A Short Story: Dark Elf Rising by Frank Sonderborg (Part 2)
The continuing story of the Rat Pack: Dark Elf Rising by Frank Sonderborg (Part 2)
Images Courtesy of Pixabay & Blade55
Dark Elf Rising by Frank Sonderborg (Part 2)
“I lost Zazan, my Seal Dog Handler," said Gimli.
“Fucking A,” chipped in Thorin, “Those long leads snapped all the time. Most time we done it on purpose to annoy the big dumb stiffs. Seal Team Special Weapons 4. Home of the fucking angry inch Dog Handlers. Nobody wanted that trip. All that expensive specialist training and they end up on Snow White Patrol.
Dog Handlers to a bunch of unhappy, bitter, always angry, shotgun sized dwarves.”
They all had a laugh about that. And Thorin explained further to Dr Lieu.
“Fuckers took an age and a few stab wounds to realise, we were not fucking dwarves.”
“Drunkards, liars, thieves, but we were fucking men.” They all said in unison.
Gimli continued the story. “I came across a Spetsnaz team deep in country. Down the dark holes. Working in some sort of Laboratory. They were also digging deep, looking around for something. Sometimes I believe the Dog Handlers knew more about, what we were doing there, than we did. Chasing Bin Laden. The fuck we were. Yank the other chaineroo.”
“Gimli, we all knew that. The Russians where still sneaking around like they still owned the place. So what the fuck happened,” said Balin, nodding in agreement.
"I was grabbed and tortured by them mudder fuckers. Burned with acid and asked the same question over and over. By the same vicious sadistic scar faced fucker.
Had I seen a glowing green jewel? What had I seen? Who had I told? They hung me in a birdcage, burned me and threw stones at me for fun. Sometimes I wished the Dog Handlers would come and get me.”
“Now that is bad medicine Bro. How low can a man go?” chipped in Borin?
“I slept a bit. Then was tortured some more and then one day they were all gone. And Hech was there searching and then he started on me. Asking the same shit. About that fucking green stone.”
“Now, you are scaring us. With all this Golem Golem, My precious green shit,” said Thorin.
“It’s fucking Gollum, ya Morr-ran. A Golem is some Yiddish, spook shit. And No, I wasn’t worried about being some gibber in a book. As I was, sort of fucking tied up, at the time. Are you getting this Bro? I was more worried about staying fucking alive.”
“Easy Boy, down boy, we were just joshing. OK.”
“Which was the problem,” said Hech as he rose with unnatural speed from the bed.
They all jumped startled from the table.
Hech stood and approached Thorin, who was waving a model Shay locomotive train at him in defence.
“He wouldn’t talk. And yes I tried to persuade him. He never said a word about anything to anybody. Tight as a steel drum. I fed him and told him who I was. What I was.”
“Then the Spetsnaz Team came back. With their monsters from the Id. I believe you call them.”
“What! Golem monsters from the Yid,” said Thorin.
“The Id, idiot, monsters dredged up and created from the unconscious nightmare of an unstable mind,” said a very distressed Gimli.
“We ran and fought them off together. Then escaped through one of Gimli’s tunnels. We could hear them hunting us in the dark. Foul insane creatures. Created from some old Soviet Vat Jar experiment.”
Gimli visibly shivered as he remembered the hunt.
“You left me to die you bastard.”
“I left you to live. They were hunting me, not you.”
“I was found by some Afghan farmers pulling water and taken to a US Patrol. Spent 6 months in a Frankfurt Hospital before I returned to duty. Said nothing to nobody. In the end I just came to believe it was a sick dream.”
“We have enough of those, to keep us all insane, for a very long time,” said Balin.
“Amen to that,” they all said in chorus.
“So,” said Hech, “Here we are.”
Gimli stared at this creature. Who looked like he had escaped, from an ancient leather spindle bound, dust covered fairy-tale book.
From some distant tale from far far away.
Long black hair with a ridiculously handsome, superior crafted, razor sharp face.
Gimli thought, a cruel looking bastard. But with the Hollywood looks to have every bimbo and young innocent virgin offering to open their legs or their purse. Eager to capture his evil Satan spawned seed.
Image Blade55
He realised then, he was just jealous. And he could see the same envious look on all the Rat Packs faces.
They could never compete with normal mortal Joes and now this fucker was off the Stud Magnet wall chart.
‘Lock up your daughters,’ was all Thorin could think of as he to, stared at Hech.
“Virani was the guy in the cave. The guy who tortured you. He burned his name on your back.”
“I know who he was. When I find him I will cut my name into his heart.”
“Well he’s here in New York. And he has something I want. Something I need. It’s the reason I was in your alley. It’s why I came to find you. To broker a deal.”
“He’s here in New York? How? Where?”
“You get revenge and I get what I came for.”
“This wouldn’t be a large Green Diamond,” asked Borin.
"Virani is a Five Rings Captain and yes he has the Stone. He calls himself Kuriv Khan."
"I've heard of that dangerous mother fucker. Not one to play chess with," said Borin,
as he pulled out a bottle of Aalborg Snaps and got some glasses and started pouring.
To a chorus of "Skaal!" they drank the shots. Gimli just watched as Hech winced at the taste.
Hech continued, “The Green Diamond is a book with scripts from the ancients.
It's no use to anybody on this side. The magic is to difficult to control, it will not work for you.”
“Magic!” Said Thorin, “Gettafuck outa here.”
“You call it by a different name. Quantum magic.” Then he smiled, as only the insufferable Spawn of Satan, can smile. “But your wizards, your scientists cannot control it.”
“You had a Wizard once called Tesla who could. But, never mind that was a long time ago. The book is a dowry present for the High Kings Daughters, hand in marriage. It was stolen then found, then went missing. The green stone was encased in its cover.”
“You fucking stole it and lost it and now you want us to get it back for you. Do you think we were born yesterday?” said Borin.
“Yes, you will help me. Revenge is a cold dish when served well. And the pleasure will indeed warrant the reward. Is that not correct Gimli.”
“How can we find and kill that bastard?” answered Gimli.
“It looks like we are in. said Borin. This book, just what can it do.”
“Lots of strange unimaginable things.”
“Well,” said Thorin, “we’re strange. And you’re unimaginable. So let’s have your best shot.”
“Let’s get it back and then I can show you exactly what it does.”
“Gimli works for revenge. But we need to pay the rent.
So is there any Johnny Cash at the end of this green rainbow,” asked Thorin.
“Help yourselves to Virani’s Gold. It’s all stolen anyway.
He's doing a deal with the High Elves. So it has to be tonight.”
“That arrowhead in your back. The High Elves showing their displeasure I presume,” said Gimli.
“Indeed, but let’s not dwell on things that do not concern you.”
“OK, it’s a deal. But where is it.”
“That’s why I came looking for Gimli. It’s your town. Where would he hid his trove?”
“It will be like looking for a needle, in a shit-stack,” Thorin threw in.
“He has his HQ in old Harlem. But it’s wall to wall muscle down there.”
Suddenly, Borin jumped up and headed for the door. “I have an idea, I’ll be back in a minute.” And headed out.
“This Princess, where does she come into it?” asked Gimli.
“It’s a tradition among the High Elves. The daughter of the King will marry and mate with the owner of the Green Stone Book of Scripts. This has always been the way. Until it went missing.”
“You fucking stole it,” said Thorin.
“Let’s just say I interfered in the due process of the marriage vows. In the process the Green Stone was separated from the book. In the pursuit, the Green Stone was lost in the Borra Caves. The book disappeared as well.But now it’s back. And Virani has it somewhere in New York City. If I can get it back. I can complete my original intention.”
“Which was?”
At this he smiled. "Why mate with the Kings daughter of course.”
“Not another fucking love story, for fucks sake,” said Thorin.
“No, for loves sake. Even the Mordahl find love sometimes.”
“The King disagrees then," said Gimli
“Yes, Daddy is not impressed with the prospect, of grand children from the spawn of the dark ones.”
“And the Princess?” asked Thorin.
“She is not disinclined to the arrangement.”
“You fucking dirty devil. You’ve been slipping it to her behind the back of the King.”
“If you mean are we in love. Yes. And I will have her for my mate.”
“So you get the diamond, Gimli gets revenge and we get to pick Virani’s pockets,” said Thorin as a summing up. “Piece of piss then. So where the fuck is it.”
Borin came in and slapped a local paper down on the table.
“It’s right here, The New Museum for Things. Opening to the public tomorrow in New York City.”
Hech looked at this. And said what everyone was thinking. “How do you know for sure it’s there?”
“It’s a New Museum financed by a shadowy billionaire benefactor. Named Khan.”
“And?” queried Hech.
“He’s into Locomotives. To wit, he has had one transported to stand as the big attraction in his new museum of things. This Locomotive ran between Chicago, Illinois and St. Louis, Missouri from 1936 to 1968.”
“So fucking what,” said the rest of the gang in unison.
“The name of this Locomotive is The Green Diamond. And it’s now standing in The Museum of Things. The New Khan Monstrosity built in Wall Street. That’s where it is and that’s where any hand over will happen tonight.”
“How do we get into it?”
How else, through the back door as always?” said Gimli.
“Maybe I can help,” said Doc Lieu, standing with a very confused Chu-Chu.
“I worked on it. There is a service stairs beside the Elevator. It’s a strange building.
More Church than Museum or Business centre.”
“God stuff is always big business,” said Hech, “And this will be a business temple to the Dark Ones.”
Borin explained the story to Chu-Chu while Doc Lieu asked to be counted in on the raid.
“Me and Chu-Chu, we need money to pay the government bribes.”
Borin added,“ Chu-Chu is ex Thai military. And Doc Lieu is a Cockroach remover.”
Hech gave Gimli a puzzled look.
“He’s is a local hit man.”
“The magnificent seven it is. If we include the over grown Heck Ramsey,” snapped Thorin.
“OK let’s tool up and do it,” added Gimli.
To Be Continued.........................
image courtsey of @reneenouveau
Badge Courtsey of @elyaque