Writing - a perspective

in #story6 years ago (edited)

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I have been thinking about writing quite a lot lately.

Maybe it's because of my commitment (to myself, anyway) that I would write a post every day on Steemit.

It's quite the challenge isn't it? Being interesting (or trying to be interesting, or at least telling yourself that you're interesting) day in, day out. One of the reasons I accepted the challenge was because of the advice that most, if not all, writers and texts on writing give: write every day.

Steemit is an extra challenge too, because of its very nature, everyone who is serious about posting (that is, who doesn't just post copy-and-paste memes or junk everyday etc) starts to develop their own style. Some limit themselves to a single topic. Crypto is popular here, for example. Some, like me, post whatever takes their fancy on the day, from poetry (or as I call them a steemofconsciousness) to short stories (often very short, and none the worse for that) or a series of stories (like my recent science fiction stories featuring Guzzi), or on specific topics like creativity or the joys of being a dad to an 8 year old girl ❤️.

And I find that I have developed a certain style depending on the type of post I am writing that day. For example, with the Guzzi stories, I attack each post like a snapshot of the plot of a larger story. These posts are kind of the essence of what a larger chapter would deliver. But whatever - I am finding the Guzzi series seriously fun.

Another reason that I have been thinking about writing a lot is that a publisher has asked me to submit the final draft of my novel for publication. I have made changes to a hardcopy, but not on my computer yet. Obviously their are no guarantees at this point, and probably loads more work to be done through the editing process, but I'm pretty happy with that. And then I am thinking that between having a full time job, being a full time dad, and writing posts on steemit every day, when will I find the time to do this?

And you know what? No. This is a challenge I will gladly accept.

Thank you for reading and being part of my great steemit experience.

✨ ✨ ✨

Picture by @drwom



@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!


Unfortunately in my experience how ever much you want to succeed it's a hard thankless task. No traditional publishing house will touch anybody new no matter how good the writing is, which for me has left me with the pay to publish option and I don't have the money, with no hope of getting it either. I've tried asking family, crowd funding, etc but nothing. Anyways be careful if the publisher is either Austin McCauley, Olympia, and the third I can't remember because they are vanity publishers. The first thing to look up is vanity publishers because there is alot of them

Love this post :) Congratualtions on the book opportunity, wishing you the best with it.

I try to vary my content a little, but my writing tends to have it's own way to it.

That's great, man. I'm trying to face challenges in my life the same way. If it's even remotely possible, I'll do it, and nothing is gonna stop me.

That said, I don't have kids! I imagine it takes even more to do everything at once when children are involved.

Congrats on being one step closer to publication!

I may have only challenged myself to write up at least 2 or 3 pieces a week but I feel where you're coming from! May the words be ever in our favor? Haha

It's a path to embrace. A journey to experience. When you start a new post - you have no idea where to go and where you'll end up. It unleashes your creativity and opens up doors to the wisdom and knowledge.

Thanks for sharing and have success in your way!

This was a lovely article DrWom. Nice to know a bit more about you and lovely that you shared your honest challenges regarding the writing process.. I can relate to some of this. Lovely reading, thanks and best of luck with pulling it all together x

although I should pay attention to this post with translate but this paper is very interesting for me. @drwom

Just try to do the best you can. I'm new here and I don't have much time for steemit but at least I try to devote some time on it every day, maybe 30 minutes, maybe 1 hour. And I know if I continue to do so I will end up having the results I want.

I know where you coming from @drwom.... me too, I made a commitment to post everyday just last week.... and it has been a challenge to say the least...all the best with your novel :)

It takes absolute determination to do something when you plan to do it. It's a very good idea to think of writing everyday, it's a nice one for you

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