Hellbent - Chapter 1 (My Original Novella)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

The huge courtyard allowed for everybody working the grounds to be gathered in a large, yet ordered array. Three rows consisting of fifty men each, arranged into tight, evenly spaced lines. The first traces of a breaking dawn gave the sky an ethereal purple glow. Even the familiar crow of the caged rooster near the stables was, at the very least, a good hour or so away. Yet an eerie silence pervaded through the dense, claustrophobic tension felt all around. Every soldier, guard and employee knew that something serious was at hand. Though with no indication as to what it was just yet. The alarming shock of being awoken from the racket of the emergency siren had dispersed any remaining sleep from their minds. That deafening sound meant only one thing and the message contained in it loud and clear. Haul ass to the courtyard as fast as your feet could carry you and slot yourself into an available position within your designated group. Shit must have well and truly hit the fan.

Orlon stood before them all. At his side, a rugged muscular looking man wearing their traditional military-styled beige coloured outfit. He held a semi-automatic pistol in one hand with an additional M16 strapped around his left shoulder. In front of them, two guards were hunched over on their knees. One of them visibly quivered upon the floor with fright, perspiration dripping from his forehead. Though neither made a sound. Once his people had settled into their respective places, Orlon looked them over one final time before he began. A fury burned deep in his eyes, the likes of which his loyalists had never witnessed before. The resulting fear caused a nauseating toxicity spreading within their bellies, but a feeling justified given the dangerous overtone's of the man glowering over them.

”Now everybody! Listen up and listen good! In the last hour, it has come to my attention that one of my men tried to violate my daughter, Emerald. Maybe more were involved. I don’t know the full story at this stage. But what I do know is that these two men you see before you were the ones left in charge of protecting her. Making sure she remained safe and out of harm’s way. However it appears they were overpowered by the mystery assailant in the early hours last night. They claim they have no clue as to who it was or how they got in the building. This is totally unacceptable and warrants a severe penalty. However, at the same time, we are all family here. I can be a compassionate man and wish to demonstrate this for you here today.”

Dozens of eyes stared in absolute neutrality at Orlon. Not a flicker of emotion at his words. Nothing to draw attention to the insignificance of their existence that hung like a thread in the wind. They had all managed to perfect that fine art down to a tee and gave away nothing. He squinted in frustration, inspecting every one of them down the line.

”Here are two of your family members. On their knees and at your mercy. They swore to me of having no knowledge as to who did this to Emerald. Are they innocent men? If they are, I wish to barter a deal. Anyone who can offer any information as to the perpetration conducted against my daughter will step forward now. In exchange for the lives of these two men. I will not execute them or even you for that matter, if adequate co-operation is given. Will you let these two men die here today if they are guilty of no crime? Your own brothers? The choice is yours. You have sixty seconds to decide.”

Orlon turned to the burly man next to him and signalled to the two men on the ground. At an instant, he moved behind the first guard, cocking the gun as he did so and pointed it at the base of his skull. The neighbouring man glanced over for a split second before looking straight ahead again. Something Orlon was quick to catch sight of. ”Marcus, no.” He called out, signalling to the adjacent guard. ”Kill that one first.”

The gun barrel shifted over to him instead. Both Orlon and Marcus could not see the tears streaming down the guard's face. His time on this earth about to be cut short in a matter of moments. He gripped his hands together, ready to face whatever demons lay in wait for him on the other side.

”Come now!” Orlan yelled. ”I know most of you believe in God. Seek redemption for these men’s life and eternal paradise shall be yours forever! Do the right thing in the name of your religion and saviour! Will you spare them this unnecessary and monstrous execution? Speak up now! ”

The sprawling courtyard remained in complete silence. In the distance, two faded statutes of weeping angels looking up to the heavens, straddling either side of the huge iron gates at the mouth of the main compound. Both guards stared at them, reciting quiet prayers against clenched teeth. ”No?” Asked Orlon out loud. No one answered, but instead kept up with the show of unabashed reticence . He shook his head in dismay whilst watching the two figures trembling upon the ground. He muttered to himself under the dry heat of his breath. ”What a crying shame. What has this world and it’s people come to?

A series of fleeting moments came and went before the order was given. A loud crack shattered the void of stillness in the air. The guard slumped to the floor like a ragdoll. Jets of bright red blood spurted from the tiny hole left in his cranium before gathering in a dark, expanding pool next to him. The first guard watched in horror as the dead man's arm twitched for several seconds before coming to an abrupt stop.

”You now have ten seconds for this man’s life!” Orlon shouted out. ”Will you condemn another one of your blameless family member to the same fate?” Marcus moved over to the cowered man and stood over him, pistol aimed at the same spot as his deceased companion. A soaked wet patch of piss stained the front of the man’s trousers as he lifted his hands behind his head in a vain attempt to shield himself. Marcus did not flinch, remaining detached from the situational repugnance at his feet. He waited for the second order. ”Still no?” Orlon remarked, observing the disguised fear of his militia. ”You know what? I’m disgusted with the spectacle I’ve seen today. The killing of one’s own kin is something you will all have to live with for the rest of your lives. But the “real” hell will start right here, within the confines of these perimeter walls. I will find out who did this and I promise you. You’ll beg me with every putrid fibre of your being to pull that trigger when I’m done with you. Marcus, escort this man home.”

The second shot produced a sharp, muffled echo. Marcus checked the pistol over as the guard clung on to the back of his head, knuckles white from the intense pressure. “Damn dud.” Marcus mumbled. He pulled the chamber back once more, ejecting an empty shell out and reloaded. Without a moment’s hesitation, he brought the barrel back to it’s original position and fired. The force blew out bloodied chunks of the man’s face, fragments of skin and bone splattering in very direction. Life had left him before he even hit the ground. A crimson mess now replaced the side of his face, exposing a set of red-stained molars through the open wound.

”This is your work!” Orlon screamed out as the horrific shock to the onlookers had somewhat subsided. ”Remember this day well. As this is only the beginning. Whoever is responsible for the actions of last night, you will be found out. Someone must have seen something. Heard something. Anything at all. But your detestable cowardice stops you from being real men. Loyal men. Now get to work! All of you!

At his command, they scattered like flies. The complete opposite to the subdued stillness they had exhibited not a moment before. Marcus motioned to four of the men and gestured at the bodies lying in pathetic heaps. As they rushed over, almost pitiful in their exuberance to oblige and serve, Marcus studied Orlon walking back to his private living quarters and disappearing through the front doorway. He paused, then replaced his firearm back into it’s belted holster and strode back to his own abode. This drama is going to get a whole lot worse before it even begins to gets any better, he thought.

(To Be Continued)


Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


What a tense dilemma to open with. And the only emotions shown: terrified guards and weeping statues. All that set against the sort of contained but psychotic anger of Orlon. It's beautiful and ugly at the same time. And the insight into Orlon's character when he wonders aloud what the world is coming to. The image I can't get out of my head is the stained teeth, seen through the wound. Very powerful opening.

Hey there, @geke. Lol, yes, I'm not holding back much with this one. Sorry for the gory descritpions, lol. I've got the main characters mapped out now so i'm hoping the rest of the story should flow nicely from here on out. Writing is so much fun on Steemit, @geke. You being one of the top authors in the community can hopefully relate to that. Thanks for your invaluable feedback. :)

No apology necessary for the gore. I absolutely LOVE a well-written, successful image, whether it's gruesome or not! And I always know a "successful" image because I see it and it stays in my brain, whether I want it to or not. lol 💀🥂

Lol, a prized compliment from you there, @geke. Thank you very much. :)

Very powerful opening chapter. "Emerald", manipulative bitch, or victim of upbringing. Marcus, guilty or clueless? We sit wondering what is next? When will Joe return, is Miguel still riding. I like all the characters so far.

Hey @bashadow! Thanks for stopping by! Your summary of questions is perfect for the direction I'm gonna take this tale. Thank you for your vote of confidence, man. The main lead characters are all laid out now. Next chapter coming soon.

Bless, bro... :)

Oh my god! What an opener! I am so happy you decided to turn your short story into a full on book! This is going to be huge, I can tell. The characters you already have. They have so much soul and realism to them. I can already picture them all! Marcus, Orlon, Emerald, Joe, Miguel. This was such an amazing start and so gritty. Orlon seems to rule with an iron fist. Where in the hell is this going? The best fiction writer on Steemit. By far, that is so obvious. Incredible work, @ezzy. Cannot wait for the next one.

Lol, many many thanks, my friend! Your comments are a godsend to me. thank you, really. Just hope you like the rest as this one should move at full pelt. And my bro, you gotta trust me. There are some "incredibly talented" writers on Steemit. One of them being the fantastic @geke in the comment section. check her work out as well as "The Fictioneers" on Discord. You can thank me later, lol.

Bless you, my man. Thank you again for everything. :)

Here we go again!

Raised heart-rate...check

Excited for you to lead me down the next path of your twisted and dark imagination @ezzy, looks like another thrilling series to come!


Lol, twisted and dark ain't too far wrong. Thank so much for the support, man. Really appreciated no end. Hope you like the direction I'm about to take this. Bless, buddy... :)

REALLY enjoyed the last series, excited for this next one bud!

nice story my friend wish the best for you and your family

It's so cool you decided to make this a novella! I read the last part the other day, but my computer was being fickle again and commenting was practically impossible. I can't wait until Christmas, a new laptop for me :)

Did you make the picture for this too?

Thanks for stopping by! Glad you are keeping well! You're getting a new laptop? Wow, that's one present be very excited about! Hopefully this new story can gain some traction and do well. Your support is invaluable. Thank you!

Thank you for creating a wonderful guide. I also like seeing small but impactful changes like this.

Thank you so much for the great comment, buddy... Muted. :)

That is so magnificent. I am very grateful for that! Love it.

@ezzy Well done for sticking at it! Love it. Followed..

Nice one, buddy. Thank you for the vote of confidence. :)

helpful for everyone, thanks a lot for this valuable, and much thanks

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