Maximizing the "Social" Aspect Within the Steemit CommunitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)


(Mark and Bianca at our local bar down the road. Just a few months back.)

So, only a couple of days left until myself and @rea hope on-board a plane and get whisked away to visit the awesome @exyle and @bkdbkd. And to think, I just met them last year. Just insane! I’ve been hearing about how they’ve gone out of their way to make sure everything is just perfect for our arrival. Those guys are too sweet! But that’s testament to our friendship. Extra strong and built-to-last!

We’ve also been making preparations today, as in buying a few essentials here and there as well as deciding on what clothes to take with us. Well, more @rea than I as I leave most of the “tough” decision making to her, lol. I’m really chuffed at the prospect of seeing these guys again. Can’t believe it was only just barely a week and a half ago that I was bidding them farewell at the HF Lisboa hotel, briefly chatting about a possible hook up around Christmas time. So this was an unexpected surprise that came out of the blue. Life couldn’t be better, right now.

It's strange actually. I know this may sound a little weird at first but I find Steemit has changed me so much as a person. I find myself connecting more with my steemian chums. Sure, there is the commonality of everything “steem” related that forms the basis of these connections, of course. But like any buddy you’ve ever had in your life, there is always that initial spark that leads to the formation of the actual friendship itself. And @exyle and @bkdbkd are the very definition of that.

Steemit aside, we will now always be hanging around with one another, chilling out and having fun. There will be frequent trips to see one another (which is just a short hour and a bit plane ride across the English Channel). That is the “real” power of this platform. After all, our posts could warrant any amount of money but how much financial reward could you place on knowing great people. It transcends everything and moves into the territory of “improving the social quality and lifestyle of one’s existence”. That is so special and I believe should form the basis of the platform.

We are all a singular unit on Steemit, if you zoom out and look at the bigger picture. One mass network of human beings, benefiting from helping one another to earn money and in the process, build solid social relations. It worked for me as when I joined, I did so knowing nobody. I started posting and at first was lost in a sea of faceless noise and strangers. It took time to get to know people and try to actual gain people’s trust as to “who I am” before even attempting to garner an upvote.

Yes, things are great. It took time to get to where I’m at, but it was worth every second. I swear I wouldn’t change a thing.

So without sounding more preachy and wishy-washy, I think the experience you have on Steemit lies solely in your hands alone. You shape how you are perceived and how far you want to carry your persona on the platform. Steemfest is a stark reminder that the people behind the “avatars” are just like you and me. Like-minded individuals who just want to succeed at what they are striving for.

And with that closing thought, another big shout out to @exyle and @bkdbkd. Two gems that I just happened to stumble across in my life’s journey.

See you guys real soon!


Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


Looking forward to it a lot bro! Cya, tomorrow!

Not too long to go now, brother. :)

happy birthday! *_<

I haven't been here all that long and have made some great friends. You get ot of steem what you put in. Jump in with both feet and don't look back. The water is great! Have an excellent weekend. They are ready for you!

Great comment, buddy. You've got the perfect attitude to do great on this platform. And I fully intend to have a great time. Thanks, buddy. :)

The lube of this social media... is that we get monetary kick backs... So it makes those that post more pleasant. Less ranting... and raving about non meaningful things. Its definitely a crowd of higher intellect as well... I hope to read more of your adventures... I do music... and build stuff... sometimes... Eh... Be well Ezz.

Im just glad Im finally finding actual people on here besides the bot fest... weird orgy of preprogrammed nonsense. Where exactly are you from?

Lol, true about the bots. Well, I'm from London, UK. Nice to meet you. :)

So you’re English? Gee wiz... I’m Irish/Welsh/German... what a mix huh?

I hope you have an awesome trip. I've not been on steemit long but I have already met several great people here. I am glad I followed a vlogging friend over. Its a nice community with lots of opportunities.

That's awesome! Thank you for your kind words. Steemit is a network of like-minded and cool individuals. They are there. You just have to look in the right places, lol. So happy you are doing well and I hope you continue to do so. Bless... :)

nice to hear about friendship on steemit - i haven't met you before so i follow and upvote and look forward to developing friendship too -- all the best -David

Thanks for stopping by, David. Yeah, since last year, Steemit has led me on this crazy journey and I'm really excited to see what other avenues lie ahead.

I wish you all the best with your Steemit-based endeavours too. :)

That's awesome. I truly cherish those days in Lisbon. I made some great friendships over the week from people on the other side of the planet. I can't wait to get back with everyone at 3.0. I wish I didn't live so far away or I'd love to get over and have a BBQ and some beers with y'all.

And you'd be most welcome. I look forward to meeting you next time so we can have a proper chat together. All the best, buddy and thanks for stopping by. :)

we can get to know each other and share the same with others both science and experience only in the steemit community

Yes, that's exactly right. :)

Awesome post... , delighted to UPVOTE and FOLLOW...check me out..and if you like my posts or videos, delighted if you can return the compliment.
See my videos here :-

I hope to read more of your adventures.
thanks for information.

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