Hollowed Be Thy Name - Part 2 (A Halloween's Tale)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

”How much worse can it get than that?” Kevin asked with a concentrated frown. ”His wife was already dead.”

”Or was she?” Joey proceeded. ”You see, that wasn’t the last time her husband saw her. Shortly after, there were reported sightings made by the townsfolk. Right here in Ashford-on-Trent. One woman said she heard a screeching wail emanating from down that road while returning home from work one night. As she looked up, a charred disfigured apparition beckoned to her with glowing embers for eyes and dark locks of course, brittle hair. She shrieked and ran home in hysterics, much to the shock of her family. Another case involved her husband who, late one night, smelled something strong similar to burnt firewood. He left his bed and made his way to the bedroom window, only to bear witness to his beloved wife smiling up at him from the base of that very same tree, playfully coaxing him down to her. By his own account, the skin drooped from each side of her face. The lips were missing to reveal a set of rotten ash-stained teeth. He said it was the most horrific thing he’d ever seen in his life.”

”OK, enough of this crap, Joey!” Daryl interjected, almost at his wits end. ”We all know how the story goes. But how does it involve me then?”

”Well, the curse, of course. The one you yourself know very well of.”

Adam glanced up at the antique clock on the wall and noticed time was even up against himself now. Either Joey got to the point pronto or he would have to call it a night too. But he decided to enjoy a few more minutes of this intriguing drama gather momentum before him. It just so happened that he lived not five minutes away from where Daryl did so whatever plan Joey had up his sleeve should have run in parallel to his own journey home. Joey peered hard at Daryl before turning attentions back to his younger brother.

”You see, the husband’s nightly visitations got worse and more frequent as time drew on until one day he vanished altogether. For days after, neighbours turned the wood upside down and police ran numerous investigations, but not a trace nor sign of him ever surfaced. Seems he’d just disappeared into the dead of night. Some say he was driven mad by those frequent nightly visions and had escaped out into the night, deranged and wild. Though this ran contrary to a more popular belief whereby he had may have presumably gone right up close to the tree only to have his wife spring up from an opening in the ground and drag him kicking and screaming down to hell with her.”

For a brief moment, the boys all fell silent but for the faint howl of a rising wind outside. Kevin’s eyes were wide with terror. His facial features trembled as if about to bawl his eyes out when Joey let loose a deep, throaty laugh. The other two watched on as he studied his brother whilst simmering down to a nothing but a broad grin.

”It’s a joke.” He said, leering at Kevin in a mocking gesture. ”Hocus pocus, fairy tales. None of it is true. So you don’t have to go crying off to bed tonight frightened that the “Screaming Old Hag” is gonna get you.”

”I wasn’t going to cry!” His brother barked back emphatically. ”I know you were just trying to pull my leg. And I wasn’t falling for it for one minute.”

”There’s my clever baby brother.” Joey chortled. ”Because our good friend Daryl here is going to help us put that ridiculous myth out of it’s age-old misery once and for all. Just to make absolutely sure, you understand.”

Daryl scrunched his face up as all three boys stared at him in unison. ”What the hell are you talking about?” He mumbled at Joey.

”What I mean to say is that I’ve inadvertently scared the living hell out of little Kevin over there and he needs proof that this whole yarn holds no truth in it. Can you offer me some assistance here?” The sarcasm in his voice flared Daryl up inside but he knew better than to reveal it to their unofficial designated group leader.

”You trying to set me up or something, Joey?” He sneered with a look of accusation. ”You’re the one who brought this damn story up in the first place.”

”And how the hell was I supposed to know the outcome? Am I psychic or something? Kevin is shitting himself and you don’t’ give a damn? Is that it?”

”I ain’t scared of nothing!” Kevin chimed in, pushing out his miniature chest in defiance. ”I know it’s all a pile of horseshit.”

”Shut your mouth, you idiot!” Joey roared. ”You didn’t have to say anything. Your cowardly expression gave the game away ages ago. And you use that kind of language again and dad will be the first to know about it from me. You hear?”

Kevin did not reply but simply pouted in protest at his harsh, threatening words.

”So, as I was saying.” Pressed Joey. “I need you to help out our Kevin. Let’s do what we were always talking about but never having the balls to actually carry out. Prove that there isn’t some demonic presence living within the stump of that old tree waiting to embrace whomever goes near it. Come on, man. Go put your hand on the tree once and your mission is done. How hard can that be?”

”You know what?” Daryl answered. ”I’ve had just about enough of your sick mind games. I’m going home.” He stood up as did Joey in the same moment. ”And that’s why we’re coming along too. To make sure you don’t turn around and lie to us that you did it. In fact, consider yourself lucky. Being escorted home as well as having us back you up that you actually did what no one else dared to.”

”I agree.” Came a voice from behind them as Adam also rose from the sofa, emitting an unmistakable air of excitement about him. ”Just do it, man. We and everyone else know how most of us are too much of a pussy to go up to that tree. And I know for a fact nothing will happen. You’ll tell the guys at school tomorrow how you were the only one to go ahead with it. We’ll all have to rename you “Iron Balls” or something. How cool would that be?”

”There you go.” Concurred Joey. ”Let’s make this Halloween something to remember. "Iron Balls" it is then. Just do it, man. I’ll even film it on my phone as evidence. Don’t be so boring. Just do it already.”

”Why don’t you do it?” Retorted Daryl, feeling the intensity of his peer’s pressure over him more than ever before. ”I thought you were the bravest one out of us?”

”Because we’ve already agreed. It’s been a unanimous decision. You have been elected as the chosen one.”

”What about Kevin?” He asked, eyeballing the skinny little runt up and down in front of him.

”Fine.” Sighed Joey. ”Deciding vote. Do you agree with us? Should Daryl go touch the tree tonight?”

His bulbous head nodded with slight hesitation, much to the dismay of Daryl. In the minds of children, there existed an unspoken code of conduct between their very closest associates and he knew full well that there was no getting out of this predicament now. Joey had orchestrated everything to a tee which, to his thinking, had stemmed from his reluctance to involve himself in tonight’s dictatorial gaming session. How could such a triviality have led to such a terrifying outcome, he mused. However, his thoughts fast turned to events that were about to unfold for him in a short while. The final vote was cast and his blood ran cold with fear.

(To be continued...)



Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


Oh I thought this was going to be a two-parter haha my mistake! This seems like a nice story to exchange around the campfire. I'm currently undecided which genre I prefer reading from you-- sci-fi or horror. I remember Last Rites like it was yesterday, and that still gives me chills. But, The Symbiotic Protocol has etched itself into my brain. So, I'm just going with both. You're a complete package, brother!

Hey, my bro! That is the angle I was looking for. A spooky little number for that most "chilliest" of seasons, Hallow's eve. But man, you know that sci-fi is where my main area of writing lies! One of my biggest regrets on Steemit so far is not finishing "The Symbiotic Protocol" but I plan to rectify that situation real soon.

Thanks for your kind and heartfelt words, as always, bro. :)

Nice stories. Actually i just read part 2 only. Upvoted

Love it. Boys, just leave the damn tree alone!

Oh man, this cannot end well.

Eeee, cant wait to see what ill fate awaits. 😨

Lol, so true. Young innocence and the trouble it can sometimes spew forth!

Thanks for the support, buddy. :)

This is not going to end well. Especially if they will record it. The question is which of them, because I'm not sure that Daryl will touch the tree.

Hey there, @anca3drandom. Yes, things will come to a head in the next part. Hope you are keeping well! :)

thanks for sharing nice original story with us i scared when saw this tree really you are so smart and could write nice story.

Thanks for your humbling words, bud!

Your writing skills are exceptional.When reading you actually like you watching a movie indeed l cant wait for more stories from you

Much appreciated, my fellow steemian! Thank you. :)

Amazing story keep it up and early give next part

Quality writing! Can't wait for part 3!

Thanks, bud. :)

Upvoted and RESTEEMED!

Thank you, bud. :)

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