Story: Events that shaped my life 1

in #story7 years ago

pic 3.jpe

My words are my bounds. Since I made a promise in my first #introduceyourself post, so I am here to tell my dear readers one of the stories that shaped and changed my perceptions about life.
I have always wanted to get married at the age of 27 even though I had my first date when I was 24, same year I graduated from school. There was this smart, cute, industrious and intelligent lady in my undergraduate class I always joked with that I am going to marry her not knowing nature had a surprise package for us. Fast forward to the passing out ceremony of our National Youth Service Corps, we re-swapped contacts since both of us seem to have lost each other's contacts before then.

Thereafter, I got admission for my Masters of Science degree while she got a job with a popular real estate firm here in #Nigeria. We started talking and weFell in love within a short period. I was struggling through my programme due to inadequate funding while she was saving up to start a business and become independent of any boss. One fateful night in year 2011, we we're having our usual late night conversation when she reminded me about my forthcoming 27th birthday which will be 11/11/2011, a unique date. She asked what kind of gift would I like and my reply was spontaneous - to get married to her on 11/11/11. We both laughed it off, I knew it's almost impossible considering the fact that I had no source of income to take up a wife. Few weeks to my birthday, I got a rather surprise call from her, she had a seriousness to her voice and she asked me directly if I am serious about marrying her on 11/11/11, my answer was the same. To my utmost surprise, she said she has informed her parents and I am free to bring my parents on that day for a mini wedding. To cut the long story short,That's how she became my wife. I will not bore my readers about the details of how I coped with the financial implication of everything, but she played a huge part using her money and sacrificing a lot of her comforts just to be with me. I really do miss her right now.

My lovely wife became expectant the following month. A news that will be the beginning of the end of our relationship. She attended ante natal care regularly at a famous military hospital close to her office throughout the gestation period. I was told to come with her for the session penultimate to her expected delivery date where the consultant convinced us to opt for caesarian section using different medical terms. After thorough deliberation, we reluctantly agree even though my wife she few tears. I consoled her and assured her everything will be alright even though I was not really sure, I had to be a man. It later turned out everytHing will not. The caesarian section was scheduled for the second day, everything happened so fast. My wife went into false labour probably due to anxiety. We worked out the paper works for her maternity leave at work and started getting the necessary things ready for the following day. I informed her parents since they are close by while mines are hundreds of miles away in another state entirely. She was admitted and my sister in-law came to stay with her in the ward while I stayed around for logistic purpose. She was in labour throughout the night. I called the attention of the hospital management to it, probably the operation can be brought forward because seeing her in such pain is unbearable. I was told the consultant will not be reachable until the following morning. I retired and fervently prayed overnight in a nearby mosque. I could not sleep throughout, could not wait for her to be relieved of the pain and see the return of her charming sSmile to her face. After what seemed like eternity, the dawn broke and my wife was moved into operating theatre around 9am. I kissed her goodbye since I was not allowed to go in with her. My prayers entered another gear at this stage. After about an hour, my sister in-law came to congratulate me about having a lovely baby girl. I asked about the mother, she said she's being taken care of and will be out in no time, something that took about another one hour. I was summoned when she was wheeled out of the theatre to help with her lifting from the wheel to the Ward bed. The sight I saw wasn't encouraging. She was shaking all over, hardly opened her eyes with tears coming out. I have never felt so much pains in my life. I was told she will be fine that the shaking is as a result of the effect of the anaesthesia which will wear off after some time. Few minutes later, she opened her eyes and asked of her baby. I felt a bit relieved and optimistic. I broughtThe baby for her to just touch, since she can't breast feed yet. She hugged the baby, she some few tears again and asked to be covered by another layer of cloth that she's feeling cold. By this time, my mother and father in law were around already. I was persuaded to go home, freshen up and bring some of the things she and the baby will be needing. I have not left the hospital's vicinity when I received a call from my mother in law to turn back. I turned back to meet her rushing down the stairs.

Lola went into convulsion and I was asked to get this drug, she said while handing over a piece of paper containing the prescription to me.

With fear in her eyes and in my own mind, I asked her to return to the Ward while I get the drug. I quickly went to the pharmacy, got the drug and rushed backed to the Ward where about three doCtors we're attending to her. The sight I saw was terrible. She was half dead with the only sign of life left being an ocassional jerking of the head. My mother in law was already crying. I felt comforted that the doctors will perform magic and bring her back to life. I handed over the prescribed drug after which the doctors asked us to leave the Ward, everyone of us. We all left. I sat down at the reception waiting for miracle to happen, My mother in law was pacing up and down while crying and my sister in-law was shedding tears without producing any sound.

One of the doctors came out after fifteen minutes and announced that she's stabilizing and will be fine. He asked me to go and get baby's food since it doesn't look like the mother will be able to breatfeed the baby anytime soon. I set out to get, the food. After walking for about 20 minutes, my father in law called me that the doctors are requesting to see me immEdiately. I returned to the hospital feeling apprehensive. My greatest fear was, about to, be, confirmed. I was invited into an office where about six doctors we're waiting for me. Without mincing words, the consultant, broke the news to me.

We lost your wife.

Everything stood still


Alas..., so sad, Bro.., no words for console you,in very short period a soul has been went even if all facilities was being there.But you were a lovable and kindly husband to your lovely wife.There is no one permanent in the world, you known,yesterday she(your wife) Today someone, Tomorrow? may be you or I. so take care of your child, I too pray for your's child's future life.see you around. followed, upvoted and resteemed. i came here for the contest of @nairadaddy's Hug contest but his contest opening so many part of real life.
Thank you for given the real life events,what's your baby NAME?


Thanks @kunani. her name is hameedah. I have seen life through different windows. My story is not done yet.

Oh...Sweet Name 'HAMEEDAH' God bless the child...

hmmm. I really do not know if I should say amen to that prayer. You will understand and probably modify the prayer when I complete the story. Thanks anyway

Wow nice post Upvoted and resteemed

Thanks @solowire. After five years, I just summoned the courage to share this part of my life with the public. I am not done yet. Watch out for 2. Thanks for the vote

Wow what I like about you is that you just started you having even blog like I do your reputation is 45 that means all your post touches the audience very well. Truly is not by who first start bro

thanks brother.

Thanks for being so brave and sharing this tragic story in such beautifully and carefully chosen words. I am so sad reading this. I am truly and deeply touched, my heart aches hearing your painful story. I am finding it difficult to articulate how it has made me feel. I am so sorry you lost your soul mate.
love and peace

Thank you Kim. Your message actually got me shedding tears. The tears I did not get the strength to shed when it happened. I was a living corpse. My emotion dried up. I have been trying to heal since then before something else happened. Perhaps my healing process will be catalysed by sharing the story. Please find time to read the rest of the stories when I am done writing them.

Love from me


I have found sharing painful stories helps the healing process. It still takes time. Some events are burnt into our souls, they impact us powerfully, so much that they never stop hurting. Through time we just learn how to carry those feelings though our lives and reach out to people when we need help and to reach out and help others when they are suffering.
You are stronger than you think and have been gifted great wisdom at the cost of your pain. I will be reading and listening. I am here
much love

Thanks Kim. You are the best

Wonderful words...

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