in #story7 years ago (edited)

Why Apple?


by the Biggest Company of World!

One hardware; Several Failures; Read the detailed Story below!

Some rules to keep in mind for this company

  • They do not communicate everything, so search forum's for others having same/similar issues and how they got the company involved solving it
  • Go to the shop without an appointment, when they do not allow you to reserve an appointment through their webservices
  • Give them a call, even when you are officially not allowed, when you have a good story

Really? Apple?

I was never a huge fan of Apple products. Not that they do not look nice, or are good in what it does, but because the policies of Apple, to create a walled garden offering (no proper integration with none-Apple products), not well suited to run Microsoft Office applications (the standard in the office world), and the relatively high prices of their products.

After owning and using smart mobile devices based on Windows (from Philips Nino to Compaq and HP PDA's and HTC smartphones) from 1999 onwards, in 2009 I was given an Apple iPhone 3s as a sales bonus. Having this device in my hands, I couldn't resist to try it out, and thoroughly test its capabilities. Not for long, I replaced my Windows based HTC for the Apple iPhone to accompany me everywhere as my default smartphone for reasons we all know: stability of the OS (better than Windows platforms), and the look and feel of the device. Since then I owned several versions of the Apple iPhone and never ever had any issues with it, ie no malfunctioning of the hardware.

In late 2013 I decided to purchase the latest version of the Apple Macbook. It was with this device, I started to realise Apple can also deliver faulty hardware.

Excellent Service: Case #1

Well within a year of purchase of the late-2013 model of the Apple Macbook, the camera failed on me. Since I was never using the camera, and the thought Apple products in Europe have at least two year warranty by law, I took the lazy approach and didn't bother to run to the Apple repair centre to claim the repair under warranty. It must have been a couple of months after the USA warranty expired, I realised the European warranty not being applicable for EU citizens buying Apple products in the USA. Not having purchased an Apple service program, I decided to go against all the Apple policies and rules, and gave them a call!

When the support desk listened to my story; a malfunctioning camera within a year after purchase, my stupidity to think the EU warranty would apply, and their discovery I didn't had any rights to give them a call, the support desk guy decided to help me out. He contacted his line manager to ask for a special treatment. And I got the special treatment, meaning: I was requested to bring my Macbook to the nearest Apple repair centre and I would get my camera fixed as if it was still under warranty! Within days I got my Macbook back from Apple with a well functioning camera module; This was in January 2015. They replaced the hardware card driving the display.

Excellent Service: Case #2

A little more than a year later, the camera failed again! I got a little pissed of, since this was already the second time the same thing happened. Knowing Apple gives 3 months warranty on any repaired hardware, and the USA as well the official EU warranty expired, I again decided to take the bold approach. I booked myself an appointment at the Genius Bar of one of the Apple Stores nearby.

Again I was helped in a very friendly way by Apple people. They understood the issue I was having with the camera, but they also told me the official rules of Apple and I was supposed to pay for the repair. At the same time they also mentioned to me my display showed a small issue with the anti reflective coating coming loose at 1 or 2 small spots at the side of the screen. After a brief talk with the management of the Apple store, I was offered a deal: I would pay 50% of the cost to repair the camera, and I was given a free replacement of the display. At that time, Apple was thinking of launching a screen replacement program, but was not officially launched, hence this was again a special treatment by Apple. Although, I felt it was unfair of Apple to let me pay for the repair of the camera module, I felt positive how I was supported by the Apple staff and a couple of days later returned home with a almost new Macbook again (new display + display case + camera module).

Excellent Service: Case #3

I don't clean my display to often, and when I do, I use some small cloth I also use to clean my glasses. The cloth is not that good and generally results in poor cleaning results; The reason I did not see the damages. Two weeks ago I decided to clean the display thoroughly after maybe more than a year, and I discovered yet another problem. The screen looked awful, with the anti reflective coating coming loose for most part of the screen. When working without direct sunlight on the screen, it was not really noticeable, other than the sharpness was a little less. But with direct sunlight on the screen, the visibility was so bad, it was not possible to work comfortably.

Remembering Apple was thinking of launching a display replacement program for those Macbook's that experienced the issue with the anti reflective coating, I tried to discover this repair program on Apple's website. However, I was not able to find it, and I got a little frustrated. Searching the Internet, I read from others having had same issues, Apple did actually launched the program and it runs until October 16th 2017, this Monday to be exact.

Quickly I tried to get an appointment with an Apple Store, but they greyed out such booking possibility at their websites, however they allowed me to make an appointment with one of their premium resellers and support 3rd party companies. This got me even more frustrated, since I wanted to talk with Apple directly.

When I got to the premium reseller, the guys at the shop immediately concluded the issue was what I thought it was, a major issue with the anti reflective coating. They also informed me they could not do anything for me since it would take 8 weeks before they could repair my laptop and this would be way after the replacement program would be terminated, hence they could not give me a free display replacement. Their advice was: Go to the Apple Store and get an appointment with them.

Little less than 15 minutes later I was talking with someone at the Genius Bar at the nearest Apple store and was advised to get into some emergence que at the store so they could investigate my case and provide me with solutions, on the spot. Finally after an hour or so, I was allowed at the Genius Bar and this very friendly Apple service guy was telling me that in normal circumstances I was not eligible for a display replacement, since I already got one, and the program didn't include a second time replacement. But, after checking further my history of my Macbook, this guy decided to give me another special treatment: He told me he would take my Macbook and give me a free replacement of the display. While he was executing the take-in procedure, he also gave me his screen cleaning cloth valued at around 20-30 US$ while saying to me: "Tuck it away quickly before someone else sees I give you my cloth". These cloths are expensive, I knew that. My laptop would be in repair for 5 days, calendar days he explained, but would very likely be 3 days. It was Friday afternoon, so I expected to get my laptop back on Monday or Tuesday.

Today, early morning, I got another positive surprise. I was requested to come the Apple store to pick up my Macbook. They apparently run a 24x7 service and my laptop was put into the fast lane. I'm writing this post looking at a brand new and bright and clear display having a great feeling about the Apple service provided to me. Yes, Apple may have it's downsides, but I can only feel 100% positive about the Service Apple gave me!

Apple may avoid paying taxes in most part of the world; Apple products may be on the expensive side; Apple may not communicate everything transparently; But Apple provides an EXCELLENT service to their customers!

I just wished others would do similar! I suppose, it is for a reason Apple products are expensive and since the experiences I had with my Macbook, I'll be likely to purchase more Apple products in the future! I never, ever seen such outstanding service levels with any other electronics products company.

Chapeau Apple!


follow me @edje
check out my music channel @qsounds


Wow, nice customer relations, just like you pointed out; hope other companies would adapt this fair and transparency in dealing with their customers.

I enjoyed the reading 📖 @edje

I think I got punished today!

Last week I used two times @booster service with 10 SBD each and got around 4$ of pre follow votes and around 10$ from @booster. Since I checked how much bids went in with the total value, I knew this time I would get a little less from @booster, but was hoping for the 4$ pre votes. HOWEVER, I only got less than 20ct gross post value on pre follow votes on @booster and around 8,8$ from @booster. The net result will be something lick 75% of 9$ = 6,75$ which is a direct loss of 3,25$ which is equal to 32,5%... This is considered a black weekday on stock exchanges, and even in cryptospace a devaluation of some coin with 30+% is considered a big loss.

Not sure what will come out of this boost, maybe some additional votes, but it seems I have not my luck day today.

I have had this experience with apple aswell, it's the way jobs wanted to show of the value to customers and part of strategy to see customers as hero of the brand, so they are automatically being ambasadors.. But it really stands out in my case they sounded like they were expecting me actually haha but got a new mb pro 15'' retina after i had only a week left o fmy guarantee note... really awesome.. goodpost btw

WOW, a complete new MB! That is really awesome!

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

This post has received a 12.00 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @edje.

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