The immortal girl - A magic story

in #story6 years ago


Once upon a time there was a king who had everything; his power was immeasurable over the four cardinal points of the world. All nations knelt before him and his power. However, there was an enemy he could not defeat, time. The king could have everything he wanted with a snap of his fingers: Ice from the top of the Himalayas, diamonds from the Solomon's mines. Everything, except keep his youth. No matter how much he demanded his counselors, sages and magicians to stay young forever, they could not fulfill his orders.

The father time never stopped for anyone, not for men, women or children; rich or poor, powerful or weak. To time all human beings were equal.

That's when the king heard the news about a lady who lived in the forest, who had an incomparable beauty. A beauty incapable of being altered by the passage of time. According to legend, told by the inhabitants to the zones near the forest, they had seen the same young woman for many years, without suffering the test of time.

The king offered a reward comparable to half of all his conquered belongings, to all who found the secret that kept the eternal youth of the mysterious lady of the forest.

Upon hearing the news, many went in search of the strange lady. All kinds of men entered into the depths of the forest: princes, commoners, slaves, bounty hunters and even outlaws. Ignoring the hazards warned by those who lived in the vicinity of the forest.

Most of the men who entered, lost their way as they went deeper into the mystery of virgin nature and dense vegetation. Others perished in the presence of strange creatures that emerged at night, eager to devour those who did not know safe roads.

The young lady lived in a stone house at the foot of a mountain, guarded by ferocious wolves who distrusted strangers.

Those who discovered how to get to where the beautiful lady lived and did not perish in the attempt, offered gold and precious stones to make her reveal her secret. But she rejected the offerings by discovering their true intentions. So, they all forgot how to find her again.

There were many other men looking to get rich trying to find the way to the house of the immortal girl, including Bernard. Bernard was a man who liked to do business and trades in the town and in the vicinity of the palace, smuggling spices, exotic drinks and furs. He used to be a slave from a very young age. However, he was clever and soon learned his master's ability to do business. Over time he gained enough confidence from his master to buy his freedom.

One day, Bernard heard the news of an expedition who would make by a foreign prince in search of the precious secret of the immortal lady. Bernard took advantage of the circumstance to hide among the slaves who were part of the expedition. After going through a series of difficulties to get where the young lady lived, men were somehow delighted and lost their will to seek the secret of her youth. Forgetting the reason that took them there. Going back by the road they had come. However, Bernard was astute, being patient and hiding so as not to be seen by the young lady and thus avoid her enchantments.

He remained hidden for a long time, watching without being seen. He saw how all the men who came to her, returned with their empty hands as tame as sheep.

One day, suddenly, a woman arrived in a cart. He observed that she was a merchant who used to sell provisions and talked with the young lady.

Bernard, soon found the chance to know the secret of the girl, or at least one of them. He took the opportunity to hide himself in the merchant's cart without being seen. So he was able to reach the nearest town, safe and sound.

That same night, he invited the merchant to the village tavern. Between laughter and drinks, the night passed and the dawn arrived. Bernard, he was very charismatic and knew how to get the secrets of people under the influence of alcohol. That’s when he managed to learn more about the enchantment of the young lady. The merchant explained that the young woman anointed over her hands an essence made of plants, a magic potion, that when touching men, they fell at her feet, confessing their intentions.

She told him that she was selling apples to the young lady, among other things; one of the fruits that the young woman preferred the most. However, she warned that the only way to get to the girl's house was by a path that only she knew, but that was not enough to get there safe and sound; she also had to play a melody to calm the beasts that guarded her.

Bernard, the next day, got a few apples and took the same road merchant had taken when he was hidden in the cart, to get to the girl's house. When he was about to arrive, the wolves surrounded his path. He took out a small flute and intoned the melody he had heard from the merchant's lips.

Soon the beasts laid quiet on the sides of the road, letting him reach his destination.

The young woman was surprised by the arrival of the stranger

— I see you've tamed my friends the wolves — she warned.

Bernard greeted without giving importance to her words

— Music always calms the beasts — he answered

— I'm a salesman who has lost his way; could you tell me where the nearest town is? — Bernard lied

The young woman decided to follow the game

— Could you tell me what you're selling?

— Sure — he answered while he opened his bag and was listing what it contained — spices, wines and apples

The girl was glad to hear the last thing he had said.

— Apples? Good! Why don’t you sell me some?

Bernard nodded and got off his horse.

The girl came to introduce herself

— My name is Selene — she said, extending her hand to say hello.

Bernard paused looking at the girl's hand, then looked into the girl's eyes and scratched his neck.

—Bernard — he answered and suddenly simulated coughing, so he covered his mouth quickly with his hand to contain his cough.

Selene smiled at the gentleman's cunning.

Thus they spent the afternoon pleasantly conversing trivialities and sharing a glass of Bernard's wine. At dusk, Bernard decided to leave, but not before asking if he could visit her again.

Selene appreciated his visit.

That's how he started spending time once a week at Selene's house. The young lady was beginning to enjoy Bernard's visits, even though she suspected his intentions by always avoiding her touch.

Bernard, with the passage of time, began to be attracted to the sweetness of Selene.

One morning he came to visit; he was surprised to see that she had not left his house to receive him. So he decided to take a look out the window. Surprised, he found her faint and feverish.

Bernard entered the house as best he could and picked her up and placed her over her bed. He placed a damp cloth over her forehead and then hurried off in search of the merchant, who was the only person he could trust, both him and her.

Soon both arrived at Selene's house and the merchant treated Selene's condition. The merchant told Bernard that he should stay and take care of her while she was looking for an antidote for the poison that had been administered to her.

Bernard spent three days taking care of her, feeding her and treating her wounds until the merchant returned with the antidote. On coming to her senses, Selene thanked both to save her life.

Selene gratefully told Bernard what he wanted to hear.

— Many years ago, I pleased the goddess Artemis and she granted me eternal youth. She gave me a magic hourglass, which each time I gave it a turn, it would return my lost youth for a year, keeping me eternally young.

She pulled the hourglass out of a chest. A magnificent piece that shone before Bernard's eyes.

— So you know the secret that everyone wants to know.

Bernard was grateful that she told him her secret. However, Bernard no longer longed for any reward, other than Selene's company. Words he said while holding both hands of Selene.

Bernard had found something more valuable than any reward

Selene noticed that he was not lying, because it was the first time he had touched her.

Bernard, took the face of Selene between his hands and gave her a kiss of true love, which was reciprocated.

However their happiness did not last long. Very soon, the news spread of a man who had survived the charms of the young woman. The king's guards and subjects found Bernard and captured him.

Despite the tortures he received, Bernard never confessed Selene's secret, nor how to get her home. The King, seeing that Bernard would die before betraying the young lady, decided to send a message to everywhere:

Bernard's life in exchange for the secret of her eternal youth.

Soon, Selene got the King’s message by the merchant. So, she agreed to the demands of the King.

It was night of full moon, when Selene arrived at the castle of the King, guarded by her beasts.

She appeared before the King, along with the magical artifact.

— Here's what you want — Selene exclaimed, as she pulled the hourglass out of her bag.

Everyone present, wise men, magicians, subjects and guards were amazed at the majestic apparatus.

However, Selene asked the King to give Bernard to her or else she would destroy the hourglass.

The king ordered his guards to bring Bernard in front of them.

Badly hurt and beaten, Bernard was thrown at the feet of the King.

The King was pleased to see Selene's worried face.

He ordered an old maid to take the hourglass from Selene's hands, to avoid being charmed by her.

The maid took the hourglass and before delivering it to the king, received a new order.

— Teach us how your device works with my servant — the King ordered

— On a full moon night, like the current one, you just have to turn around the hourglass to return a year of lost youth — explained Selene

The King nodded and signaled the servant to proceed as Selene indicated.

The old servant's hands trembled. Selene clarified her that she had nothing to fear. The servant, trusting in her word, turned the hourglass.

The sand began to glow, emitting a faint blue color, as it scurried from the upper section of the hourglass. The maid began to straighten her posture, while some of her wrinkles disappeared.

Suddenly, she felt renewed, returning a smile first to Selene and then to the King

— You already have what you wanted, I demand the freedom of Bernard — Selene exclaimed

The King again made a signal and the guards lifted Bernard from the ground and put him in front of Selene.

Selene cleaned Bernard's face with her clothes and hugged him.

— You should not come for me — Bernard exclaimed — the King is not trustworthy.

Suddenly, the guards surrounded Selene and Bernard pointing their spears at them, waiting for the King's order.

The King signaled for them to wait, while he contemplated the hourglass in his hands.

Then he took the hourglass with his right hand and turned it over

Selene murmured in Bernard's ear.

— Close your eyes and do not open them no matter what happens.

The sand of the hourglass turned a deep red, burning the King's hand. The King uttered a scream of agony and the hourglass fell to the ground, breaking into pieces.

All the men in front of the clock died instantly from the radiation of the hourglass’ sand. Selene covered Bernard's body with her clothes.

Bernard listened to the terrifying screams of the men around him. Little time elapsed when silence reigned again.

— Avarice and greed is what ended the lives of all men — Selene cried in front of the women present.

Selene and Bernard left the palace.

Outside the castle, the merchant was waiting for them with her cart.

— What are you going to do now that you've lost your hourglass? You will stop being immortal — Bernard asked anguished

— Actually, the hourglass was not the gift that my mother Artemis had promised me — Selene explained

— The gift was to find true love. And the apples were the signal. I would choose the one who brought me apples.

— Isn’t it, mother? — Selene asked the merchant

— Right! my daughter — Artemis laughed with grace

Bernard was surprised to learn of the merchant's true identity.

A blinding light covered the merchant's body, transforming into the goddess Artemis.

Artemis laid her hands on Bernard's head and suddenly all the damage received by the tortures disappeared.

So, Bernard and Selene lived together for the rest of their lives, under the protection of the goddess Artemis.

I hope you enjoyed it as I did

And again! Thanks for reading!


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