The World of Fatherhood - My Princess Turns 1

in #story7 years ago

Today, 11th of January 2018 is the special day of my one and only daughter but we will do the celebration on weekend this coming 13th of January. She will be turning one today and we are so excited to celebrate with her friends and loved ones. It has been a month of preparation and many of our friends and relatives took part of the preparation, some of them donated in kind and effort for the additional color of the said event. It may not be that much expensive preparation but the effort is very evident.


She is a gift for us and I love her even before she was born. Those sleepless nights and sacrifices paid off just in her sweet smile - I know all loving parents felt this unexplainable emotion when you see your child looking at you and smile. Especially those moments when the child just starts learning to talk, holding your fingers and utter empty words then smile. It was so sweet remembering all those "First's" of our child - her first to sit, to stand-up, her first step, her first word & etc. Being a parent is a great responsibility and it is our obligation to teach and guide them as they grow. If they will go astray, it is somehow due to our shortcomings as a parent. We should teach them in the right path while they were young and when they grow old, they will not depart from our teachings - it will somehow remind them in the situation when they need to choose between good and evil. We must be the role model for them to follow, having a delinquent child will reflect to us being a parent, a failure parent.

In my introductory post here in steemit, I featured myself being a dad - Who am I? ... I'm a 4 months old Dad!. I am hoping that we will all be a successful parent for our children and lead them on the right path where they should walk.



Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter. My wish for her is that she grows to become a very beautiful, successful woman. Being a parent is not an easy task even though I have no children yet but I watch my parents and they manage to take care of myself and other three siblings and it amazes me. They are so great at it. Parents being role models is a very positive statement because I always look up to my parents and want to be like them or even better to my future kids...
May God bless you with more kids if that's your prayer @elizahfhaye

Totally agree with yah bro. Only parent can fully understand the feeling of being a parent :)
Its so sweet when you see your child smiling at you and calling your name as if she is helpless and only you is his hero :)

My daughter just turned two last month. It's a tough gig.

The only advice I would give to the 13 month younger version of myself, is to not think about getting into any routine with my parenting. It's important to get the child into a routine. Very important. But your own routine with parenting is pointless because things are constantly changing. More so after the first year as their development accelerates.

Wow congrats bro. As a parent, we should teach and guide our children while they are young. We should show them love and respect with correct discipline if needed.

And in a lot of ways, they teach us.

There's an old arabic saying - that daughters open up a mans heart.

Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter. Parents love is one of the most purest thing in this world. All the best for her bright future. May she be the source of happiness and pride for you n your family. Keep sharing

Agree and thank you. Loving parents always seeking for the best of their child :)

yes they do. i also tied the knot on november 24.

Happy birthday to your daughter and congrats on making it this far!

My son is 2 years plus and anyone who is a parent after 12 months is still alive is amazing! XD

Bless ya man and your family :)

thanks bro. Being a father is a noble task with great responsibility to carry on :)

You are right @elizahfhaye, we must be the role models for our children else they turn elsewhere for emulation. Children learn mostly from what see us do, so we as parent must be mindful of our actions. Action they say, speaks louder than words.

Agree with yah bro. everything that were seen from us the parent were right from the point of view of the child. So we must be careful in all our movements infront of our children. we must be the role model for them to follow :)

If I used to live with you then I would celebrate this day on your special day on your daughter's day and wish your daughter's child well

this is her very special day since she will turn to 1 :)

Thank you very much for replying to my comments


most welcome


ha ha ha all lol

Can I have a picture of your child?

my profile picture you see is my daughter :)

father is very essensial element for afamily.he carries his job very carefully evry carry on


thank you.

Congratulations, daddy!!!

thanks you bro :)

The world of fatherhood it's really great. This story is awesome ..Already i read it ...
Thanks for sharing your valuable blog ..Dear

There is a big responsibility being a father :)

Your story is awesome ...Thanks dear sharing this post

welcome :)

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