The Adventures of BitCoin Girl : Chapter 5. Drawing The Line

in #story6 years ago

What started out as a innocent and friendly chat, turned into something much worse.

"Did the Bucket just say 'To the Moon'?" Naomi asked with hesitation. She had let herself get excited about space adventures before. She had dreamed about being aboard Virgin Galactic with the Winklevoss Twins, or Winkvii, as she liked to adoringly call them. But, so far, that has been nothing but a let down.


"To the actual Moon?", as her voice tried to hold back her excitement with a heavy does of skepticism.

"Well, not physically to the Moon. More of a state of mind.", responded the Crazy Man, who looked as if he was perturbed at the Bucket and the Llama for giving out plot spoilers in the popcorn line. "I'm sure you have heard the expression in the crypto-currency world. It means that a coin is reaching new heights, maybe to the point of actually selling and running away with huge profits." Naomi may have heard the term before, but it seemed as if she hadn't heard the Crazy Man at all. She was looking around the pink covered room floor and then looked back up and screamed.

"Awww, kitties!!"

Once again the Crazy Man gave a disappointed look at the Bucket and the Lama. He may have even gave a searing glance towards Janne, who was supposed to keep the room safe for Naomi, but who would think that kittens would be a danger. What worry would it be for a few kittens to be running around the Pink Pillow Room in all of their cuteness. In fact, it would almost seem fitting for such a place.


"Are they coming out of the Llama!?!" Naomi's gleeful moment started to turn into a serious tone. She started staring closely at the Llama as it had stopped its normal hopping skipping routine and was now doing sort of a stumbling meandering around the room. It would suddenly stop and tilt its head to one side and give a look as if it was staring at something funny. A big smile would come on to its face and its eyes would glaze over. The Llama's stomach would expand and then quickly contract.

"OH MY GOD!! THEY ARE COMING OUT OF HIS BUTT!!" Naomi dropped one of the kittens she was holding and covered her face with her hands, just barely cracking the fingers open to peer one eye out. It was hard to tell if she was laughing or crying at the new found discovery. The Crazy Man held up his hands in a gesture for Naomi to calm down. "No, let's not go crazy. This is just how things happen here." His voice was calm, but tinged with anger, like a pre-school teacher who had just seen her last soiled pants that she was going to take.

Naomi took a step backwards and the single visible eye seemed to grow.


"THE BUCKET JUST ATE ONE OF THE KITTENS!", she screamed as if she had the leading role in an Alfred Hitchcock suspense movie. Naomi covered her mouth up and started walking around in circles with her body bent over while making a wavering crying and hacking noise.

The Crazy Man spoke loudly to get above Naomi's hysterical noise making. "Let's all just stop for a moment and calm down. The kittens are fine. Everything is fine. Why don't we talk about 'To the Moon' some more?" He swiftly turned to the Bucket and yelled, "Humans don't eat kittens. At least normal humans." The Bucket put down the remaining kittens in his hands and what was possibly a look of sadness, because it was hard to judge the Bucket's emotions, only having two eye holes for expression, then said, "I am human."

At that point, the Llama noticed that Naomi and shouted "Who has upset the Queen!?!" The Bucket lifted his arm and pointed back at the Llama, which made the Llama stop for a moment and then as if nothing had happened, he began skipping and bouncing around the room.

In the corner of the room that some how remained clear of the mess, Naomi's staggering narrowed down to just turning back and forth and tapping her toes. After what seemed like minutes, she lifted her head, put her hands on her hips, took a deep breath in and then nodded.


"Yes, let's focus on something else." Naomi's voice was quivering a little almost at the verge of crying or shouting.

The Crazy Man cleared his voice and spoke clearly and loudly, in hopes to drown out the commotion happening in the room. "Okay. I have come up with a calculation to determine when a crypto-coin will reach 'To The Moon' status. This will allow investors to know how far along their favorite coin is to reaching 'To The Moon'. For example, the benchmark coin, BitCoin. "

As soon as the Crazy Man finished his sentence it seemed as if a thousand squawking birds landed inside the room. The birds were wearing little uniforms with the letter 'B' on them, but it was a 'B' melded with a '$' sign. At first they were split into two groups with the ones wearing yellow orange 'B''s on the left and the green 'B' wearing ones on the right. But, as the fever pitch got louder, a bird from one side would swoop over and peck at a bird at the other side. Then a retaliation would happen from the side that was attacked. In minutes the entire ceiling of the room was filled with birds flying around pecking at each other to the point that it was hard to tell which one was on which side.

Naomi looked up at the scene and then sat down. Her roller coaster of emotions had now reached to sadness. Her once peaceful and flowery smelling room had been overwhelmed by anger and musk. The chaos of the room was enough to make even the happiest girl go blue, dark blue. Like a dress worn to an opera show that while elegant, didn't really live up to expectations.


As Naomi sat there, hoping to understand what was going on and hoping that everyone would just focus on her, she looked up and noticed that the Crazy Man was mysteriously missing. The Llama changed into a stripped outfit and started body slamming some of the birds and kittens. The Bucket was wearing climbing gear and was staring at a pole in the middle of the room.
Could the room get back under control.
Would promises of the past lead to actual action in the future?

She needed to get to a happy place, she need to shake it off. She pulled out her phone and flipped through her music library and stopped on her favorite Taylor Swift song and pressed play. be continued.

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