in #story6 years ago

::::::::::::::::::::::DECLASSIFIED 10/25/2055::::::::::::::::::::::::

On February 20th, 2018, Mark Gottesman went missing during a hike in the Sesquapeka mountain range abutting route I-84 near Jericho Junction Oregon. A search was conducted by the Oregon state Park Rangers and local authorities, but no sign of Mr. Gottesman was discovered.

In February 2019, a local hunter found a cell phone on the shoulder of I-84. After further investigation it was determined the phone belonged to Mark Gottesman.

A search of the phone's contents revealed the following text messages sent by Mr. Gottesman to his friend, Joshua Harris. The un-redacted content of those text messages is presented here in their entirety.

2/21/18 4 - 7:32pm

Josh, I'm lost dude.

Dude, seriously, I'm lost out here. No idea where my trail went.

Yo are u getting these bro? It's fucking freezing out here.


2/22/18 - 2:56pm

Dude, I don't think my others texts sent, but I don't know u could have got them. I spent the night in a cave dude.like legit. CALL THE POLICE.

2/23/18 - 3:12pm

Fuck!!!!!!!!!!! Why do I have no fucking serviceanfejeiejfrjrjj3uurrjek

2/28/18 - 4:02pm


3/13/18 - 11:48pm

Hey dude. I'm sending you this from a shelter inside my cave. If you see Mr. Harris at some point, you can thank him for me. Five years of boy scouts is saving my fucking life.

Had to scare a bear away. That was scary as shit. Literally, man.

Funny thing, I don't get service or gps out here, but this fucking solar charher you got me is pretty fuckin baller.

You're looking for me. I know you are. I know you sent someone. I told you I was out here. Didn't I tell you that?

5/21/18 - 3:45pm


it's been three months man. Two of them fucking cold months.

I don't understand how I haven't been found. I've been running it in my head for days. I was on the blue trail out of Sesquapeka. It runs the length of I-84, and it's surrounded by roads in a triangle. I remember looking at the map.

but i never passed a road man. I know I didn't. And i search for it, you know? Like i put together packs of dry meat, some furs, and i go on day hikes. There's no roads. I don't fucking get it.

5/27/2018 - 10:15pm

Thought i saw a plane today buddy. It was huge, a giant shadow in the sky. Started screaming at it, jumping around like a madman. I realized I hadn't spoken, like talked out loud, in a couple of weeks

anyway, so I'm hollering at it and jumping around, and then a cloud blocks the sun and I see it clearer.

It was a bald eagle. I guess... i dont know dude. I thought i saw a plane.

But that's weird too man. They're extinct in this region. You remember that, right? The last one died in High School, there was a whole article abot it, it was chipped and everything. So what the fuck was a bald eagle doing here?

7/24/18 - 3:37pm

Been a while man. Long time.

I guess i have less to say. To be honest looking at the phone, picking it up, its painful dude. I keep on surviving -ore than that. Im thriving i guess. Im building a cabin. Just bored. So why not.

I know what your thinking - where'd he get the tools? I found a shed. Like a month ago. It was a shack really. And there was a saw inside, a hammer.

But they were old looking man. And not like aged. I mean they were in great shape. They just looked like an old fashioned design, like they were made by some guy in a fucking bellows.

josh i frel like im going crazy. I feel like i know what happened, but, its crazy. Am i crazy?

11/23/2018 - 2:23pm

saw a person today! I saw someone. They saw me! I know it was a person josh. They ran off. Couldnt get a good lo ok yelled and yelled but they didnt come back BUT A PERSON MAN!

2/21/2019 - 12:01pm

Hey man. Long time no talk. Things are better now. I've been, distracted. I think this is the last message I'm going to need to send.

I really don't know why I even sent them as long as i did, let alone why i'd feel the need to explain what's happened to you.

but, I'm not alone anymore. And im not dead. But, Im not there, with you... that's why there were no roads...and the eagle... old saws.

look man - i know it sounds crazy - and i'm not gonna say it. If i say what i think happened to me, then im afraid I'll lose what i have now. Just - I'm with people - they refer to themselves as Abenaki.

My phone puts the date on automatically - but it's just a fucking phone.

A few days ago we rode to the shore and there was a boat about half a mile out. There weren't any buildings. The boat had sails.

yo. You get me man. Thanks for listening, i guess. And for this baller charger. It doesn't belong here though. So I'm gonna leave it in the cave.

for real though - i guess - just tell my folks i'm sorry and i love them.

thanks man. I'll talk to you later..

If you enjoyed this, check out my other shorts:

[Photo Source]By Joaquín Vancells [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The posts on this blog are mostly the results of my r/writingprompts responses. To view my other stories on Reddit check out my developing sub there r/LFTM

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