Remember The Time I Was 12 & Lied in a Chat Room, Then A Guy Traveled All The Way From Australia to Canada to Find Me!🌍🆘

in #story7 years ago (edited)

How does someone find you when you don't tell them where you live? How much can someone find out about you? What happens when you start disclosing personal information?

Here's my story.

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When I was 12, I set up an ICQ account (do you all remember ICQ?) well, with that account, a handful of Cosmopolitan magazines stolen from my mother's collection and an inherent flirt inside of me, I was ready to take on the internet!

12 YEARS OLD taking the new, dial up internet by storm. My mother none-the-wiser.

For those of you who don't know, 'ASL' (age, sex, location) was a thing back then. You'd come into the chat room and type ASL to people as a greeting. So, being a smart kid, knowing internet safety, I lied about all of those (except my gender, that was always a key part of my role.)

I met someone one day in a chat room and began privately chatting with him. Things were pretty mild and tame at first but over time, they escalated and now I became (as far as he was concerned, based on what I told him) a 16 year old female from the States with DD's (as in double D's) and a passion for getting into trouble.

Again, 12. TWELVE. Twelve. (cringe.)

Being the sassy vixen Cosmo taught me to be, I had this 18 year old from Australia all over me. We talked for hours every day, honestly I don't even know how we kept the conversations going but it eventually turned into a very intimate relationship where I began divulging real details of my life to him as our trust grew. Never serious details though.

This went on for years until I actually turned 16 and I got a message from him on MSN (because times had changed and the internet was now detached from that terrible DSL that used to be the death of me and everyone left ICQ in the dust!) His message said he was taking a trip to Canada...

Well, that sure was interesting because I lived in Canada and by that point, (after 4 years of communicating on an almost every day basis) we had covered that part, he even knew my province. I let the years and time spent convince me to risk my once guarded, secretive, protected life believing since he was literally half way across the world, it could do no harm.

Starting to backtrack and try to save myself from what at that point was seeming to be an internet crime in the future... I began telling him untrue information to throw him off my scent. He knew all of my secrets, everyone I had relationships with, (most of the time I used fake names and it took me years to finally tell him my first name, mostly because MSN betrayed me by showing my email address...) He knew what I looked like from my profile pictures... Oh goodness...there were campaigns being organized to try to stop internet crimes for situations just like this one... and yet, here I was.


Once I confirmed that he was planning on coming to Canada for real (not just saying so), I made sure to give him a bunch of wrong information in case he decided to show up and somehow find me. I had never told him where I lived but I told him about the town, its surroundings and culture. I had never told him my school name, or any particular details, just a bunch of general information so I figured I might be safe. In fact, I had only told him the first letter of the town and approximately how far away it was from the capital but that was a long time ago and I was sure he wouldn't remember.

One day shortly after he had left for his trip, I was at work, stocking shelves when he walked in! I nearly peed my pants. I could not believe he had found me. Our talks had gotten pretty intense, even so far as breaching cyber 'relations' at points... it was very weird, new territory for two clearly tormented teens. I recognized him right away, he had sent me many pictures and so I dove behind the shelf and started to panic.

What the F was I going to do? Had he come to kill me? Probably. That's what all these stories have in common. The end is the girl gets killed by the scary, obsessed dude. I ran to the back and told my manager that I was terrified. She said she would keep an eye on me but to go approach him in public to keep myself safe and ask him to leave me alone, as I wasn't feeling comfortable anymore.

I approached him and it was the weirdest feeling. Partly because he didn't tell me he was coming directly to see me when he said he was visiting Canada and up until this point, I thought I was being paranoid. I had no idea how he found out where I worked or my town for that matter and... I was too young and dumb to die.

Our conversation was short as I basically waited for as many customers to be in the area as possible and told him I found it inappropriate to show up like that, especially since he had never told me he knew where he could find me and that I was scared. He left after asking me to join him for dinner which I declined. I was shaking with confusion.

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The next day we had a post man come to the house (we have never had a post man come to the house, we always pick up our mail at the post office so this was extremely strange!) He had a huge envelope which I was scared to open. My dad told me that it could be poisoned (at this point I had to tell my parents just in case it ended up being a story on the news.) You wouldn't believe the tricks a mind can play when you start to get scared...

My mother put an abrupt end to the internet for me and honestly, I didn't even mind because I was really concerned. I felt like I had taken extra precautions, made sure to apply all of the safety steps I learned in school and still someone had managed to find me. Mom was irate with anger for putting the family in what she deemed to be serious risk. She called the police and had someone sit outside watching and waiting.

The phone rang and it was him. (How did he get my number?) Remember calling the operator? Well, that's all you had to do back then. Only thing was, I never even gave him my full name (ah, but my email address betrays me again!) Only thing is, my number was listed under my step dad's name... so that wouldn't have been easy to figure out, I didn't give him any information to find this out... so how would he have gotten it? (I still don't know how he pulled it off.)

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My mother let me talk to him but she listened in. He said he was leaving but wanted to see me, I said I could not see him after the way things had gone down, him knowing my work, my house, my number... and so he begged me to open the letter and I hung up the phone abruptly and began crying hysterically. What had I done?

Eventually we decided to open the letter since it didn't smell or tick... good indicators it wasn't too much to worry about. I was stunned to find that it was a lovely birthday message on many pieces of paper professing a love for me that I had only hoped to find in a fairytale. I was feeling really devastated about thinking the worst of him... but now he was gone who knows where, no phone here and not knowing when he would have access to the internet again.

My mom banned me from the internet for a while but I hacked the password and went on anyway while she was at work or out doing various chores. It was always a gamble though because she had the only computer in the house in the front window so when she drove up, she could catch me red-handed.

It took me time to make sense of this all but I realized that there is good in the world and we are taught to fear it and think the worst.

Mind you, I realize this guy could have been a sociopath and killed me and my family right there but that would have been a hell of an effort to do so. Traveling that far and going to that much effort would be the most commitment imaginable. However, whatever the intention, the fact that he was able to find me without me giving him any clear details was a wake up call. How much more safe could I have been? I felt I covered all my basis and that part was the scariest.

Now looking at it through the eyes of love, makes sense. People do crazy things for love, don't they? But how can we differentiate the two at first glance? The people trying to take advantage of you VS the people who genuinely want to connect?

After taking some time to let the dust settle, we eventually got right back into the same swing of things, only now I was the one in love as I was convinced I had an Australian prince out there waiting for me.


For 10 more years we talked online. As the social media platforms advanced, so did our relationship. We went from ICQ, to MSN to MySpace to Facebook and all along the line, the intimacy was growing. When we were younger, we talked a lot more, most all of my free time was typing to this boy across the ocean. Whenever I was in trouble or did anything I felt I couldn't tell anyone I was directly in contact with, I would go crying to him. He knew my every little secret, fantasy and nightmare.

Finally, 14 years after meeting in that chat room and 12 years after our brief encounter at my work, we decided to meet and while I was making a quick stop in Sydney on the way to New Zealand, I planned to meet him in person.

Do you want to know how it went?

It was incredibly awkward. It was like we didn't even know each other while at the same time staring at each other naked since we had told each other everything for so many years. We were meeting a person we had idolized in our minds, crafted how we wanted them to be and then spending time together felt strained, weird, forced.

"Hey, remember that time you flew all the way across the world to come see me and I had police officers stake you out?"

How strange that a relationship that lasted for so many years online couldn't cut it in real life. That impacted our online relationship prior as well because the awkwardness carried over into it. I'm sure we both felt lost in the fact that we had both been left feeling disappointed.

We don't talk anymore like we used to do...

And that's that you guys. This post started out as a colorchallenge and someone this story spewed itself out of me. It begs many questions though don't you think? Our online identities for starters.

  • Who are we online vs RL?
  • Are we protecting our information properly?
  • How do you protect yourself but also connect authentically?

I asked my Aussie friend here how he was able to find me and his response shocked me. From the first letter of my town's name and the idea of how far way from the capital it was, with some features noted about the town was enough for him to track me down. I'm lucky this turned into a Shakespeare type tragic ending story opposed to a horror story however and so for that I am thankful but also, I get asked so often on Discord my real name, my age, where I live... these are questions that have gotten me into trouble before, and are really irrelevant to my content so I hope you understand why I am not jumping at the idea of giving out my birthday and social security right off the bat :)

Here's a picture of us in Sydney right after he picked me up from the airport. His face is censored for his privacy ;)


I still shake my head at my 12 year old self. I honestly believe she was just bored, looking for something to do and only lied to protect herself, though it didn't work anyway!

What a vortex the internet is, people living inside and outside of it with more than one life to keep up with. Seeing how much online has changed in the span of this story, I am excited to see what happens moving forward. Interestingly enough, this experience had encouraged me to be myself online, no lying, probably still too much personal information though... but hey, I believe in love, humanity... and blogs!

Like I said, I started out with this being a color challenge but now it's kind of just thoughts from the heart! Hope you all have an awesome weekend! <3

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wow never knew that you were once a bad girl !!!! haha . Thank goodness that all went well and what an interesting story and a lesson for all.

Haha are you kidding me? Have you not read my travel series? I have an alter ego who is always up to trouble ;)

But yes, age has made me wise and through some luck, I am happy I got out of all of these experiences in order to be able to share them! Hope you're enjoying your weekend @charles1 <3

Welcome @heart-to-heart am glad for you too that all went well ad you are wiser-you are indeed a darling . Make me wanna give you a big hug-bless you and happy weekend

Aww well here's a big hug right back at ya @charles1 <3

I accept it with gratitude and affection <3 my sweet lady.

I am writing a similar post, how much closer can our hearts be connected?! The online world has a funny way of making real world relationships awkward. How is it possible for us to connect online and yet be so disconnect IRL? Not that this applies to you, but I wonder how much of our true self we portray online and how much we pretend to be someone else when online? Do we create an online persona?

I wish your experience on no one, but take it as a warning to be very careful with the information I share and with whom I share it with. We never know who is on the other side and what their true intentions are at the end of the day. After reading yours i am all the more excited to finish my post.

Glad to know i am not alone in this journey of life. I hope one day when we met we feel the same instant friendship as we do online. :D

Hey @kubbyelizabeth =D I love it, can't wait to see it! Hmmm well I can tell you for a fact that I used to act differently online than I am in real life and that caused the awkwardness when I met this guy in person. See, when I was younger I put on this hard-I am so cool- persona (that I used in real life too) but it wasn't authentically me and it took me a long time to figure that out, so now I am only comfortable being me and it works out so much better in all of my relationships. Even if I am a bit of a hippy-rainbow-weirdo ;)

I think it's a good question to ask- I know for me now, I am being who I really am in real life too but how many people can say that? I don't know. Are my relationships on here real? Who knows! I hope so =D

Yes, be so careful! I was really talented with technology back in those days... (Now, NOT AT ALL!) but then I knew how to do things I have no idea how I ever figured out now. I really protected myself as much as I feel I could and still, he found me so always be on high alert, cautious, loving but protect your information.

Oh you and I will be just fine, I know it! <3 Now, we just need to plan our picnic!

It's funny how we learn and grow in different areas of our lives depending on our situations. I have definitely learned a lot by being online more.

Thanks for always sharing your story with me. Now onto the picnic planning. Do you think you'll be able to come sometime around November?

Oh no :( I won't be coming back stateside until something drastic happens that needs my attention. I am not a big fan of planes and that is one heck of a long ride. I'm waiting for my mom to want something, then I'll come back and make a stop along the way ;)

Alright, fair enough. I guess I'll have to come to you than. :D How is your week going so far?

wow. .what a story! you must be very special for a guy to go to all that trouble to find you.. Sounds like he would be an amazing detective. if he isn't one already! THis is one of those special stories that many people can relate to in many ways.

I used to live with a girl who wouldnt agree to this guys never ending requests to be with him. He lived in a fantasy world, and would send letters, gifts and even stand outside the door begging for her to take him into her arms. After many months she finally gave in and he lived with us for 3 months. He was totally crazy, and an amazing creative genius with real mental health problems. Ill never forget the "Elf King" as he referred to himself.

Oh life, the people we meet!

Haha well thanks Alex, though if I am being honest, I wasn't being authentically me, I was portraying myself in the way I wanted to and that lead to many problems. I have learned now to be myself and so that is the only way I will ever be ever again!

The elf king! What a name, I think that kind of says a lot already haha but must have been quite entertaining? People will go to great lengths for love! If you remove the judgment from either of our stories, it could be considered romantic :P

spot on! yes without judgement he was the epitome of romantic. im glad u are found authenticity too.. That can be a hard one when we are challenged with our want to be liked and desired.


omg, my son is 12 years old! I'm going to go take his laptop away lol Amazing story, but scary in the sense that you hear so many horror stories about grooming online nowadays and they even teach children online stranger danger in schools. I feel blessed that I grew up without the internet, although I'm only 37, I feel like a granny saying this!😂 Ive never fancied the whole online dating thing either, so I'm lucky that I met my hysband when we were children and then finally met again in person through socialising (shock horror!) when we were in our early 20's and fell in love properly. 14 years and 1 son later, we are still happily married 😊😊

Haha well I was a special 12 year old, I tell you one thing. I just talked to my mom about this last night and had a good laugh. We both remember me being exceptionally good at getting myself into these kind of ridiculous situations for someone my age. I never identified with my age though, I acted in many ways the same way I do now, even in adulthood. I thought I was misunderstood and too mature for my age haha

I think school's do the whole internet safety thing but maybe a reminder wouldn't hurt ;)

This wasn't meant to be online dating, I have no idea what I was up to back then, just bored I think :P It was super strange and I am not a fan of it either! Love your love story, how sweet is that! <3 It's like a story book! I wish you two all the happiness in the world <3

I always like to hear the happily married thing, nice job :-)

Wow what a story!!!!!

I totally remember ICQ, and being super young and going on chat lines with my friends. We would always pretend to be 16. It's funny adults couldn't tell how young we were over chat. Never got a guy to cross an ocean for me... Not over ICQ anyhow 😆

Loved this! It brought back memories and and I'm glad he wasn't a bad guy after all!

Haha well I am happy to hear I wasn't the only one deceiving men online at a young age ;) I know I made extra sure to sound older, reading things in Cosmo to sound more cultured hahaha

It took me 4 years of almost daily chat for that mind you ;) I wasn't a fan of it, happy this was a one-off!

I'm happy too, in fact he's a great guy, we just have years of weird tension and history together so when you build someone up a certain way for so long, I think you are bound to run into the feelings we faced.

Hope you're behaving on this online platform ;) Don't go telling anyone you're 16! <3

Lol I'm pretty sure no one would believe me if I said I was 16! I likely couldn't even fake it 😆

It was all just another life experience sounds like. A good reminder that there is a difference between online and face to face.

Haha yes, somehow I think it's easier to fake it the other way around!

You are so right! I just met a Steemian in real life, that was putting myself out there next level- will report about it soon :)

Wow awesome! I bet it went better than your first internet meet up!
4 years of build up is too much for anyone to handle.
I look forward to hearing about your newest meeting 😁

@hearth-to-hearth I met my partner through a common Whatsapp group we had. He is from france and I was living just like where you are right now. It was crazy. We talked over the internet and he was living 7000 miles away from me. He was 18 that time and I was 19 that time.

Just this early year we met and things were beautiful. He wasn't different online and IRL. He was outgoing and a really funny person. We lived together for 2 months before I have to continue my study and so did he. Now I am 20 and he's still 19 :D

Oh and just a couple days ago, I also meet my online bestfriend after 2 years! He was also the same person online and IRL.

You brought back a beautiful memory ! much love <3

Hey @macchiata I love hearing your online success stories =D I think the internet can provide us with the ability to meet people we might never have otherwise and that is a wonderful thing. The key is to be yourself so when you meet it's not so weird :P That was my problem for sure and i have learned and now only act as I do IRL =D

I hope you and your partner stay happy forever! That would be such a lovely story! I'm sure Whatsapp would love to hear it ;)

<3 Have a wonderful week thanks for sharing this with me!

In fact, You just give me an Idea to contact Whatsapp and told them about my story and how actually their application could have so much impact. I believe that it's not only happening to me but lots of people out there!

Thank you for another inspiration ! I am so happy reading your reply ! I don't know but I always appreciate when people when people write back xD

Much love! be safe there <3 !

That was a fantastic read from a to z. One of this stories where everybody can identify with 1 of the characters and realise these things can happen. Bringing up some good old ICQ memories as well. So now that we see your picture, what is your first and last name then? :-)

Clearly I haven't learned all of the lessons to be had out there ;) I think I am reasonable with my information I give now ;) I'll just private message you my credit card numbers and all that!
The question is... which character are you in this @bubke? ;)

Steemit is too transparent and public to reveal that @heart-to-heart, think positive :-)

ha ha ha that's why my name is "solid yus"


oh man...i've had some online situations go REAL poorly from my end. i remember being driven by some friends over to a girl's house (this must've been 17 years ago?).

she and a friend had been drinking. we didn't realize how MUCH they had been drinking. they were real out of control, like...not in a healthy/hilarious way. they left the room and i bolted like a cartoon character; dust cloud hanging in the air and everything.

never again.

and yeah, you got REAL lucky that it wasn't some super stalker rapist murder type dude you got caught up talking to.

He was/is a really good guy! I am very lucky we had a good ending and not one that was blasted all over the news. =D

Haha it's such an interesting world we live in! Good thing you got out of there because it does not sound like something you'd want to get messed up in! That's the other aspect of this right? The drunk online meet ups... OH now we need to start talking to people about Tinder and the stories there :P

YES! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! I was working on my response, I know you've seen it now but just some extra love for you and them <3 <3 <3 Have a great week!

You are the BEST!!!!!! Have a GREAT start to your week Friend .. Looking forward to your posts this week .. This Steemit experience this week has been a Blessing .. I AM SO THANKFUL TO YOU!!! Love you Friend.. SUNSHINE247

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