I Am Legend (Ezzy's Book Read Reviews)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

If ever there was a book written that captured me from the turning of the very first page, this was it. That’s what I love about the power of well written fiction. Up until that point, I had only watched the 2007 movie starring Will Smith (although there were two further adaptations being 1964’s The Last Man on Earth and 1971’s The Omega Man). All of these, while perfectly acceptable in their own right, don’t hold a candle to the original apocalyptic classic written by Richard Matheson back in 1954. And given the spate of “disaster” type movies released in the last couple of decades or so, he may well have been the inspiration behind almost all of them.

The Synopsis:

The plot itself throws you into the thick of things right from the get go. A contagious virus has arisen to cause a dreadful worldwide pandemic. The catastrophic aftermath results in one sole survivor being left stranded on our planet, referred to only as Nevile. He spends his days trapped within the confines of his small, derelict house and finding new ways to stay alive. Add to that his constant struggle to create an antidote and vanquish the scourge rampaging on the outside of his tiny enclosure. Because the effects of the virus have managed to transform the earth's inhabitants into blood-thirsty rabid vampires.

Each day, before the arrival of dusk, he must scavenge what he can with a means of minimal survival, locating supplies and any other necessary requirements. Then as the sun sets, it’s a race against the clock to get home and away from the deadly infestation that prowls the streets at night. He keeps them at bay by spreading garlic and crucifixes at various entrance points of the house. Legions of them gather outside his abode, led by head vampire Ben Cortman, having known Neville in his former life before he changed. Though the fact of the matter is every night, without fail, they attempt to outwit him and catch the last of their human prey.

The Review:

OK, let’s get this out of the way right now. The vampires featured in the book are not “actual” vampires based upon traditional folklore. The infection has caused them to exhibit vampiristic traits. Such at the thirst for blood, burning when exposed to sunlight and everything else that comes with it. The disease has driven them insane and manifests these physical symptoms based on medical grounds. A fantastic twist to an “age-old” fable which grounds the story in the realms of reality.

The depiction of him living in isolation without any other human contact is expertly translated to the reader. Most of the time, with hard-hitting and gritty emotional impact. Reminiscing about the family he once had and lost due to the spread of the virus, being surrounded by artefacts of a world long gone strewn all around him and his desperate attempts to remain sane in the face of oblivion. Components that all add up to the intense atmosphere housed within the pages of the book.

The entire narrative is described in real time through Neville's eyes, providing another layer of seeming authentication to it all. Without giving away too much, there are certain sections of the book where other signs of "life" may provide some glimmer of hope for him. The portrayal of his reactions to these events and their eventual outcome, I found to be realistic and delivered with aplomb, given the contexts they are set in. Truly magnificent writing at it’s finest.

I would also like to express my praise for the conclusion of the book. Very different from any of the other three movies, this one had the best ending by far. The final payoff slots itself nicely into the underlying theme of the book and provided for an unexpected “twist” that pushed this literary work to the lofty heights of “classic” status. A gripping and unrelenting affair from start to finish.

The Wrap:

After all is said and done, I Am Legend is a book that heavily influenced my own personal style of writing. I love the way everything has that type of “documentary” feel to it, and we’re talking a fictional piece that was written way back in 1954! Just goes to show how ahead of it’s time the book really was. I read it again recently (I’ve lost count how many times now) and still found it to have aged incredibly well, easily standing up to the scrutiny of time with ease.

I hope in the near future, a movie is released that pays this book the respect and homage it justly deserves. It would make a phenomenal adaption if done correctly as I consider this the best “modern take on a vampire tale” ever created.

A classic in every sense of the word and one that comes with the highest of recommendations.

Ezzy's Verdict: (9/10)

*Source (1,2,3)


As one of the best authors on Steemit to date I like reading about books that shaped you as a writer and also to find new titles. I also had no clue this book was this old. Thanks, man!

Thank you, my bro, for those kind words. coming from an esteemed blogger like yourself, it means so much more. And yes, such as old book but one I don't think I'll ever tired of. Check out more from Richard Matheson as I'm probably be covering more of his awesome works.

Thanks again, my bro! :)

YES! your reading of the conclusion is the same as mine, which made me angry when i watched the most recent film adaptation. they got so much correct and then just totally lost it with the ending in the movie.

the end of the book was PITCH PERFECT. the title makes absolutely no sense without it and should've been kept in the film.

Thank you, man! And I feel your pain! Such a great story and they had to change so many aspects of the movies and actually make it worse, lol! It beggars belief!

Thank you for stopping by. :)

Upvoted & RESTEEMED! :)

Bless and thank you. :)

Ah, it's made to movie thought it sounded like a movie title.

Yes, brother! So many great movies have been inspired by the works of some incredible authors. :)

And I heard many fans of books end up disappointed.

Most definitely. They are poles apart with the stronger of the two being by far the book. My personal opinion but one shared by the majority consensus.

i tend to agree but one thing about movie script is they are creative in adding humor which i kind of like but some think even changes like this are hard to swallow

Agreed. But *I Am Legend" is one dark movie, bro. Any kind of humour would have to be added with extreme caution.

Yes, some plots can't have much and any of humor.

I really need to get my hands on the book and actually read it. Like you, the only exposure I had to the story was the 2007 film, after which I dug into Google and read a few synopses. I have to sit down and read the text though, as a plot synopsis is no comparison to the actual book. Thanks for the review and reminding me I need to add titles to my already extensive list! :D

Oh yes, buddy. The book is a fantastic read and one I think you'll appreciate even more having seen the movie first. That way, you'll see how different they actually are and the glaring contrasts to their portrayals. I know which one I prefer! :)

Hope you are well and thank you for stopping over, man! Bless... :)

i really enjoyed the movie and should give the book a whirl too -thanks for the suggestion and i am now following and upvoting you

It's a veritable masterpiece from my point of view. If you love this sort of genre, you won't be disappointed.

Thank you very much for your support. :)

no worries - happy to make good connection here on steem

Matheson also wrote "What Dreams May Come." while a good book (as almost all of his are, really), i thought the movie was significantly better as a whole. maybe because it was so beautifully done in terms of scene and cgi. either way, Matheson is a great author worth checking out, regardless of which title you choose.

good to know and i will read one soon -am following you in support


You had me at "[The book] had the best ending by far. When I saw you reviewed this, I was anxious to how you compared the movie versus book endings and I'm happy we agree!

Great review, you don't give too much away, but your description is deep enough to draw in a reader.

Thanks for another great post!

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