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RE: Outwithye Olde, an Inn with a View

in #story8 years ago

I want to do you justice with my comment, but my brain is a bit tired today. I really love your descriptions, you create a setting masterfully and I love the philosophical nature of this, right up my alley :) I'm glad to see you posting. Also I've recently learned that the fiction tag is the one to use because they have people checking out everything that comes in there. And they can recommend authors to curating guilds ;)


Thank you for taking the time to comment, @dreemit! As you can see, comments come few whenever I post, so I appreciate every single one of them. I really wanted to encapsulate 2016 (which was the main character) in a one-shot story. It stretched far longer than I had hoped, but yeah. I threw in a lot of philosophical questions in there for the keen of eye, so I'm glad you already spotted some.

I've actually tagged it with fiction, but I don't know how much help it was. No curating guilds have backed it up yet, or they deemed it unworthy lol Anyway, yeah, this kind of turnout is what really discourages me from posting on this platform more frequently. That's why I'm a bit scared for the series that I'm going to announce soon. I guess I would spend way less time here once 2017 rolls in :)

I took a run down your page, and you have a number of well-paid posts...or at least to me they are, I don't think I broke twenty on any of mine yet. The trouble with not posting regularly is that you definitely have more of a chance of being overlooked. Actually the fiction tag has to be first apparently, rather than story which is what I've been using. It's a new thing, run by a few people, one of them is @baerdric so before you post your series you should write to him and let him know. Oh and if you tried to change your first tag to fiction, that doesn't work. It will look like it on your end, but I guess you can only change the other four.
But don't be discouraged, it's the repetition that will get you noticed. Make sure to use the same cover photo for every chapter of the series, like ezzy does, like I do now...I actually didn't in the beginning, then I changed it. Repetition once again :)
As for the comments, unless I make a post like the milestone, I rarely get a lot of comments either. I do more so when I comment on other people's posts shortly after I post mine, it makes them think of me or check on my page I'm guessing, but even that doesn't always do it. It seems like the only posts that get a great deal of feedback on a regular basis are the controversial ones or the ones that are involving the community like contests etc.

Thanks for the consolation, my friend. I really appreciate it :D I did have quite a few posts that earned well, and I'm very grateful for the success they received. But, that was when I was spending hours on Steemit. I was really putting in a lot of work then. Some might argue that it was too much effort with regard to the payout it received.

I'll keep the repetition advice in mind for the series. I've already created everything, actually. Though I plan to post it on a weekly basis to try and give them the best possible chance to individually earn.

My reputation has gone up a point because I had been 59 (or maybe 58.99999) ever since my last point lol! Maybe it just needed one more vote to put it over the edge.

With regard to followers though.. while I appreciate all of the followers, I'm very wary of that. Being in the software industry and dealing with analytics, I'm so used to thinking in terms of "active" users. Let's say I have 137 followers, but only 10 of those ever vote on my posts, then what's the use of the other 127 who don't even read my posts. It's even more disheartening considering that, as of writing, this post has only received 10 reads, many of which came from me. That means almost all of the votes were cast because users wanted to cash in, and didn't even bother to read. Which is a real shame.

My foremost wish is that people interact more, that's all there is. I guess I'm falling back on an old habit I (thought I) had kicked a few months ago. Maybe because I have been interacting on other people's post more often than before. This has happened to me several months ago, and I'm glad that you haven't suffered the same. Mainly, this is just anxiety born from doing things and expecting the same kind of treatment, which is a wrong mentality.

Don't get me wrong though, I appreciate each and every single vote I receive. I'm grateful for all the interaction I get, no matter how limited it may be. But, there's just a part of me that I can't shake, a part that thinks that my time would be better spent elsewhere. I'm not giving up, and I'm not even taking a hiatus like last time. I'm just going to spend less time on Steemit. Way less time than what I'm currently doing. I've spent too much time encouraging and appreciating others people's work, that I've been neglecting my own. It's a hard pill to swallow that my posts don't receive the same treatment.

Thanks for the pep talk, @dreemit, I mean it when I say that I appreciate every single second you spent writing it :D

I'd also like to point out that you have nearly triple the followers than you are following. That's impressive. You shouldn't give up so easy, even your reputation has gone up a point since we met, and that's without posting too much. If your wish is that you get on the trending page and make over a hundred bucks, I don't think I've ever seen fiction do that well, so you'd probably have to post non-fiction.

Immediately after I replied, @curie backed the post up and it has since picked up STEEM. Thanks for your supportive words, my friend. I shall keep everything in mind for the upcoming series :D

Nice!! Great to see that :)

I think that surge is going to hold steady as it is now, but that's okay. Thanks for the pep talk. I really appreciate it :D

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