The Dot That Was The Universe - A children's story

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time, all of everything was contained in one tiny little dot.

The dot was so massive that time itself kneeled at its feet. And yet, it was so small that it couldn't even be seen with the naked eye. Well, that's if it ever let any light escape to let you see it.

But it was very lonely being all and everything when you're squished up into one tiny little dot with nothing to do. Time moved so slowly because of the dot's mass and it was so boring.

The little dot decided that it was tired of containing everything inside itself, and it started to get mad. It had no friends to play with. No one to talk to. Nothing to do. It was so boring! And it wasn't going to put up with it.

As the little dot got madder and madder, the matter inside it started to move, and then, BAM, it exploded in a bright brilliant light, creating the universe itself.

The little dot was no longer just a dot. It was a brilliant mass of photons and light. It didn't want to live its entire life as a bright light though, so it concentrated really hard, and parts of it started to really matter. It became particles of matter and anti-matter hydrogen.

Of course, matter and anti-matter can't exist together. If they get too close, they explode back into photons and light. This is actually how the light existed for a long time. It would form matter and anti-matter, and then it would collide in a brilliant light. Slowly matter and anti-matter escaped.

You might wonder what happened to all the anti-matter. Well, we don't really know. It couldn't exist beside the matter though, so it decided to go off and live its own life, far far away. But that's a story for another day, that we may not hear told for many years.

The matter formed massive clouds of hydrogen, which became stars, who burned brightly for so many years, creating complex matter in their cores.

Eventually, the stars themselves grew tired of living as stars though, just as the dot grew tired of living as a dot, and they too exploded, one by one, flinging the complex matter that they formed at their cores all about the universe. This complex matter began to slowly group together, forming asteroids, then planets!

Image by geralt
Used under CCO license. (source)

Then, the real fun began. After a really long time, parts of what was once the dot started to form into life. The universe got to feel what it was like to live as something else! It started as simple single-celled life, but it was amazing! It felt so new and different. The life reproduced and changed, and the universe got to feel what it felt like to live as so many different creatures on so many worlds.

Then one day, in a tiny little pocket of the universe, two little single-celled life forms found that they really liked each other, and they got together, and they produced a new, different, form of life.

It was like a revelation for the universe. Two parents that seemed to have so much in common came together and created a completely different lifeform.

Slowly life all over the place started getting together and producing children that were entirely different from either one of their parents. As time went on, the children started to get more and more different, starting their own life, altogether different from the parents.

It continued on like this for quite a while. As time went on, the life got more and more complex, and the universe was elated. It was such a unique experience to live life from so many different perspectives.

Then life like you and I started to form, intelligent life. Well, more or less. Believe it or not, even little fish and bugs and rodents have their own little lives that they live out and experience.

All of them had a unique life experience to live out. Perhaps, if it could, the universe would weep for its own beauty that it had become. From that tiny little dot came so much. Now the universe lived millions and billions and trillions of lives out, on every planet, and it enjoyed every one. Even if some were painful and hard, it still enjoyed living them, because they were beautiful unique stories that it got to live out.

And the universe continued on, happily ever after.

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This story was inspired by the post "Hello stranger" by @m31 .


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Might tell this story to my kids :)
I just need the anti matter story now... :P

Now all you need is an illustrator and a publisher!

Very beautiful and witty story. I loved your last paragraph, especially this part:

Perhaps, if it could, the universe would weep for its own beauty that it had become.

Well done!

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Interesting story @geekpowered. I loved how you creatively constructed this article. 😍

Man, this was beautiful. One of the biggest themes in children's literature is personification-- projecting feelings and experience onto things. I absolutely adore how you did that with our Universe. It's certainly the cutest explanation of the Big Bang I've ever read :)

It had no friends to play with. No one to talk to.

Now I want to be friends with the Universe!

It begs to be illustrated into a children's book for sure.

Yeah, I was thinking about trying to get someone to illustrate it, even as I was writing it. There is a bit of fear though, because how exactly are you supposed to draw a personification of the universe?

I had the storyboard set up in my head so I think people can visualize the concept well enough.

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