How I overcome Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression and Agoraphobia (Part Four)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

How I overcome Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression and Agoraphobia (Part Four)


You need to read Parts One, Two and Three to understand this chapter please go to the links below:

Part One

Part Two

Part Three (It says Part one but it's actually three it's just a edition mistake)


happens after you recover from a mental disorder? the expected, you started to live a regular life and forget everything about the path you walked to recover.

I learned the hard way that's not the right thing to do because just a few months after I though I was completely recovered I had a relapse.

If you have had anxiety, depression, panic attacks, agoraphobia or any other mental disorder you know how hard it is to have a relapse, is a time when your mind have you and you become hopeless thinking that you would never scape from that parallel reality.

But there is good news

for those who have a relapse, I learned that the path to recover is not a straight line, what do I mean? well, it is exactly like learning how to ride a bike or play a musical instrument, have you ever play piano? How long did it take to you to learn a dificult piece? did you learn it at once or did you learn it step by step?

Same thing happends with a mental disorder If you just forget about it the strategies you learned to manage it would disapear from your mind.

The good news is that you won't start from the begining (even if it apears to be) you already has the knowledge to get out again you just need to practice just like piano.

This constant practice helps you to understand more and more about the disorder, about yourself and abouth the path, until one day you understand enough to stop fearing your mind, that day all mental disorders just go away not because you frighten them but because you understood them.

Do you remember the first time you cut yourself with a knife learning how to cook? You became a little afraid of the knife didn't you? So, due to the bad experience you learned how to handle it with care but now after all this years you are not afraid anymore to cut yourself because you have develop the necesary skills to learn to use it, is not like the nkife can't hurt you, sure it can but you just don't care because you have no fear at all you have developed the necessary confidence in yourself and the same applies to mental disorders.

It does no matter how bad a relapse seems to be because it does not mean you are not going to get well it just means that the path is not over yet an you still have some thing to learn

You are on your way to recover


My friend good luck! Truly. But I need a favor. I want to help people. This might also help you. I am not sure. Since your posts is trending I need to do this shameless advertising in order to get my message across to people. Please help this spread so that we might some struggling to find some happiness in their life. How to be Happy 101. Help this message spread please. And I am sorry for using your post. Good luck in life.

This post is not even close to be trending hahahaha

it was in psychology, still i had to do what I can to forward my post. Posts that help people should be viewed by all

It's kind of rude to link your article in other people's articules ;)

Oh I know, but I thought people reading this article might need to read mine. I dont go around linking all my posts. Just that one. That is why I apologized but it was a must

I didn't say it bothers me, I just said it looks kind of rude to the steemit community eyes

Will read your other articles. And follow you. I am down to 3 Diazepam a week. Amigo, misspell, it's depression (two ss) Take care

I will writte an article about my withdrawal experience I hope it helps

Thank you for writing. Lots of people have problems and not many can share them. Thing is that talking mostly helps and sharing experience is equally helping in prevention and support during someones struggle

Glad to meet you.
I am also grateful for your story here.
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