Timbo's Diary: Timbo & Jimbo the Farming brothers

in #story7 years ago

Hello Diary, I'm Timbo and I live with my brother Jimbo and our parents Ma and Pa. We're a farming family, but my parents have very different backgrounds, which I'll write about another time. It's my first diary and people tell me it's good therapy for the mind, so here's my first entry. As a commitment to myself, I promise to put at least one entry a week into it, if I get the time away from farming.

# Entry 1. Monday hangover

So, the old man has asked us both to get the field sorted, "those spuds don't have ejector seats", he screamed at us. He's always talking about the planes and making these strange flying references and analogies, that literally fly over both our heads. Today we have to make our way over to the fields, but we're both completely hungover from last night's secret drinking session, and now seriously regretting it, ouch, my head! Ah, the two beasts Rambo and Bambi, and yes, that's what we call our Tractors, we have names for them as we are quite attached to these things.

You must be kidding!!! I see three 'farmers bridges' in front of me, I said to my brother Jimbo. He replied, "Just walk the one in the middle and you'll be grand".


How am I going to do this I thought to myself? Maybe if I just go across it on my hands and knees, then I'll get over okay, without going into the dreaded 'Green Soup'. No one wants to end up in the Green Soup!


This is what we call the Green Soup and it is horrible stuff. Our parents said they used to clean in it back when times were hard, but the older we get, the wiser we get and we know that was to prevent us from going in there, when we were young boys.


When we were younger we used go away to Summer Camps abroad and the other kids would tell us about their parents pools and giant houses. So we convinced ourselves that we had a pool at the back of our garden, only it was full of green stuff and stank.


Anyways, we both made it across without losing any of our shoes this time and got that field sorted. Great day and Ma and Pa were really pleased, which means we get to go out for a Tractor cruise with the lads. Enough of the diary for today. Till next time.



This is a fictitious diary based on fictitious characters and events


This is awesome! Loved the part about the pool lol

Wow! What are you doing up this late missy? :-D That's lovely of you to say Arte? Is that okay if I abbreviate that long name of yours? I'm definitely done now, off to bed. An absolute good night to you my dear! :-)

I'm in Southern California, it's still daytime here haha

Yes you may say Arte :)
Lovely evening to you :)

I thought you were in Italy!!! This is awful, first Lavita and now Italy. Bed for me right now. :-)

No more swimming in the green soup for you haha

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