Interview with Leon Logothetis, Host of The Kindness Diaries (streaming on NetFlix)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Every now and then in life all of the planets align and we encounter something that is utterly life-changing. As I explained a few weeks ago in my previous post, Leon’s show, The Kindness Diaries had just such an effect on me.

Leon gave up a stressful and financially lucrative life as a stockbroker in London to pursue a life lived from the heart. This has been my own personal dream for decades, to escape the cubicle and write full time while traveling the world. To witness (and correspond with) someone who is truly living the life I've aspired to achieve for decades was inspirational.

You can imagine my excitement when I contacted Leon and he agreed to participate in this interview exclusively for the Steemit community. I can tell you from our interactions, Leon is as real as it gets. His life serves as a poignant example of the positive impact living a life of compassion and kindness can have on the world.

One hundred percent of the proceeds of this post will be donated to the Make A Wish Foundation, in Leon's honor so please be generous with your Upvotes and Resteems!

Interview with Leon Logothetis

1) What was your childhood like?

On the outside I had a very good childhood. On the inside I was very sensitive and was being bullied a lot. This caused me much pain.

2) As I told you previously, your show The Kindness Diaries impacted me tremendously. It was an instant connection and healing from all of the negativity in the news recently. I read that Motorcycle Diaries by Che Guevara was the same kind of catalyst for you. Describe for us the moment this happened and the ways in which it instantly changed you.

I was working as a broker in London and was feeling depressed and disconnected. On the outside I had everything you would want but on the inside I was bankrupt, spiritually and emotionally. I stumbled across the movie, The Motorcycle Diaries and was touched so profoundly by what the movie portrayed. It showed me that there was another way to live...a way to live from the heart.

3) If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would say to them?

Winston Churchill. I would ask him, “How did you find the courage and the will to stand up to Hitler?”

4) You must have made a lot of deep, meaningful human connections during your trek around the globe in Kindness Diaries. If you had to choose person that impacted you the most during the entire experience who would it be?

Tony, the homeless chap from Pittsburgh (episode 2). He taught me that true wealth is in our hearts and not our wallets.

5) How much preparation did you do before leaving? Were all the stops unplanned?

The stops were pretty much unplanned. However, there were certain places I knew I would have to arrive in at a certain time. For example, New York City in time to get on the ship to sail to Spain.

6) What single project or task would you consider the most significant accomplishment in your life to date?

Opening my heart.

7) Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

Haha! Hmm…I have NO idea (cop out, I know!)

8) Tell us about a time during the journey when you felt like giving up, how you felt about that, and what you did instead?

I felt like giving up at the beginning, in the middle, and near the end as well. But I kept going. As Winston Churchill once said, “Never give up!”

9) What would you say to encourage others thinking of leaving their old lives behind and making a transition similar to the one you have?

What would you want your 90 year old self to say? “Thanks for living a great life!” or “Why did we miss out on so much!”

10) Was there a part of the world in which you experienced the more kindness than others? Where was kindness in the most abundance?

Bhutan. The place where they have a thing called, “Gross National Happiness.”

11) What is the best way you can think of for the average person to spread more kindness around the world? What is the greatest barrier to accomplishing widespread kindness?

Just be gentle and kind to yourself to start with. Then it overflows and you will be forced to share it with the world. The greatest barrier to accomplishing widespread kindness is people not being gentle with themselves.

12) What is your favorite curse word.

My favorite curse word…F*ck! (oops, I think I just ruined my career…)

Thanks so much for agreeing to do this interview Leon, it was a true honor!

I have more good news to share. Leon has also agreed to sign up and write for Steemit! I'm sure he'll have lots of valuable insights and entertaining stories to share with our community. So please stay tuned, I'll share more information once it's available.

Do you like travel, living your dreams, and kindness? If so, check out The Kindness Diaries now streaming on Netflix.

I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and blockchain enthusiast. My bestselling novel, Alarm Clock Dawn, is available now on Amazon. Your Upvotes, Comments, and Resteems are always appreciated!

Eric Vance Walton - Media





Drum light.jpg My favorite question & answer from this interview: 9) What would you say to encourage others thinking of leaving their old lives behind and making a transition similar to the one you have?
What would you want your 90 year old self to say? “Thanks for living a great life!” or “Why did we miss out on so much!” Yes, yes yes.. Elisabeth Kubler Ross (awesome physician founder of the hospice movement), also had the precautionary tale, having sat with so many people in their dying. She spoke to the all too common tragedy of living a life that was someone's else's idea of what we're 'supposed' to do... It's good to be asking: "What will you do with your one wild, precious life?" [Mary Oliver]

Thanks a bunch for this short and very sweet interview with another one of our open heart brother. I love the fact that you expose him and share of his wisdom with us. We all can learn from that type of shedding. I'm also glad that you point out our way the so-called "Kindness Diaries", it looks like the kind of documents I greatly enjoy delving into.

One more magnificent human being on the Steemit Train! Great job!!! All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the short interview, @eric-boucher! I know you'd really connect with the Netflix show. He's definitely one of our tribe. Namaste, brother!

Great Article .


Great, well done! Fascinating story from Leon and looking forward to hearing more from him on steemit!

Thanks, @voronoi. I'm really thrilled that he'll be joining us!

Very good interview. Sounds like a fascinating person. Leon, we're looking forward to having you join Steemit!

Thanks. It was a truly inspirational experience. Hopefully, a glimpse of my future life.

Thanks so much for sharing Leon's life, your dream and for championing Steemit!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

It was truly my pleasure. Thanks for your support, as always!

YES! Way to go Eric. You have the magic touch.

Thank you, Johanna! I have this urge to try podcasting after this interview. After my novel trilogy is done I might just try it.

Great interview! Agree with Leon about better measures other than GDP and other kinds financial metrics :)

I appreciate that Kevin! Absolutely, I totally agree.

"True wealth is in our hearts and not our wallets." Tony One of the wealthiest people in the world. "It's about human connection. That's where the true beauty in life is." Leon Logothetis

Well done, a great interview. It would be great to see him on Steemit!

Thanks! I can't wait to see what he writes about.

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