How to be a Master! Challange30, Day 1 , Play!

in #story8 years ago (edited)

How do you become a master?


First lets go over the word , master , a man on a mast , that would equal someone who is the seer of the boat , so one that has a higher sight and awareness , upon who many lives are drawn and depending, for clear judgement and for navigation.
I might be going off on a tangent here , but there are some correlations there , words define reality ,
or try their hardest to grasp it and wrap themselves around.

So after the mystical introduction , lets get some groundwork done. We've arived on land so we can get off the boat now.
No more masters , there are no masters , life is a cylce , you can be on top one day and the next below the tide.


We are all masters of our life , or we should be.
The Choice is ours , we should be making sound decisions ,
or let ourselves drift , sometimes its helpful.

Back to awareness and through choice. In my mind the more awareness you have the better decisions you can make.
I've had a run in with AI programs and the jist of the matter is that the more information you have ,
the better the computation the more precise the answer.
Our minds are like a program , albeit a infinite one in terms of numbers ,
finite in time but infinite in space (well that would depend on you personally).

So after you have the base(self, family, fulfilment, clensiness)
you would have the ship finished (everything sorted in your mind)
the material side taken care of (no one chasing you for past debts)
the physical side would require you to be fit and fast ,
to be able to lead in times of danger , so no addictions or excuses :).

Then we get to the mast , which would be your dream ,
the faraway shining shore drawing you towards it ,
now you can look at the stars and find it .

Now get on the boat and be a master :)

For a master
Earth would be
A universe upon
The endless sea
Vast in space
Endless in depth
Where no scope can reach.


Song of the day , a personal favorite !

Have you heard of Chali2na , here are the lyrics to the song , one of the best rappers out there , along with many others , one of the very best for me and one I've listened for years.


I enjoyed your etymology of the word "Master" - excellent! Also great pictures. You should do well here. Blessings!

My advice is you should work on the text layout. There are line breaks where I don't expect one. Let the text flow.

It's very beautiful post :)
Great job dear @j3dy !!

Thank you very much! :)
it's a first so there is a lot to learn and i hope i can keep the spirit.

Well written! Keep at it and you should do well here, but it does take time to have a following. Best of luck!

Thank you, I've made my first cent so it's a start. You too, Keep up the good work!

I've added my $0.003 cents to your growing fortune!!! hehehehe

Dream and Steem Happily , would you go on a ride for your money ? Already payed for it :P, took me an hour to get the post done , I hope its not too confusing and I was hating on long reads. Critiques are welcome , Ratings , any insights and anything in general.

Happy Steeming!

Have you heard of Chali2na , here are the lyrics to the song , one of the best rappers out there , along with many others , I've listened for years.

This is very well written and showcased. Great work 👍.

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