Echoes of Tommorrow's Past - Part 19 (My Original Novella)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Five days had passed by. According to his watch anyway, though how long that was within the constructs of physical reality was anyone’s guess. The stage had been set and the actors slotted into their designated roles. Now it was just a case of playing out their respective parts.

The level of craft and detailed complexity required to recreate such familiar surroundings was astonishing. The smooth finish of the table kitchen. The walkway into the living room where the couch rested up against the wall near the window. The cuckoo clock that sat above the wash basin where yesterday’s crockery soaked overnight. The intricacies were incredible. Even down to the ambient sweet smell of lavender and lemongrass wafting throughout the house. This was where he belonged, he thought. This was home.

James studied his hands with a curious intrigue. The rough texture of manliness now gone. The extra lines, creases and skin folds he had grown so used to observing over time, had all but vanished. In it’s place, the unblemished contours and definition of a child's. He had passed fingers along his hairless arms countless times already but the odd sensation it produced never seemed to grow old. This blanket of secure, blissful comfort engulfed him.

He glanced up at the clock on the wall. A few minutes to nine in the morning. She would be getting changed now, readying herself for the day ahead and all those precious hours to spend with the love of her life, with her James. This is how it was going to be. Just as it was yesterday and the day before that. Since the moment he succumbed to the needle's strong sedative administered by Dr. Grey, in fact. He attempted to push back onto the wooden chair he was sitting in, only to press into thin air with his feet. The petite stature of his new body would take some getting used to, the thought, grinning.

The most surprising aspect of all was how clear he envisaged everything before. Dolores, Dr. Grey, the supermarket fiasco, everything remembered in vivid subliminal thought. Though he was under no false pretences about where he was or what had happened to him. In fact, he had never embraced such clarity and awareness before. He scanned the room once more in awe. The replication of how he remembered things that final day was inconceivable. Yet so magnificently realised before him now.

His mind wandered to that of his beloved Dolores. Images flashed by of what could be happening on the outside. He envisioned her perched upon a metal chair next to the bedside, cradling his hand in her's over the bed sheet. Possibly crying, if her tears had not yet exhausted. If there was one thing he had learnt throughout the years spent living with her, it was that she truly did love him. Maybe in her own unique and distinctive way, but it was real. That was the hardest part of all. Leaving her behind.

But he reasoned another way. If this idyllic setting had been recreated with such unabashed realism and beauty, then so too could he conjure his Dolores. The three of them, living together in perfect harmony. But process in which this would be achieved could wait for now. He had time. And plenty of it.

James shook his head and giggled like a child. Which is exactly who he was now. A helpless, innocent child given a miraculous second chance to right all wrongdoings of the past. Moments of pure unadulterated joy, only to be replayed over and over again as dusk falls and dawn breaks. Indefinitely. How could he ever tire of such a thing, he wondered.

The sun shone through the faded, cream curtains in the living room. Giving the whole room a dulled, ethereal feel. Just the way he recalled that fateful day. He winced at the thought of his stupidity. How such a complete lack of knowledge could so cloud one’s understanding. The fight he put up against himself. Against his one true saviour. Trying in desperation to blot out something that should have been the most natural occurrence of all. Something to be savoured. His rebirth.

He felt some level of self-loathing for what he had put himself through. This incredible gift bestowed upon him, only to be kicked and shunned by the dimwit he saw himself as. When all this time, he was in the throes of being cured. Of shedding his former life to return to the womb of safety from where he sprung. The blockchain embedded within his brain, pushing to self-right all the mental scarring he had endured for many long years. Offering up this secluded sanctuary where he and his digital track could work as one. Formulating a time in his life where everything was simply perfect. He brought his hand up to his eyes and swiped away tears that were about to be shed. A man’s mind in that of a child’s body. Yet it could not have felt more right.

A noise alerted his attention. Soft thuds echoed out as someone walked the floors above him. She’s awake, he thought with a smile. A split second brought forth the demon’s visage before his eyes, who had invaded his subconscious and transformed her into something hideous snatched from his worst nightmares. But he cast the image away not a moment sooner. He understood the workings of the machine in the background. The answer was not to fight back, but to work together. The extreme force used by his subconscious to hit that message him was in actuality a blessing in disguise. The truth was revealed and he knew what needed to be done for his part. Dr. Grey was a madman searching for the solution to a condition where the answer lay hidden away within himself all along. If anything, he wanted to pay his respects to the technology that allowed this very existence to place take place. Those three solitary microchips operating in unison to bring about this place of paradise.

And he loved it. For being granted the greatest gift he could ever have wished for.

A figure made it’s way down the familiar flight of stairs, casting a shadow upon the living room wall. As she approached, he ran a hand through his tousled, silky hair. The energy of youth flowing through his veins. He beamed at the dark silhouette standing in the doorway, watching him.

“Morning, mother. I’m so glad you’re here with me. I love you.”

(The End)


Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


Standing ovation all around. This was an A+ series, brother! Beat by beat, all of the chapters were gold. I just want to take a brief moment to pat myself in the back. It was a few chapters ago, but I did comment that wouldn't be awesome if Dr. Grey turns out as a good guy just trying to help James out, and that the end goal was to download his brain digitally so that it could live on.

I don't know which chapter, but a while back it made me think of that Black Mirror episode titled San Junipero. In a weird way, taking him out of the reality is the best course of action to "keep him alive." With the final outcome, James and Dr Grey get wins, but ultimately leaves Dolores as the only loser. Sure, there's a silver lining knowing her husband is still alive and well, but she would always have his comatose body anchoring her down. It's a shame since she's come a long way as a character, and this was arguably more her story than James'.

I like the ending that you went with, brother. The journey to get here has definitely paid off and I commend you for sticking to your guns. You deserve all the upvotes for this one, and I just know that you will receive your due. I'm amazed that I was able to leave a lengthy comment despite me still going on standing and clapping for you. Take a bow, brother. Take a bow.

Now, look. I know this may come across as a little forward, but I couldn't care less right now... I've known you long enough by now... "I LOVE YOU, MAN"!!! There, I said it!!! Now it's stuck on the Steem blockchain forevermore... And I'm all the more glad for it. :)

But really, bro! You and I share such similarities when it comes to orchestrating and developing works of fiction, it's downright uncanny. I remember clearly when you made that remark about Dr. Grey. Very well perceived! Man, what a rush to be able to empathise writing on that level with someone else. It's truly exhilarating and has transformed my experience on Steemit from a "great" one to a "legendary" one!

Yes, the Doctor was genuine in trying to treat James. It would have been too clichéd I felt if I opened up some dark and sinister plan for him. He was just a regular guy who wanted to help, but now realising it was all too late, had thought up the next best practical solution. Observe and research him, examine the findings and see if any "good" can be salvaged from the god-awful mess he foresaw coming.

As for Dolores, I felt her role in the story was up in the penultimate chapter. It is to be assumed from that moment forth, the Doctor will calm her down in another room, explain to her exactly (and literally show her) what has happened to James and how his attempt to save him (the hardfork)was concluded as fruitless. As to her reactions after hearing the news and how she deals with that going forward, is left up to the readers imaginations.

We are also to presume that James will be cocooned within the empowerment of his subconscious until the day he dies. Though whether or not he could actually have been saved had they worked on him in time, will now never be known. His subliminal mind has created an "idyllic" world using his own memories gathered from stored images on the blockchain. Thus imprisoning him in the best way possible, if there's such a thing. To such an extent, in fact, that James prefers it to the actual existence he was living in the "external" world. Possibly wanting to find other ways of improving his "perfected" environment whilst fully aware of what is happening to him.

I loved putting this one together. When I returned to posting on "Steemit", I released my short work "Bitbaby" (A glimpse into James's beginnings) but never thought it'll expand into what it has. So happy with the outcome, bro! And thank you for all the awesome and heartfelt support along the way. So appreciated, you'll never know.

You're a star, man. And may we both continue to flourish here on Steemit and reach even higher still.

Bless... :)

Yeah, I remember Bitbaby quite clearly and connected the dots early on. I didn't want to mention it out of fear that it might spoil something in the story. I remember you telling me that it was a prelude to a future story, and when I saw that the lead male here was James, I immediately knew it was the eponymous Bitbaby haha!

Man I'm so torn about making assumptions. When I get it right, I of course feel some sort of accomplishment, but then I empathize with the writer and put myself in that situation, then I feel awful. It's so gut-wrenching when someone speculates close to what I intended to write, so I apologize for that, brother.

What happened to Dolores after is just begging for a one-off tale! It would be interesting to see if the reader's vision fits with yours? Or, is it better fit as a contest where we would be able to write our interpretation. It's just so rife with potential!

This has been truly a labor of love, and the effort you put into this shows. I'm so happy that this series averaged more than a hundred dollars! You're truly getting the rewards you deserve :D

Yes, bro! It was indeed a labour of love so I'm over the moon at how it was received.

But please don't apologize for your excellent skills of perception! After all, we can all theorize and speculate about plot points, character arcs and possible outcomes but at the end of the day, until it's physical written down and confirmed, anything goes!

And yes, I didn't want to put it out there too early, but I have already penned an albeit very vague, but solid outline to a sequel. The wheels are in motion, though whether or not that ever comes to be is another matter entirely. I've so many other projects I wished to get under way here on Steemit.

But yes, I've done OK and hope to continue to do so (in conjunction with you as well, brother). The future is open so let's make the most out of this incredible opportunity. :)

As much as I want to, I earn only a small fraction of what you earn, and at this point it's so far fron being sustainable. One of these days something has to give, and I fear that my time on Steemit is on the losing end haha No matter how much I try to make light of the situation I find myself in, unless I can prove that my time is leading up to something valuable, I'm afraid that I'm on borrowed time here haha It has been a fun ride though no matter how long it'll last :D

Those days of minuscule rewards are over, bro. If we must, let's compare our payouts at present. You are making a little under what I do (which could swap around at any time remember, there are no guarantees on Steemit). After HF19, even my payouts have dropping substantially, but also recall a few months back when it was considered a home run if you got $20+ for a post? It's all relative, my bro.

You've built up a good following built upon hours of time, effort and perseverance. You have just scratched the surface of your potential and have so much more to offer us all in terms of creativity and talent. I can only speak for myself, but I pray that you remain and grow on this platform as Steemit is finally starting to spread it's wings.

You're a treasure to us on here. It's just the plain truth. Always bear that in mind, my bro. Never sell yourself short. :)

Yeah, no, don't get me wrong, brother. I'm very hopeful for the future. You make a good point about it used to be that $20 was already considered a home run. I wouldn't say I make "a little under" what you make as $20 is significantly less than hundreds of dollars hahaha! But yeah, I didn't mean to sound like I was ranting. I am truly grateful for the earning and support that I am receiving. Appreciate it to no end, for sure! :D

I do need to justify my time here though, especially now that my resources are dwindling. In the coming days, I would need to assess if what I could potentially make here is worth the time I spend here, or if the time would better be served for more important things. With the surge of new people, my absence wouldn't be even felt that much anyway, as I feel that I'm on the negative end once Steemit spreads its wings. We'll see. I do appreciate your support, brother :D

I understand, bro. And won't push the matter, of course. I can only impart my honest feelings at the end of the day, but my "full" support is one thing you can always count on. You were an invaluable factor in keeping me on my toes when I fell on bad times on Steemit and that, for me, goes way beyond any dollar figure.

Whatever you choose, know that I got your back every step of the way. :)

WOW!!! Magnificent Ezzy, absolutely unique and amazing way to tie it all together! I am beyond impressed! I have to admit I feel a little sorry for Dolores, you did such a masterful job of her character, making me like her bit by bit, but even that works into how excellent this ending was, to make me think about that afterward, to make me care about that :)

I am so excited to be working alongside you as an author, you and @jedau, it makes me wondrously happy that we all met and understand exactly what it takes to do something like this, to make the characters so real, to create a plot like this one and especially a finale like this one! I Love it!!

No joke, @dreemit. Your comments above almost brought a tear to my eye. I'm absolutely serious. Really... Thank you so much. I can't believe I actually finished a mini-book before even completely my main novel, lol. The quirks of life, eh? Well, I'm so happy that the end result has proved itself in the eyes of such esteemed and incredibly talented authors such as yourself.

Dolores was a flawed character in her own right, however at times put her "fight" to good use. In this instance, being a true defender of James. She concocted some conspiracy theory in her mind in the last chapter, leading her to freak-out when she assumed there was no means of escape. However, her story ended right there. James's fate was sealed and she was only spectator from that point on. I'm so glad you could empathise with her as she was never meant to be out-and-out bad per se. As I mentioned above, just personality flawed.

It's no triviality that we've managed to stay banded together after being introduced to one another all those months back. It's a testament to true friendship and I'm blessed to have this in my life. I really am. We're all flying high in Steemit and it's not without the invaluable support of each other. You are the very best of dreams, @dreemit and thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart for every word you write.

Bless forever... :)

I keep attempting to reply to this, but it is so beautiful I'm afraid to spoil it! I will absolutely treasure these words for a long, long time to come.

I've often wondered if we've lived many lifetimes before the one we currently find ourselves in. Because there are times when I meet someone and it seems as though I have known them for eons. The strength of my feelings toward them, and so quickly, is inexplicable. Or perhaps this is a virtual reality game that we're in, and wherever our true home is, we have friends who have entered the game with us, and our spirits recognize one another in here. You are most certainly one of these people for me dear @ezzy.

I really love to imagine what it will be like to meet up with friends such as you, not just inside this realm-though that will be awesome, you're in for the hug of a lifetime, haha!- but also in whatever realm we originate from :)

Powerful words, @dreemit. But they ring oh-so-true! The name of the game on our time here on Steemit should be about have tons of fun and making some great connections. We tick all those boxes already, lol!

You're analgy based on "alternate realities" is very aptly put and summed up what could be a beautiful story in itself. Thanks for everything, @dreemit! I'll always have your back here on Steemit and hopefully our paths will eventually cross one day. We'll have so much to talk about and good times to be shared!

To the future... :)

I don't know what praise I can heap upon your work, that hasn't already been heaped, and rightly so. I've loved the journey and never saw the ending coming. Like some of the others, I feel for Dolores. Showing her flaws (which we all have some of) as well as her love for James made her real. Well done. Very well done.

Hey there, @kiwideb! Thank you so much for such a sweet comment. I've loved putting this particular piece together and reading humbling words like yours just keeps adding volumes to the experience. Dolores was just as much a victim as James if considered from a certain point of view. Sometimes doling out harsh words was an easier way out of an uncomfortable situation, but it was done more for emotional protection than anything else. Wish I could have expanding upon her story a little more in "another" closing chapter, but I feel her story has been told.

Bless, @kiwideb

I think that was the right call re Dolores, it would have taken away from the impact of the last chapter to have another for her. I agree she was a victim too. She encouraged him to do it because she thought it was the right call, and her guilt is something she will have to live with.

Looking forward to whatever you have for us next .

Invaluable insights and exactly the angle I was going for. Thank you for some useful feedback.

Bless... :)

Now that I have completed you story, I can comment and let you know I think that you've done a great job with this one. Paced wonderfully, with each episode providing the needed cliffhanger or sense of intrigue as to what's to come. As it was building my mind was trying to unravel where it was going. Several possibilities presented themselves. And your ending did the story great justice. Glad I spent time reading along.

All the best to you, and for your next writing endeavours :)

Thank you, @naquoya!

Coming from a writer of your calibre, that's a mighty fine compliment I just received. All I can say is I'm so honoured you took the time to read through my work and gave me your precious feedback. It means the world to me and I don't take those words lightly.

Bless, my brother and thank you from the bottom of my heart once again... :)

My god! That was one serious mind trip! So let me get this straight because I've been following this one closely. His subconscious has recreated a sort of utopia for him to live in based off his memories as a child when his mother died? So his subconscious was trying to unite him with her all along and could do so because of the power of the blockchain. Have I got that right?

If I've got that straight, then you, sir, are a genius storyteller and without a doubt the top author here. The way you constructed the whole plot to bring the entire story is such an incredible climax like this is something I did not expect. So I take it Dr. Grey actually was trying to save him. But what happened to Dolores? What were the monitors they spoke about at the end of the last chapter? I think they can use it to see what James sees, but I might be wrong.

What a ride and this fantastic story now stuck forever on the blockchain. Unbelievable stuff, @ezzy. Speechless at your level of talent.


Wow, what a comment! Well, it goes without saying, you're a star for supporting me all this way and I'm so appreciative of that! But to answer some of your questions.

But what happened to Dolores?

Of course I couldn't say before, but that last chapter was their close in the main story. When she was escorted ( or carried) out of the room, Dr. Grey was going to reveal to her what actually happened to him. In other words, that his mind had been lost to that of his subconscious and he will most likely never wake up again. Even though Dr. Grey may have been actually trying to assist and save James from the very beginning, he has now taken it upon himself to watch, examine and study James in close proximity. All in the name of scientific medical research, if we are to believe that or not. Given the fact that it's better he's put to some use than to simply wither away and die for nothing. Which leads me to your next question...

What were the monitors they spoke about at the end of the last chapter?

You're spot on! Dr. Grey mentioned a few chapters back of how he actually downloaded and viewed a copy of Herbert Wilcot's blockchain and saw the manifestations that drove him to an early grave. So, because James is in essence "always online", they can play Big Brother and are able to tap into his brain to see what he sees. After all, the new "subconscious" memories being created are being written onto his blockchain so therefore can be extracted and viewed as well. And we also have to assume that's what the Doctor meant when he asked the nurse if the monitors are ready. To show Dolores the cold, hard truth of what eventually happened to James.

So, that's the crux of it. He is reliving the same time period (the day his mother died) over and over again because he never got over the guilt associated with that day. His subconscious wanted to rectify the situation (of which he had no direct control over) as best it could by creating this "utopia" as you put it and plonking him right into it's centre. So, until they turn off the machine that will be keeping him alive or somehow revive him (doubtful considering how far gone he is), then that is where James will remain until the end of his life.

So, yeh. That's a wrap! Thanks again for all your incredible support, man! It was sometimes tough to get my work out there but your constant encouragement and inspiration made it all that much easier.

Bless you, my brother! Thank you for everything! :)

My support is a privilege and that was some explanation you gave. Glad to know I was thinking along the same lines you were as delving into such a complicated storyline and concept is no small deal. You handled it with ease. It's very obvious the level of thought that went into your work. It really shows. I'm a big fan of science fiction and your novel is up there with the best of them. Original and thought provoking. You should be very proud of the end result. Now to wait and see what other gems you hold up your sleeves.

Wow! You are an incredible writer and extremely talented! Do you have your books on Amazon? :) Following! @ezzy

Thank you, @awarenessraiser. Haven't gone down that route yet, but plan to. :)

Awesome good luck! @ezzy


I've missed few chapters, but i loved reading.
It's pretty well made bud.

Thanks, man. :)

Kudos! Well written :)

Thank you, buddy! :)


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