Wrong turn, part II - the abandoned military area

in #story7 years ago

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The nature is spectacular in this abandoned area

Wrong turn, part II - the abandoned military area

This is part 2 of the story. Catch up with part 1 here

After making it through the ghastly woods, we have made the clearing, which once, years ago, has been used as a military base of some sorts.

On the first glance, there is no actual proof that there ever was anything here, just an empty field on the edge of the forest. With a second look however, one would start to notice the remnants of military structures. Concrete fence posts are still watching over this place, bunkers dug in the ground. And on the other edge of the field, when you peek over the edge of the cliff, you can see deserted buildings and entrances to the tunnels, which are our ultimate targets to explore.

We are trying to carefully peek a look down the cliff. This pine is growing right on the edge
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One misstep and down you fall. There are some ghastly pools of dark water down there, so you'd better watch your step.
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One can see abandoned military buildings, camouflaged in the the surroundings, down there.
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One of our targets, an entrance to the underground caves, is visible. Now is the time to remind everyone of an excellent underground exploration horror movie The Descent. If you are a horror fan and you haven't watched it yet, please make sure you do.
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Backing away from the cliffside, we explore the rest of the area. The weather is suspiciously nice. But one must always watch his step, as the place is riddles with sinkholes, that take you tumbling down the tunnels. Who knows, where you'll end up.
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Don't want to fall into one of those
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Another sinkhole. These seem to be getting larger. Better head back to the road and not wonder around aimlessly.
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Two bunkers can be seen dug in the hills. Taking a closer look.
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Looks almost like a painting, doesn't it?
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An entrance of some sorts on one of the bunkers. Not sure if this leads only into the bunkers or also into the tunnels. Not going to find out right now either, it looks wet and damp down there.
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Hell's yeah! Now this is one of the entrances to the tunnels, where we will be heading to explore next. Flashlights ho!
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This story will continue in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!


Amazing pictures!

this is great work, love the photos and the story, the scenery is awesome and the lush vegetation make it awesome . i love open spaces it help me free the mind

I like your pictures @forious-one

can't wait to see an update on this. I used to watch tons of these exploring videos on youtube. Let's see what you find inside. Be safe when you go in there.

yeah i visited these last night, was awesome. unfortunately cellphones dont take good pictures in complete darkness :( I'll review the pics later

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Awesome article! I just started my own. It's about the journey of my life across the world! Check it out! Let me know what you think!

great pics.. great post..!!! :)
keep sharing.. :*

Hey, I was about to upvote you but I'm missing some important information. Where's that place? In which country? Does this dates back from WW1?

Hehe, i'm leaving all that up to your fantasy ;)

Cant wait for the next part, brutal story ;) and i love the wrong turn movies, thats why i clicked on your post :) keep it up!

Thank you for such an interesting information
The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination
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