got a nice following already! :)

Thanks, bro. Of course I won't leave the following behind even if I leave the platform :D We'll see what happens. It's just so disheartening when you think about it. If a series that's purely dedicated for charity doesn't garner votes, then I don't know what will haha! I didn't even gain anything for these past months and still memes or information that can be found elsewhere on the internet has gained more earnings hahaha!

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