Back From Brooklyn

in #story6 years ago (edited)

My wife and I just landed from a quick trip to New York where @dougkarr, @bakerchristopher, and I spent three days combing through and polishing the HardFork scripts. This explains my recent lull in posting.

As we were making our way out of the Minneapolis airport we got stuck in an elevator (the second time this has happened to me in since June -- I’m not sure what that’s about.)

After we got home I joined a panel of guests for a fabulous episode of @pennsif ‘s radio show, MSP Waves where the guests discussed Film and Steem. @pennsif asked lots of great questions about the HardFork Series and I had a chance to learn about some of the other exciting film-based projects sprouting up on the platform. Listening to the show, I was quickly reminded of the strength of the Steemit community and the great news is it’s only getting bigger, better, and stronger.

Back To Our Trip

I’m happy to say our accommodations for this trip were the exact opposite of my Airbnb experience in Montreal, flawless. Luckily, a friend of our previous Brooklyn host who lives in the same building happened to have a last minute availability. Aside from the slightly creepy mannequin and the ever more creepy Alexa the apartment was perfect. At just over 500 sq ft we felt right at home.

Dawn to dusk was devoted to writing but as dusk….

...gave way to the beautiful lights of the city we had time to step out and try a few of the amazing restaurants that Brooklyn has to offer.

We tried neighborhood favorite Rabbithole and the delicious pizza from Fornino definitely didn't disappoint.

My favorite meal (and biggest surprise) of the week was how extremely good the barbecue was from a place called Mable's Smokehouse (sorry for the grainy photo of it below). It was actually the best barbecue I've had North of the Mason-Dixon line. This proves you CAN get just about anything in New York.

As always, there are too many restaurants and not enough time. Alas, there will be more trips and newfound reasons to love this city.

Thanks for reading,


(Gif sourced from

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.
My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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Such an amazingly productive little trip! Super excited about all the amazing work we got done and as always fantastic to hang!

It definitely was a fun and productive trip! Thanks again for the hospitality. It feels like we have a winner. : ) Having Wes around is better than doing sit-ups. He made me laugh so hard that last night.

I appreciate this kind of post from you! It is as if I myself were travelling, eating, staying in these hotels. Writing has this faculty: to make our imagination travel! Travelling in company, especially with friends, is always a wonderful, rewarding experience. It is good that this experience was not like the previous one and everything went as planned. When the trips are good, we always say: let it be repeated, let it be repeated! Greetings, @ericvancewalton

The views are amazing. Wow. You always bring out the amazement in your pictures. Well done sir.

Glad you had fun and it was enjoyable, more especially the hotel.. wow.

Really sorry about the elevator. There won't be a third time...hopefully.

My best wishes sir.

Glad you enjoyed the views @olawalium! The elevator incidences are strange. I had never gotten stuck in one in my life until June. Hope all is well with you!

Wow...June and now? So sorry sir. That must be a bit worrying. Yes, I am doing great and weekend is going great. How is your weekend going sir?

Yeah, it's no big deal just kind of weird. The week is winding down here, the weekend begins in a few hours. I hope to have a relaxing one, this week has been hectic. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

You deserve the rest and i hope you have a great one too sir.

Well the good news is the elevator didn't eat you and you had good eats on your end. Nice little update and great to hear that things are going well on the HF series project.

Haha, great way to put it. Thankfully there were no screaming children (or adults freaking out) in it and it was only for a few minutes this time. Thanks, man, we're really getting close with HardFork.

The views are just so gorgeous, great to hear your faith in the hospitality industry has been restored, but not so great about getting stuck in the elevator!
Always a nice feeling when time spent has been productive :)

Thanks, @lizelle! I really got the impression that he was a first time host but he was a natural at it...very considerate and a great communicator. You're right, there's nothing more satisfying than feeling like something of quality was accomplished. How's everything on your side of the world?

Your host obviously enjoys what he's doing so that's great!
Just a week ago it was freezing cold here but that changed so quickly as summer's here with a vengeance, been very hot!
We've been very busy with guests (and I with doing our tax returns, just hate it!!!) but we're breaking away next week to Champagne Valley in the central Drakensberg, can't wait ;)

Your life is wonderful and it is great to read about it. The accommodations are beautiful as is the view.

Hey keep us posted. It sounds like things are on track. Congrats!

Thanks @rebeccabe! I'm always amazed by how quickly we get used to the sound of the trains. They become almost soothing after a day or so. Things are moving, for sure. We all have our fingers crossed.

I love the sound of a train as long as it is in the distance. That and barking dogs.

I’m happy to say our accommodations for this trip were the exact opposite of my Airbnb experience in Montreal
these words describe that your journey was awesome. Nice view of city. Good captures .

All journeyes gives us new experiences . Nice pics taken during your journeym. Place is looking very eye catching in your pics .

What a view, i repeat, what a view. That was so nice that i had to repeat that twice.

It is really nice to have you show this to us. This is beautiful, i mean really beautiful. Thank you.

Brooklyn is really a beauty. Hoping to visit the place one day too.

Beautiful story, my friend, and it is always pleasant to return home, where everything is familiar and familiar. You have just arrived and have already managed to meet with friends and visit a restaurant, you are right, there is not enough time, but it's great that we find moments for personal life. Well done! Thanks Eric

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