Marry Right and Save a Child

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Main characters
Benjamin (young adventurous man)
Juliet(Young independent barrister)
Paul(Juliet's boy and childhood friend)
Lizzy(Juliet's best friend)

Ben popular business man,only child of his parents but very independent

(He walks into a mall to get some stuffs for himself bumped into juliet who was looking for the perfect dress)

Juliet:Oh!! You don't you have eyes.
Sorry pretty lady,Ben said.
(Julie who was trying to buy a dress for her dinner date with Paul and was upset cause the dress she wanted was not available).

Ben tries to introduce himself but was interrupted by Julie...
urhmmmIm(clears his throat) I'm Benjamin..
Yes..what is it?she replied.
Have we met,Ben asked
Juliet:Met?..Have you seen this face before?
You men wouldn't mind your business...or you think i don't know that's how you walk around asking such stupid questions.
(She turned to her friend Lizzy)
Baby lets go
Ben:Chill,i just want to know you
I'm Ben..
Juliet:Who cares,its seems you have nothing to do.
Ben:Okay can i get your number?
Juliet:No,i don't give my contacts to strangers.
Ben:Okay here,have mine or take my phone(he said stretching out his mobile)
Julie:To hell with you,I'm not cheap
(Walks out)

Few hours later
Julie,you don't know that guy,he's the richest guy in town,born with a silver dull oh Lizzy said.
Julie:Oh to hell with vanities
I'm independent..i don't want his money
Lizzy:Okay..just be cool,you were actually rude in there and besides Paul didn't show up.
(She sights paul from a distance)
Julie..look over there..isn't that Paul with another woman
Paul!!..she screams,you ingrate,so you stood me up to be with this bitch..have had enough of your rubbish..I'm done..
Paul:Yea, never have my time,i can't be working and you' re working,you are always busy,you barely cook,I'm i gonna marry a wife or a i can't continue. I'm a man,i have the say,i should control my home..i can't marry you..
Julie:Paul after all i did for are an ingrate..

That same night
Lizzy look at me,I'm 30 years of man wants to marry me..I'm i rude,ain't i beautiful..or do you think Paul was right?
Julie,don't mind Paul,he's only being stupid,who wouldn't want you for a wife,you are sweet,independent,intelligent and every mans desire,he's suppose to worship you and ain't rude,i guess he was after your he has it,he walked away. Most people only see you are visible when they need something but that's shouldn't stop you from being who you really are, she said.
Adjust your crown,queens don't cry or chase after men,the right man would come okay.

Few months later
Juliet was still trying to move on without Paul,picked up her car keys and drove out to shop)

I want that shoe,the pink one,yes that one..bring it down..How much is it..

Sales girl:Ma'am its just 20000 naira(twenty thousand naira only)
Okay bring the naked hair,i guess it 80000(eighty thousand naira)
Julie:Calculate everything,How much is it?
Sales girl:Its 100000 (hundred thousand naira only)
(Gives her her debit car)
Julie:4545..that's the pin...
Sales girl :Ma'am your balance is insufficient
Let me see...oh my bank!
(Ben walks into the mall and overheard their conversation)
Don't worry i would take care of the bills ,he said.
No don't,Julie replied.
Pls let me.. He insists
Julie:okay but i have nothing to offer you.
I'm not asking for anything but just a dinner,he said.
Julie:Dinner ke..i thought as much but its okay
Meet me at Jaysleek's fast food(eatery) by 7pm
Can i give you a ride...he asked?
No i brought my car and about the cash would make a refund,send me your account details,she said (without even looking at his face)

Few months later
(Ben and Julie were more like best friends cause she was always around him and everyone knew they were in love)

Julie, you are not getting any younger.
I'm not good at this but i really love you and see a future with you,i know you lost your money in some business and ain't really independent like you used to be and I'm not really that rich cause dad disowned me cause of some personal issues....urhmm pls marry me.
Julie:Marry you..yes but why did your dad disown you?
Cause i refused to run the family business,he said
Well its not bad to be independent but make peace pls,i want everyone to be part of my wedding,she replied.

Lizzy come over oh,(she called her besty)
(She broke the good news to her)
Julie:What do we call it?
Benjulwould be nice,said Lizzy.
Okay then.

Few months later
(After serious tests on both partners,pastor sends for Ben)
My son you can't marry Juliet.
Ben:Pastor what do you mean,i should not marry her..why?
She's AS and you are AS,Pastor said.
(Julie heard the conversation and ran out)
Ben:If you don't wed us no problem,i will marry this lady.

That same night
Julie i love you and i will marry you no matter what(Ben said with tears in his eyes)
Juliet:I love you too but..
Ben:No buts baby.
(She sobs)but our children..they would suffer
Ben:No but baby..i love you and that's all that matters,I'm not marry you because of children.
Okay(she replied just to cover up her fears)

The next day
Julie:Lizzy,what do you think i should do..
My dear,walk out,you can't ruin your future cause of a man,he would look elsewhere when your children starts dying
They would be chance(Lizzy answered bluntly)

Don't mind her,she's jealous of you..She would snatch him away don't know you are getting old..Marry him (Kate interrupted)
(Kate was just Lizzy's new neighbour who was fond of poke nosing into people's matters).

(Julie walks away still worried
She goes into the house late that night,wept and cried out to God to show her the way but she dozed off on the floor).

Julie:I will marry you Ben,i love you
Wow thanks baby(Ben replied with so much Joy)

Years later
Ben! Ben!!,Ben!! ...i just had a miscarriage..(snobs).

Ben:Hmmm I'm tired..this is not the first time nor the second..Are you sure you are okay..
(He Walks out on her)

Years later
(After some months she found a surrogate mother would bear her twins for her but she was worried because those were her last eggs).

Twin Jane and Juliet:Mum,i want come see us in school,today is our visiting day
Okay baby..what should i prepare for you?(She asked)
Fried yam with Egg(they replied with so much Joy)
Okay love,would join you in soon.

That same day
(Call from the Secretary)
Hello Mrs Ben,pls your attention is needed in the office,Mr Stone wants to see you.
Juliet:Oh i have to see my children today in school
You can do that later(sh said and hunged up)
It won't take long or do you want to loose your job(The janitor said).

I need to call my husband,she said
(On call with ben)
Honey pls go see the kids,i have to fix something here in the office.
No baby,i can't..I'm tied up too,told you already to quit your job,he replied.
Hmm.... (She said and hung up)

(Phone rings)
Juliet:Yes who is this
Its Joy,the dormitory mistress,she said.
Jane and juliet just slumped,your attention is needed
Oh God what's wrong?(Juliet hurriedly leaves the office)

Won't you see the boss?(The Secretary asked).

Nooo my kids are dying and you expect me to stay here,i quit.

(In school, everyone were staring at here but didn't say a word)
Ma'am I'm sorry we lost them,they were playing with the other kids but they got into a know children na..especial girls and their fights.
They were shouting my bones,my joints and slumped,before we could take them to the hospital they died,I guess one was asthmatic.
Were they sickle cells?
Children what?she shouted.
Urhmmm...Oh!!!.I'm finished..Those were my last eggs....What will i do?.where do I start from?...
Jane and Juliet come and eat the yam oh..its in the promised to my husband....I was warned.. love look what you've done to me,had i known

(She woke up screaming had i known)
It's a dream.
No no(she squeeze her chicks) oh thank God..its a dream

On her wedding Day
(Ben was not picking up her calks till the wedding d)

Welcome the bride...
(All stands)
Pastor:Juliet Frank,Do you take this man to be your lovely husband to love and to cherish for better for best.

Juliet:Hmm,Benjamin John,heavens knows i love you,you're the best man on earth,gave me a better reason to live,stood by me even when i lost everything.Ben i love you,with all my heart i love you.
(Ben smiles..yes!)
But Benjamin Frank..i cannot marry you
I'm sorry but i cannot risk my future or my kids.
You parents have kicked against this union,my friends,everyone even the pastor,money cannot save us,God has given us wisdom,let's make use of it.
I'm sorry,I pray you find a better wife.
(She walks out)
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In summary
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Genotype refers to hemoglobin gene constituents
Genes are always in pairs and overall expression depends what her dominant,recessive or X-linked.
So there is no problem when one of the genes is abnormal AS,AC
This is called carrier state(sickle cell trait)
The great problem is when the two are abnormal
The genotype in humans are AA,AS,AC,SS,SC.

What's genetic compatibility?
Its a state whereby couples are able to get amrriwd without problems of producing offspring with a genetic disorder.

Someone with genotype AA can marry across,no risk of having sickler even when he/she marries an SS.
AA results to AS children,no hope in having AA but no danger either.
AS should marry someone with AA
AA +AS=AS,AS,AA and SS and prone to have a child with sickle cell disease and cause the children great agony especially when its not easily avoided
SC +SS,almost the same but SS suffers more sever crises than SC.
Diseases are not easily noticed on SC than In SS.

Best and compatible genotype for marriage
AA+AS=better children would be AA,AS which is still better but the probability of AA would be low.
AS+AS= Bad,never marry
AS+ SS= worst,never think of marrying
SS + SS= never marry cause there's absolutely no chance of escaping having a child with sickle trait.

New borns are screened for sickle cell diseases with a simple blood test.
This test will determine if the child is a carrier.
If the disorder is not detected at birth or infancy a blood sample known Hemoglobin electrophoresis can be used.

What's electrophoresis test?
Its a blood test used to measure and identify the different types of hemoglobin in our blood streams.

According to the dictionary,Hemoglobin is the protein inside your red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen to you tissues and organs.

Prevention of SCO
Have your blood tested
Save a child....Marry Right.

Thanks for reading


a very touching story. You write so well, tweeted

Thanks dear😊

Wow... You wrote it better darling.
Sickle cell anemia is something to totally avoid. Despite how difficult it is to let go of those we love, it will do greater good to bear the pains now than the future.

The best thing is to avoid it totally. Know your genotype from the word go.

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