A story from my childhood - a shy child and confusing english:)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Today my mother sent me my old children's photo. I don't remember exactly how old I was, but somewhere under 10 I think. Oooops, wait, it's year 1996. Then OK, I was eight:)

My grandfather took me in a trip. I had no idea where we were going, but loved adventures. 

That's me. Seems like I already at 8 years old loved oversized cloth:) And yep, the whole trip was to meet Jackie Chan:)

Scene from the movie. The same yellow under jacket:


No need do say I ad no idea who that was. The movie  "Police Story 4: First Strike" was parlty filmed in Ukraine, and my granddad knew it, and whished to make surprise for me. 

I was a shy child, and my english was limited to few words, so I think when I was introduced to the actor I didn't even say "Hi".

By the way I also remebmer that my mom had a lot native english speakers friends when I was little. I remember then calling by phone, and if I picked it up I became scared and immidiately put the phone down. Then mpther explained me that it's nothing to fear, I can just ask who's that and then tell parents. But the only conversation that finally came out looked like this:

"The phone rang and I picked it up.
-Ednvsdlk vdslkvsv sdva vdsie!
I didn't catch a word, so I collected all my knowlenge of english together and asked:
-Could you please repeat slower?
-Hi! I-am-Robert!
Seriously, guys, for a year after that conversation I still was sure that it was "RO-BOT" calling..."

So, meeting an actor also was a confusing situation for me. Only a few years after I understood who that was and fell in love with his movies.

So the most memorable event happend after the meeting. We were driving home. As a child i always was swaying in the car (and still am, the only case when not is when I'm the driver). So I asked dranddad for a permission to... Run if front of the car. 

Crazy stuff, yep.

But I was allowed to do it, haha:) Sure, the car was moving really slow. But since I tryed to run really fast I finally fell and met a acute stone with my forehead. Since then I still look like this:

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber


Excellent post dear friend @inber what a beautiful story, thank you very much for sharing this beautiful material, I really like the stories of life, congratulations for the photography with the maximum martial artist of the last time, have a beautiful day

Thank you so much for reading and commenting!:)

My husband and I made friends with an Iranian couple that lived next to us in Chicago. They had just immigrated to the states and had one child, a little boy around six years old. He was shy, every time I said hello or spoke English to him, he would break down in tears. I thought he didn't like me, now I understand.

Your written English is better than mine and I'm a native😏😁

I could break into tears even when my parents were asking me to say "Hi" to an adult person I yet haven't met before. OK, even if I already knew the person too. And in fact I learned how to communicate (less or more) when I was already almost 15. And still talking to strangers is confusing for me:)

I used to feel that way in my twenties. My sensitivity went away in my 30s. I truly understand🌸 Social online media is easier for me but I now enjoy meeting new people. I'm an introvert so I get tired easily when socializing. I get my energy from being alone. Maybe you're an introvert?

That's the fact I know about myself, yep:) But I dealed with it only a few years ago, agreed, that it's OK to feel good alone. Before I was thinking that I'm just doing something wrong.
And now I'm sitting with my dog, drawing my art alone (with dog, yep, but she's a perfect company) and know that it's OK:)

I do the same thing, there nothing wrong enjoying being alone, well unless you are telling your introvert stories to an extrovert. They can't understand us, but we can understand them.

So true:) My best friend is a super-extrovert, but you know, sometimes she tells me "Teach me how you do that! How can you not notice that you haven't contact someone for a MONTH?!? How can you not to call your husband all the time? I become really upset if I think that someone forgot about me, and this takes less then 24 hours period!"
But the truth is my husband is an introvert too. So most of time we have perfect psilience, read book together and our phones conversations are limited to 1 minute per month, haha:) And we are ok with that.

My husband is an introvert too and we never use our phones....hahaha

Perfect relationships!:)

Yes, your grandfather helped them with their movie process in Crimea :)

I don't know this part of story! You should tell it to me!:)

You know Jackie Chan :D

Kind of, yep:)

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