Mr.helpful (orig story) simple story, final WIP.

in #story6 years ago


by @franciferrer

happy reading

part 1

continueing from part 2

Mr helpful, that dog is quite resourceful... very admirable,
jumping out of a 70cm heights despite its size. thinks aloud, as he inspects the window aisle.
But his attention goes to the matter at hand Ms. Lovely is in distress.
Mr.helpfull Is calming her down. I know where he'll be. He takes her hand. "Lets go!", as he opens the door for her to show the way.
Ms.Lovely didn't expected him to do that...

following the paws.

On the way to the spot....they are like hawks
mr helpful Right and he must be here, nope????
Then he should be here...... Mmno?? Checks out this whole alley,,
,the same alley where he found him the first time.
Well you can't blame mr helpful is not brilliant with his memory also...
But eventually he remembered where to go.
They ran to the pet store.
Along the way the homeless man yells that, that is the way that the dog went!
Pointing direction. This time he had seen the dog for real...
Almost breathless they approach fast...
...there He was little mr.fluff pressing his paws against the glass.
Ms.Lovely Had a big sigh of relief, and a moment to regain her breath .
Mr helpful acts quick before the dog decides to run again.
"I got you, he put on the leash, you wont get away from me again". U little cute fluffball.


Ms.Lovely Raised her eyes looked through the glass and said.
Hmmm That's strange that little cute dog looks like
ms.fluffy ,she almost has the same eyes,
hmm she has the same ink spot there on the paw as ms.fluffy had ....
Wait!!! that is my ms.fluffy she runs in the store. To get her dog back.
She is so happy to get them both back.
Ms.Lovely can't even start to think how she could repay Mr. Helpful., how could I repay you?
Mr.Helpful grabs is head in realization,
i dont have the slightest idea nor the time now, to think!
im gonna be late for work! he hands her his business card and runs away.
she asks anyway. Tea after work maybe? He says. "agreed"while Running late.
Ms.Lovely says. i hope he will not get in trouble cos of you little rascals.
she went home,

End of a work day

he comes out from his office building scratching his head...
How could I not get the raise I was only late 3 hours....
That's OK.... he takes out his phone, 40 missed calls, hmm work.
work. work. work. all entries are from work. how could i not hear it ringing?
the phone rings, unknown number... "oh who might that be?"
Hello? he hears sweet voice asking, is this Mr. Helpful? "yes?"
its Ms.Lovely, sorry to disturb you.
both of my dogs ran away.... i dont know what to do.
What? really again? oh they are very naughty how did they...
i guess they worked as a team to run away. little escape masters.
She continue they ran away shortly after i got home.... i dont know where they went.
Oh thats not good. Mr helpfull turns and looks around as he talks on the phone....
infront of him sits the two fluffs. as he gleams at the two dogs he talks in the phone
"oh alright i got an idea, hold on and dont worry, ill be there shortly" and finishes the call.
Ms. Lovely wonders why he always sound so confident?
Mr helpful quickly gets the two runnaways. but they dont even want to run away from Mr Helpful.
"ahh what to do with you two trouble makers?..... he says...
I know.

a little while later....

knock knock...
She opens up the door."oh its you hi again. sorry for troubling you.
its just him, "so will we go after the dogs or what? " he asks
Ms Lovely nods.sure lets go. "do you have any idea of where they can be right now?
Mr Helpful grins when she is not looking, cant help to chuckle..... a little.
he says"right... oh i have a few ideas, lets just walk around the block first.
after 3 mins of walking. she gets a call on her cell.

date in the evening

"yes hello? Ms Lovely is listening." ... ... inaudible to Mr Helpful..... but he's curious of what it is about...
"yes. oh thank you very much i'll be right there. don't let them run away please." call ends
Mr Helpful, asks what was that about?
Ms lovely in a joyful voice, says, they have been found both of them! YES!
Mr helpful, oh.. it looks like we got lucky this time. how did the caller got your number?
Ms Lovely wondered. i dont know. lets run, to that cafe!.
Mr helpful, oh please no running, there is no need for hurry now. its been such a long day.
Ms Lovely, oh you are right they are safe and sound.
they walk block by block., in the city. when there is no rush they can enjoy the views of the city.
people going places, passes them by. they walk slow.
Mr helpful is setting up the pace and the pace is slow, he intentionally walks slower and slower, and seems Ms lovely doesn't minds it.
they walk closer together without realizing it.,careless cyclist rushes by them, it makes Ms Lovely to stumble a little, but Mr Helpful catches her.
are you alright? mm Yes i am thank you. they look in each other eyes. for a couple seconds.
or was it minutes. who knows. She says. i think we are here.
Mr Helpful looks up store front CAFE in big neon lettering. and smiles. "ill wait outside while you go get the dogs."
She says ok, ill be quick....
as he stands out there She walks in, he can be seen throught the glass,
as he contemplates on things so it seems.

secret uncovered

hello! im here for the dogs. Ms lovely Enquirers
Hello yes they are here, in my office , the elderly Lady opens the doors.
Bark Bark! little dogs quickly reacts to her as she is the owner.
little fluffs wiggles their tales. happy once again. but ... thats strange.
seems they have different collars on them. She inspects the Dogs collars.
brand New, with ID tags, name and phone number on it.
Ms lovely where do you guys got these? and what are you doing in a cafe...
elderly lady, tells here that a Young handsome man, brought them in today.
at first he had only one. but an hour ago he came with these two. and said that
he got no time to find the owner. so he entrusted me with them. elder lady glances at the window.
that is him, that is that man, what is he doing there?
thats when, Ms Lovely realized everything.
"Oh im so thankful you found my dogs." she thanks, the elderly lady
while Mr Helpful stands there and waits. 5 mins passes, by but who is counting?
another 4 Mins passes. He is patient.

New Start

Door opens
She comes out, with her dogs and a bag full of hot Buns "sorry for the long wait, i had to wait
till She made them Fresh from the oven.
Oh Mr helpful seems surprised, you got the fluffs. that is very good.
i will walk you home if i may, i will disregard that you will have two faithful guard dogs.
Ms Lovely chuckles. oh thats very kind of you. thank you very much.
they start to walk. little fluffs, are tired from the long day,, this time its for real.
Mr Helpful picks them both up, and carries them all the way home.
little Fluffs suddenly falls asleep in Mr Helpfuls arms....
now both of his arms are full of cute fluffs.
Ms Lovely smiles as she watches how Gently Mr Helpful carries the Doggos....
one cute fluff ball has got its tongue sticking out a bit...
oh the Hot Bunns. all kinds of flavors., We must eat them while they are warm. She says.
She gives Mr Helpful a chance to take the bunns, but oh well he got his arms full.
so she has to feed some bunns to him while they walk, carrying two dogs,
Oh this one is delicious you should try this one she says....
they have a good time all the way home.

they Reached home, little fluffs fast asleep, they step inside, he rests little fluffs in their bed place,
Mr Helpful asks for a cup of tea, Ms Lovely gladly makes him one, they both sit and talk

while there in the background outside in the streets echoes, a mans yells ,I NEED MONEY I NEED MONEY. Mr Helpful closes the window fairly quickly. and continue to sip on this delicious tea.

In the end That's OK that he didn't get the raise in pay, he got more than a raise. Thinking to himself whistl sipping tea on Ms.Lovely's couch.

end. or is it?

closer to reality than fiction,thank you for supporting me.
Dtube busy ,discord, about MEComing soon
follow me for upcoming wonderful projects and other wonders.

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