Midtown (My Original Flash Fiction)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)


Midtown, New England. Thursday June 25th, 2028. A figure stands in a telephone booth, scanning the area as he makes a call. He checks on a small chit of paper pulled from his long, black raincoat. The numbers are punched in with care as he holds his head up, eyes closed. Several seconds later, someone answers.

”Jake, what in the hell took you so long?”

I got held up, OK? It’s not easy doing what I do, you know. Anyways, I got it. You managed to retrieve the code?”

”Of course, it’s right here with me. But remember, this is an open line. Anybody could be listening in so let’s keep this conversation brief. Come and meet me at the designated place. And remember to stay clean.”

”You ain’t got no worries. I told you. No tails, no activity. Nothing, nowt, nada.”

”OK, OK. Just as long as I know I can relax. Dying of something as boring as plain old “stress” isn’t exactly what I had in mind for tonight.”

”What? If I were you, my mind would be more on if this thing is actually gonna work or not. You know that everything rests on your intel. I didn’t bust my balls to get the package, just for it to fail at the penultimate hour.”

”I’ve upheld my end of the bargain, now the other is in your capable hands. So to speak, I mean. There’s a lot at stake here. All that’s left now is to pair them up and share it out. But again, I don’t like speaking on an open line like this.”

”I understand. Well, I’m on my way. But I want some assurances from you. No funny business when I get there, right? A deal’s a deal. I’ll be meeting you on my own so I expect you to pay me the very same courtesy. I’ll only say this once.”

”And I’ll second that, without the idle threat thrown in for good measure. Just bring the package ASAP. I’m on my way too. Should be no more than thirty minutes, give or take. But make sure you wait for me, you hear? No disappearing off somewhere wondering if you got the right location or not.”

”Oh, you can bet your ass I won’t be going nowhere. I mean, half a million do-“

”Enough! Are you crazy? That’s the third time now and I ain’t repeating myself. Leave right now. I’ll meet you there shortly. I’m gone.”

With that, the phone went dead. He hung the receiver back in it’s cradle, pausing for a moment to contemplate the long night ahead. The sky was awash with a plethora of spectacular and vivid dark colours all blending into one other. He stepped out of the tight cubicle, placing a hand in his coat pocket and drawing out the golden ticket. Something so small yet so valuable. It's worth incorporating the potential to fund countless future generations. He examined it closely.

Incised with surgical precision from the joint, the top portion of an index finger rolled around in the palm of his hands. It gave off a pale, lifeless hue against the celestial glow of the impending dusk skyline. Cold and stiff to the touch.

”Biometrics combined with passwords to unlock digital wallets. Spilling over with invisible cash.” He whispered to himself, grinning with a rising anticipation. ”What an insane world we live in.”


Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


The one bad thing about reading your stories is that I want to know the rest RIGHT NOW, haha!! What a great premise. I read the back and forth between you and Jed, I actually really enjoy dialogue heavy stories when they're done well (which yours always are)

The last line or two though, I know I've mentioned this before, but you really are a master at the hook!

Oh @dreemit! Too kind, thanks really! Sorry to bore you with the same statement, but honestly, coming from someone as talented as you are, your words really hit home. And yes, some of our work will resonate more with some than with others. But that's the beauty of literature. The sheer amount of diversity out there!

Bless you for your awesome comments as always. I've been very busy lately but looking to get back on track again. All the best, lovely @dreemit! :)

@ezzy you could never ever bore me! I know what you mean though, about feeling like we say the same things over sometimes, but some things are worth saying repeatedly ;) Such as "I love your stories!" haha!

Tense from start to finish. It's quite hard keep the focus on conversation-heavy pieces, but since you're the master I really had no doubt. The length of the story really kept the rhythm going quite nicely. This was such a treat to read, very snappy. Magnificent work, brother!

Awesome @jedau! I've missed you, man! Yeah, this one was pretty conversation heavy but it's an idea I'm working on for a new project and one I feel could provide for quite an interesting premise.

Man, you've been busy. I've been trying to find the time to catch up on your "traffic koan" collection as I don't want to miss out on even one. so I'll have to do a "marathon run" through and provide my summation. But it kind of goes without saying, coming from you it WILL be brilliant. You are doing so well now but I want you to get more payouts than even now. I will always contribute 100% to supporting you because the simple fact of the matter is I KNOW you deserve every cent.

Thank you stopping by, my most excellent brother! :)

Wow, that's a great story. I was hooked after the first sentence.
I only wonder, will there still be telephone booths in 2028?

Hey there, @clio! I love your comment! I thought the exact same thing when writing the story but I can only assume they will still be around for a long time to come.

Until we have infinite battery charges within our mobiles, there will always be a world with telephone booths, lol.

Thanks for dropping by. :)

Great piece of fiction, @ezzy. Another really interesting concept. Using someone's actual body parts as a system of verification for monetized payments and how criminals can use it for their own personal means. Amazing imagination from you yet again. You are really inspiring for me. I love supporting you and will continue to do so. Will also start posting my own stories soon I hope. Fantastic short, @ezzy.

Hey @myb! Man, you are the best! Thanks so much! I know this must be getting so old now, but I really appreciate all your incredible feedback and positivity. And I personally can't wait until you start posting too. Please consider it, @myb.

Thank you for everything , man :(

woow Fantastic comment !!

@myb you are really so kind man love from my side continue supporting lovely people 😍

@ezzy deserves it. So it's my pleasure.

hmm.. where have you gone, my friend?

Hey buddy! I'm still around, lol! Was pretty busy for a few days but now got a little more time to myself.

Thank you for the shout-out and hope you're keeping great! :)

nice story my friend

Bless, buddy. Thanks. :)

That's rather terrifying. 😃

Lol, I'll take that as a compliment! Thank you! :)

Yes, it's a compliment for sure!

@ezzy feels like i was reading a movie script, have you ever wrote a movie script ? or the phone scene got me movie hyped.

Lol! Thanks, man. I've never written a movie script but may try my hand at it sometime. :)

Nice story my friend @ezzy

Awesome post. Thank you for sharing!

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