Zombie Short Story Part 1

in #story6 years ago (edited)

The sound of a nuclear alarm was what woke up foxy. She jumped out of bed and on to her feet, heart pounding in her chest. She then realized she had fallen asleep with the TV on and the movie, Silent Hill was playing. She sat back down on her couch waiting for her heart to slow down.
Running her hand through her hair, she looked at the time. 4am. 2 hrs left before the actual time she needs to be up. ‘Might as well stay up’ she thought.
She started the coffee machine and did her morning routine. She had an extra early start to her day. Gave her time to go for a run.
She paced herself nicely. Worked up a bit of a sweat but not too much, she still had her appointment at the hospital to get to. She arrived just on time.
There were quite a bit more people checking in today, more than usual. A bit frantic, more than usual.
Foxy walked passed everyone, trying not to look at some of them. It looked bad. Fast pacing her way to the left wing of the hospital, she made it to her appointment with a minute to spare. She was put in a room facing the hallway and was told to take a seat while waiting for the doctor.
She saw people running up and down the hallway. Heard cries. Foxy had a bad feeling and her instincts told her to get out.
She left and as she almost ran through the hospital doors, so did many others, and many more running in. People with blood on their arms and legs. Necks and faces were stained with dried blood and new blood. She heard the people’s cries, women, children and men alike. Foxy ran home.
She ran passed the parking lot and managed to trip over a stump, fall flat on her face. Scrapped her chin and cheekbone. Foxy turned around to look behind here. There shouldn’t have been a stump where she was. In shock, unable to scream in horror, Foxy scrambled, trying to back away as her eyes locked on those of a dead person. Empty and faded were the eyes that stared back at her. Mouth wide open and skin starting to dry. A sight that will forever haunt her.
Panic started to engulf her as she scurried to stand up. Her legs weak, feet trying to find grip to run away. She got snagged on something. The harder she pulled the more she was gripped. Foxy took a deep breath to help calm herself down. She looked back and let at a scream without a sound. The corpse she tripped over was now holding her foot down, climbing it’s way to be on top of her. The putrid smell and the awful sounds pushed the adrenaline forces in her. Her reflexes gained control, kicking this dead man’s head until it let go. Foxy fought to get up as the zombie fought to grab hold of her once more. She stood up, took in a deep breath and yelled as she stomped on his head, breaking the skull as though she was stumping on pumpkin. Blood oozing out, creating a small river of blood following the bumps and cracks of the road into the sewage grates.

Foxy ran home, being careful to stay away from the public, taking the alley ways. Locking all the doors and windows, closing all the curtains, not making a sound.
She pushed her panic aside. Instead she sat on her bedroom floor and meditated in the ways her martial arts have taught her, regaining control and strength.

The times were changing. The world in chaos. Foxy new she had to plan. Food and weapons were the first things she would need to make it. Watching all those zombie shows came in handy.
She wanted to see how fast the virus was growing but knew that if she were to peak out the window, the zombies would spot her right away. Quietly she pulled down the ladder from the attic. Foxy made her way through the attic as quietly as possible. She wanted to be on top of the roof. Good thing she had a trap door made during renovations, although she never thought she would need it for this reason exactly.

Looking at the outside world around her was like if Foxy was watching it straight from the TV. Cars crashed into other vehicles, dead bodies lying on the ground. Dead bodies walking around. The constant sound of sirens screaming from all ends of the city.
“Psst. Psst. PSSSSST!”
Foxy snapped out of it. She looked to her left, there, was her neighbor, sitting on her roof as well.
“I hope you don’t mind me sitting here. My house got bombarded with them some time ago and got through the front door. I had the same idea to get on to the roof but thought it best if I jumped over. At least we won’t be alone in this”
“Eagle? Are you ok?” Foxy noticed blood on her arm, trickling down to her wrist and hand where she noticed she was carrying a gun.


@eaglespirit and I came up with the idea and decided to share a two part fiction story. Follow up to see her 2nd part of the story, and there you will find something you may find of interest ^_^

UPDATE You can find here @eaglespirit's story part 2 and the followings for the contest ^_^


Omg.. my heart is racing! Can you trust her?? Is zombie blood contagious?! I need to watch some zombie movies right away!!
Great story! Can hardly wait for part 2!!
And i love the drawing! Suits the story perfectly!!

Was it really? I don't know if I can trust her haha. Will she shoot me and take over my house? Will she take me under her wing and protect me with her trusted gun? Is she infected too?
Zombie blood is contagious. So stay tuned to find out more!
Lets watch zombie movies together! That's always fun to do ^_^
And thanks for the compliment on the sketch. I haven't drawn much of anything in a long time and you can tell that too. But hey, it was for fun right.

I love, love, love the frantic pace of this story. I actually found myself holding my breath in anticipation and hope she would make it home! I also love the nod to Silent Hill. Great story and I really enjoyed reading it!

Really??!! THATS SO AWESOME! HEHE Goal achieved! Man, you have made my day! Love this, Thank youuuuu!!!!!!

Wow! I just read and commented!

Foxy and eagle shredding zombies? What more could anyone ever want!? Was a fun story to read, eagerly awaiting the next part.

Exciting, right? I have no idea what she is going to write up so I am just as eager as everyone here :D

Great story @foxyspirit, very descriptive and kept me reading until the end, now I need to find out what happens with Eagle!

cool beans! looks like you have @anjkara and i both working for ya! hahahah
okayyyyyy ... well stay tuned!!

good job,

Lmao! If only! Nah I'm just working with you's. Coming together and having some fun XXX

okay that's coo ... you know we will buck the system ... we cannot be controlllledd! buahahahaah

okay okay i gotta stop commenting and get to writing ... IF ONLY!!

nice drawing

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